"Mr. Pan, why are you here?" Since he Qiao knew Gu Lingtian's identity last time, Pan Yue is no longer a friend to her. Now for her, he Qiaoqiao is an important customer of her company. She is also a person she can't offend, who can't cross the distance.

Pan Yue watched he Qiao treat him respectfully. Although this kind of etiquette is very good, there is a little discomfort in his heart. Both of them have met so many times. Although they haven't talked deeply, they can be regarded as people who have experienced many things together. However, He Qiao is more indifferent to him than a stranger, This is contrary to his original purpose.

"One of my uncles was ill and hospitalized, so we came to see him. When we came out, we saw you standing at the door, so we came to say hello to you."

He Qiao nodded, laughed and thought to leave first. After all, she had nothing to say to Pan Yue. If others saw it, there might be some gossip.

"In that case, Mr. Pan, I'll go first." Seeing that he Qiaoqiao is going to leave, Pan Yue is also anxious, so he directly holds her wrist. He Qiaoqiao seems to be suddenly scalded by something, and shakes Pan Yue away with great force. Then she feels that it's very impolite.

"Mr. Pan, I'm sorry, but there are so many people here in the hospital. Mr. Pan, you are so famous. If someone else can photograph you, I'm afraid there will be some bad news for you."

He Qiaoqiao remembered that Pan Yue, who was seen in the magazine this morning, was the same person in front of her. Her eyes were still so gentle. However, she remembered that conversation with Pan Yue at the seaside. It seemed that she should be a very talented person, right? Otherwise, she would not know so many things and say that to her, It's like Gu Lingtian is his biggest opponent.

Anyway, she and Gu Lingtian are husband and wife, and now they really love each other, so she will definitely stand on Gu Lingtian's side.

Pan Yue listened to He Qiao's unfamiliar tone and compared with the previous alienated attitude, slightly frowned.

"I'm not afraid. What happens when you get photographed? Anyway, I didn't go to the newspaper once or twice. "

Both of them have excellent looks. Standing in the crowded hospital, she naturally attracts a lot of people's attention. He Qiaoqiao doesn't want to be surrounded by people like this, but she also knows that her conversation with Pan Yue can't end like this, so she wants to find another place.

"Mr. Pan, let's not stand here. If you have anything to say, let's go to the stairwell and say it."

She is not a fool. After several contacts, she can be sure that Pan's approach to her has a purpose. Last time when he was at the seaside, Pan Yue once said that he wanted to fight Gu Lingtian, but he really liked he Qiaoqiao. No matter what the purpose was, he Qiaoqiao couldn't accept it, so she wanted to explicitly refuse Pan Yue.

Two people go to the stairwell. It's quiet in the stairwell.

"Mr. Pan..."

"Can you stop calling me Mr. Pan? We are not in the company now, and I am not the president of Pan's group. I just hope to get along with you as your friend. If you continue to call me Mr. Pan, it would be too strange."

He Qiao has no choice, is it so obvious? But the two of them didn't know each other well.

"Mr. Pan, don't do that. You know the relationship between us. I'm Gu Lingtian's wife, and you're Gu Lingtian's nemesis. You don't have to guess who I'm on. I think it's better for us to keep a certain distance, both for the public and for the private. "

"Can't even friends keep a distance? You forget, do you still owe me a meal? I've helped you so many times, and you're not going to thank me with anything substantial? "

If he Qiaoqiao didn't know that Pan Yue had another purpose, she would think that Pan Yue's family was very poor and had no money to eat, so she would come here every day to ask her for this meal.

"Mr. Pan is right. I really didn't thank Mr. Pan well. If my husband and I are free one day, let's thank Mr. Pan for his help."

At this time, he Qiaoqiao's mobile phone rings. She looks down and notices that the obstetrics and gynecology department informs her that she can get her report in the past. She was confused by Pan Yue, and was immediately replaced by excitement and uneasiness. She felt her heart thumping and began to beat violently.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Pan. I have other things to do now, so I'll leave first. As for that meal, Mr. Pan is waiting for me to take the initiative to contact you. Please don't talk to me in private. After all, there is a big gap between us. It's better for us to keep a relationship that we don't know each other in front of outsiders. "

After that, without any pause, he turned and went downstairs. The gynecological floor was three floors lower than this one, so it was much faster to go down than waiting for the elevator.

Pan Yue also wanted to hold He Qiao Qiao's hand just like that, but he caught the air. He kept that posture for a few seconds, then slowly put it down, as if he had lost an important thing in his heart.

He is very unconvinced. Why do you want to treat him like this and not let him get what he wants, but let all his enemies get it. But he was never a person who would give up easily, otherwise he would not be the president of Pan's group today, so he followed He Qiao. He Qiaoqiao took her medical report, which was in brown paper, but she did not dare to open it. She sat on the blue chair in the crowded corridor, with the leather bag on her legs, and her fingers entangled. At this time, a pregnant woman passed by. It should have been seven or eight months. She was very big. Her husband helped her and walked slowly to the office. They were both very happy. The woman's hand touched her stomach slowly, as if she were the happiest mother in the world, The kind of maternal love flowing out of the face is naturally revealed, and nothing can be installed. In fact, he Qiaoqiao didn't plan to have children before, because she is so young and just graduated from university. This is the time when she needs to struggle most in her life. Now, there is a child that will undoubtedly become a fetter for her. After having a child, she will definitely be unable to work when she is pregnant in October. Finally, she has to take care of the child, so she has to wait for the child to go to school, Keep working when you have time.