He Qiaoqiao is still a little nervous. After all, it's her first time to come out to look for a job. Whatever it is, it's novel for her. She doesn't want to be late for the first interview and leave a bad impression.

Although she seems to have no desire or desire in other people's eyes, she still hopes to do well what she wants to do.

"Well, this company is very close to my husband's company. If you enter this company, you can go to work with my husband directly. If my husband knows, he will be very happy."

Lao Zhang was recognized after seeing the address. This street is near the city center. It's two blocks away from Gu Lingtian's company. It's very close. It's about 15 minutes' walk.

Hearing Lao Zhang say this, He Qiao reluctantly smiles.

She doesn't know how hard it is to rebuild her trust in a person, but she knows that her heart is full of holes, and she can't accept any kindness or compensation for the time being.

Some things may only be cured by time.

Because it's working time, there is still a little traffic jam on the busiest road. He Qiaoqiao arrived at the company half an hour before the interview, and there are several people waiting in line. So he Qiaoqiao sat on the bench outside, waiting for her name to be called.

She went through the information about the company and recited several key questions. Next, it's her turn. She's a little nervous and puts all the information back into her bag. Then she takes a deep breath and shows her most perfect and confident smile.

Soon, the girl in front of her also came out of the office. This company is also a big company, so many people came to interview. Moreover, he seems to have many requirements for recruitment. The faces of the interviewers who just saw her coming out just now don't look very good.

He Qiao was a little nervous. When her name was called, she agreed, and then walked slowly. Not to mention anything else, with her pretty appearance, when she went in, everyone's eyes were attracted by her.

Her figure is very good, although hidden in such a formal and a little boring clothing, can reflect her personal temperament and slender figure.

What's more surprising is that he Qiaoqiao, who attended the reception with Gu Lingtian and Xie Ke'er, was the daughter of he group.

So before the interview, the interviewers began to whisper, and the discussion was very vigorous. He Qiao gave a wry smile when she saw this. Mei would suffer such attention when she came to a company these days.

She has been used to staying in the villa for several months. She has forgotten that she is a very strange existence in the eyes of outsiders.

Of course, she is also very calm, after all, she did not do anything bad, so she does not care about the eyes of these people, as long as she does well, then she is worthy of herself.

"Miss he? I'm the manager of human resources department. My name is Liu. Please introduce yourself first

The man sitting in the middle looks about 40 years old, wearing a pair of black framed glasses, looking very calm. When other people are whispering, he has been quietly looking at he Qiaoqiao. Although there are very different eyes around, he Qiaoqiao is very calm, as if she has seen a lot of such things. The confident smile on her face has never disappeared, her posture is very appropriate, and her action is very natural.

"Hello, manager Liu. Hello, interviewers. My name is he Qiaoqiao. I graduated from Spanish Department."

Finally, he Qiaoqiao introduced her school age and her internship experience in her junior year and senior year, because he Qiaoqiao had won a scholarship in her junior year, studied in Spain for half a year, and had half a year's overseas experience, so she had more advantages in this job competition.

In addition, he Qiaoqiao has such a good image, so after listening to her self introduction, all the interviewers nodded their heads one after another, showing their admiration in their eyes.

What they know about He Qiao Qiao is just seen in the entertainment newspaper. Wearing the red suspender skirt, she can suck a man's soul with every smile. But as the saying goes, beauty lies in her bones but not in her playfulness, so when they see the manner of her speech, they admire her even more.

Sure enough, they are the people who come from big families, and their bearing and speech are very extraordinary. It can be said that he Qiaoqiao's professional level can absolutely meet their requirements.

Finally, they asked a few questions about the development of their company, and he Qiaoqiao answered them one by one. These things were all written in the strategy. She just had to recite them. At the end of the interview, manager Liu suddenly asked a question from He Qiao.

"Miss He, it's like this. We all know that you are the daughter of the group. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. I believe that the he group can still support miss he. Then why did miss he choose to work? What's more, you should be good friends with the president of Gu group, so why don't you choose to go directly to a position in their company? Do you have to work hard to come here for an interview? Is there anything in our company that appeals to you in particular? "

After so many problems, Ho Shao Qiao has gradually relaxed. So when she had some personal problems at the last time, she laughed playfully. Her attitude was totally different from that just now. On the contrary, she made the people on the scene interested“ First of all, I want to say that I applied for your company because I applied for many companies. Your company just sent me an interview invitation, so I came here for an interview. Before I came here, I only knew that your company was a famous company, but I didn't know exactly what it was like. Secondly, although I was the daughter of he group, But I am also a person with personal values“ I spent four years in university learning such a language, although I hope he is sad and provides me with some value for this society. As for me and the president of Gu group, I have nothing to do with him, so it's impossible to go through the back door. Is it still up to me? I believe all of you here can sit in this position by your own efforts. " These words are very direct, not tactful at all, but they are also very concise and clear. Manager Liu smiles after listening to them, and then stands up to shake hands with He Qiao“ OK, miss he. Thank you for your time and the result of the interview. You will be informed later. " He Qiao also said thanks to him, and then left.