"Yes, you look very good. You look very energetic. You are especially beautiful. You don't need makeup at all." Easy as smoke, also boasting that the leaves can be lemon.

"The moon is sitting well. It's your husband's credit to have such a good look. " LV Qiufeng smiled at Ye Ke Ning and continued to praise Xi Chengfeng.

Xi Chengfeng is so smart that he knows that they are talking for themselves.

"My face and complexion seem to be good, but I'm fat. Look how fat I am. I'm twenty kilograms fatter than before. Look so fat. Touch it. It's all meat." Ye Ke took Yi Ruyan's hand and put it on his stomach.

"I just had a baby and haven't recovered well. Besides, I heard that the recovery period is half a year, so you still have half a year, and you'll be as thin as before." Yi Ruyan continues to comfort ye Ke Ning.

"Really? Really... "Ye Ke Ning couldn't believe it.

"Under normal circumstances, women who have just given birth are fat, and then recover after a period of time. Or, they will be fat during the breast-feeding period and lose weight after weaning. Besides, you are not fat at all. Although you are not as thin as before, you are not fat at all." Yi Ruyan continues to persuade Ye Ke Ning.

"Don't lie to me anymore. I'm 110 kilograms now. How can I not be fat? No, maybe it's a little heavier, more than 110 kilograms." Ye Ke Ning sighed.

"You're tall. You're one meter seven." LV Qiufeng also advised her.

"No, 168." Ye Ke Ning said.

"That's enough, 168, 110 pounds. You're not fat at all. Really, you'll soon lose weight. I have a friend. After giving birth to a child and sitting in a month, you lose ten pounds. You suddenly lose ten pounds. You don't go on a diet to lose weight. Then, after weaning, you naturally lose ten pounds." LV Qiufeng looked at Ye Ke Ning very seriously and said.

"Really?" When ye Ke Ning heard what LV Qiufeng said, she had some confidence: "if I lose another 20 kilograms, I will be more than 90. Then, I will be the same as before, and I won't worry."

"Even if you lose ten kilograms, you can also be very thin and have a good figure. If you were only in your 90s before, I think you are a little thin." Yi Ruyan said.

"No, sometimes it's a hundred." Ye Ke Ning said with a smile.

Xi Chengfeng looked at his wife and finally smiled. He was relieved. He was really relieved.

"Your husband asked you to have more confinement. It's all for your own good. Besides, you think his life is easier when you have confinement. You lie down every day. He is busy with the company and at home. He has to take care of you and your emotions. It's even harder for him." Yi Ruyan continues to persuade Ye Ke Ning.

"I... alas... Actually, I know all this, but I just think that I can't do anything when I lie down every day. Moreover, when I think that I'm all meat, I'm... Alas... I'm fat. I don't know why. I'm in a bad mood. I want to lose my temper. I don't want to, but, Just can't control your temper. " Ye Ke Ning sighed. After that, he went to Xi Chengfeng and held Xi Chengfeng's hand tightly: "husband, I'm sorry."

"Fool, don't tell me I'm sorry, as long as you're okay, just be happy, good, don't be angry, it's okay for you to lose your temper with me, I understand you, but I look at you angry, I feel distressed, understand?" Xi Chengfeng hugged her and kissed her forehead.

LV Qiufeng and Yi Ruyan looked embarrassed.

Ye Ke Ning was also a little embarrassed: "they are both here."

"Nothing." Xi Chengfeng smiled and let go of Ye Ke Ning. Then he said gratefully to Yi Ruyan and LV Qiufeng, "thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do."

"It's okay. It's okay for you to call us next time she loses her temper." Yi Ruyan smiled.

"I hope you can have these ideas when you are in confinement. Don't lose your temper with Leng Haotian." Ye Ke Ning smiled at Yi Ruyan and said.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid I can't do it. Sometimes it's easy to persuade others, but when things really come to me, I can't help but want to lose my temper, can't help wanting to lose my temper?" Yi Ruyan smiled awkwardly.

"It's all right. We'll persuade you then." Ye Ke Ning looked at Yi Ruyan and smiled, then said to LV Qiufeng, "Qiufeng, are you right?"

"Yes, I will definitely advise you. When you are in confinement, we will go to your house to accompany you from time to time." LV Qiufeng said with Ye Ke Ning.

"Hahaha... OK, I'll thank you first. I'll treat you delicious and delicious." Yi Ruyan smiled.

"I see. She doesn't need our company at that time. She just needs Leng Haotian to accompany her." Ye Ke Ning smiled.

"Hahaha... No, no, no... I definitely need you to accompany me." Yi Ruyan laughed.

Xi Chengfeng looked at the atmosphere getting better and better, and was relieved: "in this way, you talk, you talk first, I'll have someone send you something to eat, and then I'll go to the study to deal with something."

Xi Chengfeng knew that the two of them came, so ye Kening didn't need him, so he could have a rest and deal with some business.

"OK, go." Ye Ke Ning nodded, "take a rest. I didn't sleep well last night."

"Yes. well. You too, pay attention to rest. " Xi Chengfeng looked at Ye Ke Ning drowningly. After saying that, he looked at Yi Ruyan and LV Qiufeng and said, "you two will stay for dinner today."

"Yes." LV Qiufeng readily agreed, looked at Yi Ruyan and asked, "what about you?"

"OK. I'll call Leng Haotian later. " Yi Ruyan smiled.

"OK. I'll send someone to prepare dinner. " Xi Chengfeng left after saying that.

After Xi Chengfeng left, he smiled, shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"You see how nice your husband is. He's really nice to you. Don't lose your temper." LV Qiufeng advised Ye Ke Ning, "really, I don't think it's necessary to lose his temper. He's a man and has a lot of pressure."

"Alas... Sometimes I just can't control it." Ye Ke Ning sat down and said.

"She is spoiled. Don't feel sorry for Xi Chengfeng. What he spoiled himself will bear the consequences and will be spoiled all the time." Yi Ruyan smiled at LV Qiufeng and said.