"What time is it? Why is the sun so big? " Xiang Tianlan rolled on the bed, his eyes were not opened, and then stretched a big stretch.

"It's 7:30 now. Get up quickly. Aunt Li must have made breakfast. I'll go down first. Hurry up." She patted Tianlan again to wake her up. Then she went downstairs first. She ate breakfast very slowly, and she would not catch up with Tianlan later.

After she went down, Aunt Li had already put breakfast on the table at her usual time, just set it up.

Today I had a Chinese breakfast, steamed buns with soybean milk and fried dough sticks, and a little fried noodles.

"Where's your friend, ma'am?"

"She's just got up. Let's wait ten minutes. She'll be down soon."

Aunt Li nodded, and then continued to wait in the kitchen. Sure enough, nearly ten minutes later, Xiang Tianlan, who was already dressed, came down slowly. She sat opposite He Qiao Qiao and looked at the breakfast table.

"He Qiaoqiao, your life is really luxurious. There are so many kinds of breakfast. I usually buy some steamed buns on the road and eat them while walking."

Xiang Tianlan recalled his usual life. Compared with He Qiao's, it's too bad. After that, she filled herself with porridge, and then held the fried dough sticks in her other hand. At this time, Aunt Li came out of the kitchen.

"Miss Xiang, is my breakfast still to your taste? I don't know what kind of breakfast you like, so I made a Chinese breakfast on my own, thinking that most people can accept it. "

After all, eating people's mouth is short, holding people's hands soft. Aunt Li's attitude is not good for Tianlan, and it's not good for her face.

"Well, yes, it's delicious. I can eat anything."

"Come on, eat quickly. After eating, we're going to start. I don't know if we'll be in a traffic jam. The road conditions are good and bad now."

He nodded to Tianlan and then speeded up the breakfast. After breakfast, they took their own things and immediately got on the bus. Fortunately, today's road condition was pretty good. He Qiaoqiao arrived at the office half an hour earlier than usual. There was really no one in the office, even director Wang.

She went to the tea room first and poured herself a cup of warm water. Then she took a few vitamins, which Xiao Zhang prescribed for her.

About her pregnancy, she plans to tell director Wang first, so that he can have a psychological preparation. In about two or three months, she may have to take maternity leave. If the company doesn't let her take a rest, she can also resign. It's not a matter for her, but she should tell her supervisor in advance, and then she should find a good person to replace her.

It's eight o'clock now. I'm afraid Gu Lingtian has arrived in the conference room. He Qiao was not easy to disturb him, so she started her own work.

About ten minutes later, she received a wechat from Xiang Tianlan, saying that she had arrived at the company, with a series of exclamation marks attached to the back, expressing her excitement about the feeling that someone was picking her up to and from work.

He Qiao replied with a smile, and then continued to look at the file on the computer.

Today, after director Wang arrived at the company, he was surprised to see that the door and light of the office had been opened.

"Qiao Qiao, why did you arrive so early today, earlier than me? I still said, how could someone be earlier than me? If that person is you, then it's no surprise."

He Qiaoqiao said hello to Director Wang with a smile. Then director Wang went back to his room, and he Qiaoqiao followed him.

After director Wang put the bag, He Qiao stood at the door of his office, stunned for a moment, and then waved to her to come in.

"What's the matter? What can I do for you? It's like you want to talk and stop. "

"Well, yes, I must tell director Wang about me."

"Come on, sit down and say, why do you look so serious?"

Director Wang sits down, so he Qiaoqiao sits down in the chair opposite him. She has already made up her speech on the way here, so now she just needs to say it as she just thought.

"Director Wang, you may not know that I am married. However, I have just checked out, and I have been pregnant for two months

"So it is. I didn't expect you to get married at a young age. Few girls are willing to get married at such a young age. After all, it's a big event, but you have to go with your partner all your life. You said you were pregnant. Do you want to leave the company? "

He Qiaoqiao has just negotiated a big order. It's certainly not good for her to leave the company now. Even though he Qiaoqiao has only been on such a short shift for a few days, director Wang can see that she is very talented. Although she is a little more reserved and slow, she can still deal with interpersonal relationships, Sometimes this kind of character is more pleasing than the one that is easy to get familiar with others, because people with this kind of character feel more stable.

He takes he Qiaoqiao as the key object to cultivate. If he Qiaoqiao wants to leave now, his company will lose a talent“ We are now vigorously expanding our business in South America, so there is a great shortage of talents in Spain. If you have such a good performance, we are definitely not willing to let you go. Otherwise, although you are pregnant now, you can also take maternity leave. We can reserve your position for you and come back to work after you have a baby, What do you think? " It can be said that director Wang's idea coincides with that of he Qiaoqiao. He Qiaoqiao originally thought so, but she didn't expect that director Wang would keep her so actively. She thought she had to fight for it and prepared a set of speeches. However, since director Wang has already said so, there is no need for her to come up with that set of words. She has asked Gu Lingtian about it before. Gu Lingtian said that if the boss believes in you and offers better treatment, she can accept it confidently and let her think that you have the responsibility and the ability. In this way, you are a necessary person for the company. So Xiang Hong Hui quickly entered the scene and pretended to think about the proposal of director Wang.