"I'll go back first. I'll go to your house some other day. How can my wife go on a tour with the tour group?"

The old man waved to the old man with a smile, and then he Qiaoqiao continued to push the old man forward. Fortunately, this side is downhill, so it's OK to go. It doesn't take much effort at all.

"Grandfather, who was that old man just now? It seems that he has extraordinary bearing. He should not be an ordinary person

"People who can live in this area are not ordinary people. Along the way, almost every child's power or financial resources account for half of the sky. Just now, his son is the highest officer now. He retired from that position. So he is still in good health. When he was young, his physical foundation was good, like me, When I was young, I had to do business, so now I can only end up like this. "

After that, he coughed twice as if he was cooperating. The old man just now was the highest officer when she was young. He Qiao Qiao had never been in touch with military and political things, so these things were very far away for her.

"In the future, I'll take you to visit all these places one by one, so that you can accumulate some contacts. When you encounter any difficulties in the future, you know who to ask for help. They are basically my old friends, and will help if you have any difficulties."

He Qiao Qiao's eyes were sour and nodded. Has the old man thought about all these things so soon?

As she continued to walk down, the old man introduced to her what people were in the room. It's true that they were not simple people. If anyone's name was picked up, everyone would be shocked.

Indeed, birds of a feather flock together. Such a group of people with the same social status will gather in this place. However, it is true that there is no other place better than this place. It is beautiful and far away from the city center. It is a replica of paradise. In other words, she would like to enjoy her old age here.

Accompany the old man to the end of the road, there is a very large lake, on which there are several white swans swimming leisurely, the lake is very calm, she will fix the old man's wheelchair, and then sit on the next chair.

She has just sent a message to Gu Lingtian, asking him to come here. Otherwise, she can't push Gu Lingtian back alone because there are so many uphill roads on the way back. So they sit here waiting for Gu Lingtian.

"By the way, pretty, how is your father now? I heard Gu Lingtian say that he is still living in the ward? "

He Qiao sighed gently, then nodded. Before, it was full of helplessness and bewilderment.

"Yes, he has been in that position and lying in the ward for a long time. The doctor said he didn't know how long it has been like this. It may have been like this all his life." At this point, He Qiao's tone fell down again.

She also thought about whether to let her father leave. This may be the best respect for him. After all, if he lives like this, he may have to live like this for a lifetime, but he can't rest in peace.

The old man is also a person who has seen all kinds of storms. Seeing he Qiao's expression, he knows her inner thoughts. It's hard for honest officials to break household chores. Feelings can't be measured by rational thinking. After all, people are a very contradictory individual.

"Qiao Qiao, don't think too much about it. Anyway, we will pay for your father's medical expenses all the time. Now the doctor doesn't say that he has no hope at all, so let's continue the treatment. Maybe one day he will wake up and be full of hope."

Hearing that the old man comforted her like this, what reason could he Qiao continue to be depressed? So I had to nod.

"Don't worry, grandfather. I won't lose heart."

Behind him came the sound of constant footsteps. He Qiao looked back and found that Gu Lingtian was running to this side. There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, which seemed to be running all the way.

"How did you go so far? I didn't see you all the way. I thought I had missed you. "

Gu Lingtian goes to He Qiao, and He Qiao can feel the heat coming to him immediately. It's about eight o'clock, it's about seven o'clock now. The sun is coming out slowly. Through the dense branches, sprinkle a little spot of light.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"No, go back to eat. After breakfast, running may cause stomachache."

"Well, let's go back. Grandpa, we're back. We'll take you for a walk next time. "

So Gu Lingtian pushed the old man's wheelchair, and He Qiao followed him slowly. The sun came out, and the birds were awake, chirping and shuttling from tree to tree.

"This kind of life is really comfortable. I don't have to work or worry about anything. I take a walk every day, shower flowers, cook and accompany my family. Ling Tian, will you accompany me to live such a boring life in the future? "

"I have already said that when I am with you, life is not boring at all. Life is supposed to be plain, no matter how vigorous it is, in the end, it should be attributed to firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea."

"You smelly boy have a good consciousness. I'm relieved to hear that. You two must live a good life." All of a sudden, the old man inserted into their conversation without any gap. The three people talked and laughed side by side and walked back to their hometown all the way. Leisure time is always very fast. I spent a morning in the yard with Aunt Wang. In the afternoon, Gu Lingtian was dealing with some documents in the study, and he Qiaoqiao brought a plate of fruit“ I've been reading the documents for so long. Take a rest and eat some fruit, otherwise it's bad for your eyes. " Gu Lingtian took off his glasses very obediently, then got up and went to the window to have a look at the green water and green mountains“ I may go to Korea the day after tomorrow and stay there for one night. "“ Ah... So fast, OK. One night anyway. I was thinking that when you were free, you would accompany me back to my home. There were some things that I used to have when I was a child. I was going to pack them up and bring them over. "“ Recently, I may not be free. Even if I stay in China, I will work overtime in the company until very late. I'm so sorry. I'll arrange a driver to take you there. " Although he Qiaoqiao is a little bit disappointed, Gu Lingtian has his own work to be busy and has no way. But he hopes to invest in the second half of the year to go back together and have a look at the environment he lived in when he was a child“ Well, it doesn't matter. If you can't go back this time, will you have a chance next time? Then you can work in peace. Now you want to make money to support me and baby Gu Lingtian is very happy that he Qiao is so considerate“ Don't worry. I'll try my best to spend time with you. "