"If Jiang Jiameng didn't plan on me, maybe your mother wouldn't forgive me. Maybe I and your mother wouldn't be like this, would they?" Yi Jiangyuan sighed.

Regret ah, really regret!

Yi Ruyan sipped her lips, and she knew that Yi Jiangyuan hated them for having something to do with Wen Xueer.

"Dad, things have passed. It's no use thinking about them now. Otherwise, you can forgive them. After so many things, maybe their hearts have regretted and are willing to change. I don't want to watch you live alone. I still say that Yi Rushi is your own daughter." Yi Ruyan advised Yi Jiangyuan.

"No way, I can't forgive them." Yi Jiangyuan's tone was very positive.

"Jiang Jiameng, if you don't forgive, you won't forgive, but Yi Rushi... She's your own daughter." Yi Ruyan continues to persuade Yi Jiangyuan.

Yi Jiangyuan didn't speak and was silent.

Since Yi Jiangyuan didn't speak and was silent, Yi Ruyan understood and stopped persuading: "Dad, if you don't want to help them, I'll help them. They need five million. I'll give them money."

"You... Why do you have to? You should hate them very much when they did that to you. How can you... "Yi Jiangyuan doesn't understand what Yi Ruyan thinks.

"You are as kind as your mother. Your mother is a very kind person." Yi Jiangyuan sighed and felt a little distressed. "We're sorry for you, I'm sorry for you, Jiang Jiameng is sorry for you, and Yi Rushi is even more sorry for you. As a result, you helped them when they needed help."

Yi Ruyan smiled: "the past is over. People can't live in the past, can they? Always look forward, right? So... I won't worry about it. I hope they can be a new man in the future. Now they are very miserable and deserve retribution. "

"You are such a kind girl." Yi Jiangyuan sighed again and boasted that Yi was like smoke.

Yi Ruyan was a little embarrassed when he was praised and smiled: "no, Dad."

"In fact, I just look at your face. I look at Yi Rushi as your own daughter. I can't help her. Otherwise, I can't help her." Yi Ruyan is also telling the truth.

Yi Ruyan helped Yi Ruyan because of Yi Jiangyuan's face.

Yi Jiangyuan was still very moved. He sucked his nose, but he didn't say anything.

Because he didn't know what to say.

Moreover, the identity of Yi Ruyan doesn't need his help. I just hope Yi Ruyan can be well.

Finally, Yi Jiangyuan said, "good people will be rewarded."

"Well, yes, I believe so." Yi Ruyan said with a smile.

Next, they talked a little more and hung up.

After hanging up, Yi Ruyan calls Yi Rushi.

"Hey... Ruyan, can you help me? I beg you." Yi Rushi feels hopeful when she sees Yi Rushi calling.

"I can help you, but you must promise me some requirements." Yi Ruyan is not willing to help her so easily.

"Yes. You say, you say. " Yi Rushi thinks that now as long as Yi Rushi is willing to help her, she can agree to any request.

"As long as you are willing to help me, I will agree to any request." Yi Rushi is so excited about being saved.

"After paying off the money this time, live a good life, find a job with your mother, and then live a plain life. After all, if there is another accident, no one will be willing to help you, and your father won't help you. I just called him. I advised him to help you, but he said he won't care about your life or death, Because you broke his heart. " Yi Ruyan seriously advised Yi Rushi to say.

"Not because I broke his heart, but because he hated us. Because I was born by my mother, he didn't want to see me. " Yi Rushi sighed.

"It's your mother's fault. You're not wrong. However, when your father had problems in the company at that time, you were afraid that he would affect you, so you transferred your property. Your mother divorced him, and you left with your mother. This thing made him cold. Therefore, he said, it has nothing to do with you in the future. Even if you die, it won't concern him anymore. Therefore, don't take chances. He can't help you. We all know him. He said, "I don't care about you." Yi Ruyan kindly reminded again.

Yi Rushi didn't say anything after listening to Yi Ruyan.

Yi Ruyan sees Yi Rushi no longer refute, and knows that she probably accepted it.

"Another thing is that even if your mother doesn't like you, you should go back to see him more and see if you can clear up the hatchet with him in the future. After all, you are his only biological daughter and his blood is flowing on you." Yi Ruyan advised Yi Rushi.

In fact, Yi Ruyan's two requirements are all good for Yi Rushi.

Yi Rushi actually understands.

"Yi Ruyan, it's very kind of you. In the past, my mother and I treated you so well. As a result, now we are in trouble. It's you who help us and advise us. It's you who hope our days will get better." Yi Rushi really didn't expect that the person who helped him in the end was Yi Rushi.

Yi Ruyan smiled: "these things have passed. I just hope everyone will be well in the future."

"Those hates have passed, and there is no need to hold them all my life. If I hate someone who is very tired, I don't want to be too tired." Yi Ruyan said with a light smile, "then you say, can you do it?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I can do it. I can do it." Yi Rushi quickly replied, "you are all for my good. How can I not do it? I can do it. Don't worry."

"OK, I'll transfer the money to you now. I hope you can remember what you promised me." Yi Ruyan said.

"I will, I will. I also hope I can walk more with my father in the future. " Yi Rushi said with a smile.


In this way, Yi Ruyan hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he took a long breath and transferred the money to Yi Rushi.

Yi Rushi took the money, quickly found those usurers, and then went to save Jiang Jiameng.

Jiang Jiameng had a particularly miserable few days when he was captured. Life is better than death, and there will be a shadow in his heart.

Yi Rushi was worried when he saw her: "Mom..."