"Well, I believe you. I know your intention is good, but I hope you can explain these things to me as soon as possible. I don't want to be kept in the dark or excluded from you. I married you, and I hope to know all your family members. However, your mother is such an important existence for you that we have not been recognized by her. This is one of my great regrets. "

He Qiao said so, and then put her hand on Gu Lingtian's hand, hold his hand tightly, and pass on the power to him.

"So I hope you can think about it as soon as possible and tell me about it. At that time, we will go to your mother's place to see her and ask for her blessing for us

Ask for your blessing? I don't know if his mother's spirit in heaven will see this scene, and I don't know if his mother will approve of their love? After all, he was with He Qiao for revenge at the beginning. In fact, he and He Qiao almost became brothers and sisters.

He sighed, but in any case, he was very grateful for He Qiao's tolerance and patience. He knew that in this relationship, he paid a little less. At the beginning, he was working all day, and there were always many things hidden behind him, but he still chose to trust him so wholeheartedly, which made Gu Lingtian very moved and cherish he more.

"Well, I promise you. I will introduce you to our mother and ask her to bless us. " He Qiao nodded with a smile, and the unhappy atmosphere between the two disappeared in an instant.

"But... Do you plan to make our relationship public?"

In the past, he didn't disclose his relationship because he didn't love he Qiaoqiao, so he didn't want to be tied with he Qiaoqiao. But now he and he Qiaoqiao must really love each other. Moreover, he hopes to announce to the whole world that he Qiaoqiao is his person, and he doesn't want other people to pester him, so he wants to make it public.

But he Qiaoqiao didn't think about this. After all, she just graduated from university and worked. If she told others that she was married, others would be very surprised. If everyone knew that she was married to the president of Tangtang Gu group, her image would be solidified, and she would certainly not live in peace, let alone go out to work.

So he Qiao still has some reservations about this matter. He didn't want to hold the title when he was so young. In this way, other people will feel that he Qiao Qiao is Mrs. Gu instead of others. In this way, she doesn't have any value.

"I don't have this idea for the moment, because I just worked for a short time. If I make it public now, they will treat me differently. Besides, you are still in the stage of chasing me. If you make it public so soon, won't it give you a big advantage? "

Gu Lingtian thought about it. He really didn't think about what he just thought. He only thought about himself, but didn't think about He Qiao. He Qiao is a very independent person. She certainly doesn't want to be tied up by others, let alone her husband.

Gu Lingtian used to be such a person. He desperately wanted to prove himself and get out of the cage of Gu group. When many people heard that he was the successor of Gu group, they would attribute all his achievements to his identity. They never saw his efforts behind his back. So he Qiao's current mood and thoughts, he can understand.

"Just now, I didn't think about it comprehensively enough. Let's wait until I really catch up with you. Or when you want to make it public. After all, you need to know that your husband is robbed by many people. Don't you want to swear sovereignty in advance? "

Because the two people's atmosphere these two days are a little embarrassed, so Gu Lingtian wants to make a joke to ease the atmosphere.

"The declaration of sovereignty does not mean that you can do what you want. Even if I say you are mine, but your heart does not belong to me, others can still take the opportunity to enter. You know what? I believe in a word, the right people will stay in the end, no matter how many setbacks and sufferings, the real right people will stay in each other's side in the end. So in this love, we should not think too much about each other, follow our own heart to do, let time to test whether we are right for each other, if not, then we wish each other, but if so, I am happy to spend the rest of my life with you. "

Gu Lingtian saw that he Qiaoqiao was so serious, so he restrained his joking attitude. He really wanted to be with him. Although there were still many difficulties in front of them, he believed that the two of them would join hands to overcome one difficulty after another and finally move towards their bright future.

"I also believe that even if I am not the right person in the end, I will turn myself into the right person, and I will be by your side for the rest of my life."

Gu Lingtian suddenly talks about such sensational words. He Qiao is not used to it. Another bus drives away, and there are no fewer people on the bus stop.

"Well, let's go to the company quickly, or I'll be late. I don't want to be an intern. I'll be fired on the third day. Today, I'm officially on duty."

When they talked about the matter for a while, the atmosphere relaxed a lot, and they returned to the previous mode of getting along. Although there are still some topics that can't be touched, they are back to normal. They chat with each other and soon arrive at the door of the company“ I'll pick you up this afternoon and send me a text message when you get off work. " Today, he Qiaoqiao plans to go to the hospital after work to check whether she is pregnant or not. Although she knows that it's not possible, after all, she hasn't been pregnant with Gu Lingtian for a long time, she still wants to have a check. At least some hopes are good. If she can't, she may have to consider tonifying her body. After all, she knows that she is too thin, It may not be very good to get pregnant. She doesn't want to let Gu Lingtian and the old man down. So I want to go to the hospital to have a check. If the check is pregnant, then of course everyone is happy. But if she is not pregnant, then the disappointment is on her own“ No, I may have dinner with my colleagues this afternoon, so you can go back first. I'll just take a taxi myself. "