After leaving the Capitol, Mu Qiqi takes a bus to the San Anshan hospital where Gu Chenxi lives.

It is not only pleasant in climate, but also has dense trees around it. Even in the midsummer of July, it is like a fairyland in the world, with pleasant sea breeze and no sense of dryness and heat. It is very suitable for patients to recuperate.

At the beginning, Mu Qiqi promised to give Gu Chenxi the best treatment conditions, and arranged him here to fulfill his original promise.

In the afternoon, two cars were parked side by side at the gate of the hospital.

Did not let the person in black follow, Muqiqi alone a low-key into the inpatient department.

Gu Chenxi's ward is on the third floor. When he gets out of the elevator, Mu Qiqi is walking deep in the corridor. Suddenly, there is a rush of footsteps behind him. Seven or eight doctors and nurses rush to Gu Chenxi's ward.

Muqiqi can't help but quicken her pace. She hears from Gu Chenyu that Chen Xi's recent state is not good. It seems that Gu Chenyu conceals some truth from her in order not to worry her. The actual situation may be more serious than she expected.

At the moment when the doctor opened the door, a man's struggling voice came out of the ward. The voice was Gu Chenxi's.

Muqiqi came to the door of the ward to stand, saw a group of doctors and nurses around the bed, check infusion, busy and orderly.

By the window stood a woman with tears on her face, who was Gu Chenxi's mother. Gu Chenyu stood beside her, holding her mother in her arms with one arm.

Yu Guangwei sweeps, Gu Chenyu sees Mu Qiqi standing at the door.

A "prime minister's wife" attracted everyone's attention.

Muqiqi nodded, went to the mother and son, handed the woman a paper towel, "aunt, don't worry too much, there are the best doctors and nurses here, Chen Xi, he will be OK."

The woman's attitude to Muqiqi was light, and she didn't answer, but Muqiqi didn't blame her. After all, it was because of her that she became what she is today.

"What happened to Chen Xi? How did it suddenly become like this? " Mu Qiqi turns to Gu Chenyu and asks.

Gu Chenyu looks heavy, "Chen Xi's brain nerve is damaged, unable to control his emotions, in order to let him recover his memory as soon as possible, we may exert too much pressure on him, which exacerbated his emotional collapse."

"Didn't Jin Yu arrange an expert from the United States to treat Chen Xi? What did the expert say? " Mu Qiqi asked.

"The experts haven't arrived yet."

Maybe it was because of the sedative, Gu Chenxi no longer struggled, and the ward was finally quiet.

The doctors and nurses are out.

Lying on the hospital bed, Gu Chenxi blinked a pair of clear eyes, like a child who made a mistake, and whispered, "Mom, brother..."

He looked at Muqiqi for a long time, but he couldn't name him. He just hesitated.

"You can call me Qiqi." Muqi sipped a smile.

"Qiqi..." cried the man on the bed.

"That's the prime minister's wife! Chen Xi can't make a fool of himself Woman break, a cold sentence.

"Auntie, it doesn't matter. Chen Xi and I are friends. We don't have so many rules." Said, Muqiqi hands the heat preservation box to one side of the woman, "Auntie, this is tonic soup, I specially consulted the traditional Chinese medicine, which added a few Chinese medicine, Qingshen Bunao, if Chen Xi does not exclude the taste, I will send it every day."

The woman did not answer, and dropped a sentence, "no, madam prime minister."

Muqiqi stands there awkwardly. She knows that no matter what Gu Chenxi's mother says, she has no right to reprimand her.

"Give it to me." Gu Chenyu took the incubator, and then said to the woman on one side, "Mama! Chen Xi's affair is an accident. No one wants it to happen. The premier's wife is also very guilty. Chen Xi's living in such a good hospital is also arranged by the premier and his wife. The premier's family is very kind to us. "

"Since you decided to embark on your official career, my aunt predicted that it would not be good. Now you can see that your younger brother was injured by this woman, and you were suddenly taken away by this woman. Once you disappeared for nearly two months, there was no news. Do you want my aunt to send the white haired man to the black haired man? Isn't this woman doing enough harm to our family? " The woman's voice became more and more excited.

"Mama!" Gu Chen Yu drinks aloud, interrupts hastily, he worries mother to say so go on, don't know to still can say what.

With Muqiqi's intelligence, she will not be suspicious.

"I'm sorry, auntie." In addition to a sorry, Muqiqi also don't know how to express his guilt.

A nurse pushed the door and said, "Mr. Gu, the American expert is here. Please take the patient for consultation."

"Good." Gu Chenyu answered.

"I'll go with you." Muqiqi asked.

Gu Chenyu nodded and then said to the woman, "Mom, I'll take my brother to see the doctor. You're waiting for us here."

The woman nodded, then looked coldly at Mu Qiqi and said, "the premier's wife won't have to come back in the future. Besides, I hope you can let Chen Yu go and don't let him go to the Ministry of foreign affairs. I have only such a healthy son. I don't want him to have any more accidents because of you."

"Mama! What did you say? All things have nothing to do with the prime minister's wife. It's also my question whether I can go back to the foreign ministry or not. Isn't that embarrassing for the prime minister's wife? "

"It doesn't matter. I respect your decision and your family's decision." Muqi should say.

Leave the ward.

Gu Chenyu pushed his brother in a wheelchair and walked slowly forward. "Madam prime minister, I hope you don't mind what my aunt said just now. Chen Xi's business is really a big blow to her."

Muqiqi nodded, "what Auntie said is all right, blame me, even if you don't want to go back to the Ministry of foreign affairs, I won't force you, although I will think it's a pity."

"I have promised the prime minister that he will be reinstated next week."

"He's looking for you?" Muqiqi had some accidents, but Gu Chenyu's level was not enough to get Jin Yu's face to face directly.

"This morning, Mr. situ came to see me in the hospital and conveyed the appointment of the premier."


"Mr. Premier, let me rebuild the special research group on the Western Crown issue."

Mu Qi nodded, with Gu Chenyu's ability and understanding of Xi Mian, it's really appropriate for him to take the lead in this matter.

But when Jin Yu stopped investigating him early in the morning, why did he suddenly decide to reopen it at this juncture?

"Seven seven." She was called.

Mu Qi looked up and saw a gorgeous woman coming out of the consulting room of cardiac surgery department.

"Aunt Xin?" Muqiqi did not expect to meet Bai Suxin here, "how can you be here?"

"My father just finished heart bypass surgery, I come to consult with the doctor about his old man's condition, how can you be here?"

Mu Qiqi took a look at Gu Chenxi in his wheelchair and said, "I'll accompany my friend to see an American expert."

Bai Suxin took a look at the hand card on Gu Chenxi's wrist, knew his name, and asked, "is he the young man who drank poison wine for you at the cocktail party?"

Muqi nodded.

"Mr. Gu, American psychologists are still waiting for you." Walking in front of the little nurse, see behind the people stop chatting, then timely urge.

"Can a psychologist cure him?" Bai Suxin, as always, has her signature smile and questioning look.

"We have to try all kinds of methods. It's said that this psychologist has made great achievements in reconstructing his mental memory. Jin Yu also asked someone to invite him back from the United States for a long time." Muqi should say.

"Rebuilding mental memory?" For so many years, no one knows how much she wants to retrieve those lost memories.

Mu Qiqi said with a smile, "it's the first time I've heard that there are such doctors. If you're not busy, would you like to listen to them with us?"

Bai Suxin nodded, naturally willing.

Opening the door of the clinic, unexpectedly, a young man in a white shirt, in his early thirties, with a Chinese face, was waiting in the room, but with a little bit of American randomness.

"Excuse me, is the expert in?" Mu Qiqi asked.

"I am." The expert light answer, the voice is calm, the eyebrow is this age rare sink gather.

Muqiqi is dumb. She even thinks that this young man is the assistant of an expert at most.

To meet the needs of diagnosis and treatment, experts suggest that patients should be treated separately. Several people can only wait in the consulting room. Fortunately, the synchronous transmission of video images can clearly see the scene inside the room.

The expert went to Gu Chenxi and sat down with a pen and paper in his hand. He didn't see what he wrote down. He just used the tip of the pen to knock on the white notebook regularly.

This review lasted for a long time, and experts began to ask Gu Chenxi some simple questions. One by one, the questions were asked step by step. Gu Chenxi's answer was very good and well organized. We should know that this was impossible in the past.

Since waking up, Gu Chenxi's intelligence level has been maintained at the level of a child, and his speech and behavior are no different from those of a child. For a long time, people have not seen such a steady and orderly Gu Chenxi.

"Why Gu Chenyu is also surprised to see such a younger brother. This American expert really deserves his reputation.

"I can't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes." Mu Qiqi agrees.

Bai Suxin is always silent. After all, she doesn't know much about Gu Chenxi's illness.

After a long time, the expert stopped asking, left the room and went back to the consulting room alone.

"Expert! How's my brother? Is it possible for him to recover? " Always calm, such as Gu Chenyu, also showed a rare excitement.

The expert shook his head. "It's hard to say."

"But he just answered very well, very calm, very calm." Muqi said.

"That's because he was hypnotized by me. What you see is his state after hypnosis." The expert said casually.

Muqiqi was surprised, "but he was awake, how could he be hypnotized? Isn't hypnosis all about sleeping? "

The expert explained, "you said that one is called trance hypnosis, and there is another hypnosis method called awake hypnosis."

Awake hypnosis? The crowd was at a loss.

The expert continued: "for more professional explanations, I will not repeat them. According to the patient's current situation, he still retains part of his memory, and from the dialogue just now, he himself has shown great self-help ability. I need more time to conduct a comprehensive evaluation and Analysis on him to determine his memory reconstruction plan."

"Like Chen Xi, has there ever been a successful cure?" Mu Qiqi asked.

The expert sat at the table with his hands crossed on the table. "What the patient suffered was the damage of nerve agents. During the cold war, many people in war zones suffered greatly. This kind of brain injury is almost irreversible, so the international ban on this kind of weapon was issued. Because this disease has been defined as incurable, which is also the reason why I have not accepted the invitation to return home for treatment

Listening to the tone of the experts, Mu Qiqi realizes that there is likely to be a turning point next.

Sure enough, the expert continued, "but just three days ago, at one of the most famous academic forums in the field of psychology, someone anonymously published an academic report, in which he said that he successfully reset the memory of a patient who had been injured by nerve agents by means of awake hypnosis."

"So find that person, Chen Xi's illness has hope?" Muqiqi seems to see a glimmer of hope.

"No! The reason why I took over Gu Chenxi's case is to prove the essential difference between reconstructing memory and resetting memory. The former is to save people, while the latter is to satisfy the selfish desire of an extreme doctor. "

"What's the difference?" Muqiqi was confused.

"One is to restore the patient's past memory, and the other is to erase the patient's memory through hypnosis, and then implant the memory he wants the patient to know. This is against ethics and is not allowed by our industry, so the research on related aspects has been stopped for a long time, but unfortunately, some people still cling to it."

Obviously, the person in the expert's mouth is the one who publishes the academic report on the forum.

After a detailed conversation, Mu Qiqi and his party left.

An hour later, the door of the consulting room was knocked again.

The expert said "please come in".

Bai Suxin pushed the door in and came to the expert. He looked at the mobile phone and said, "do you know this person?"

Seeing the picture, the expert was slightly stunned, and then he shook his head.

"You must know him." Bai Suxin said firmly, "he is the one who publishes academic reports anonymously, and he is your classmate."

Experts are silent.

Bai Suxin continued: "in fact, you are so eager to take Gu Chenxi's case, just to prove that you are better than your senior. Am I right? He did what you always wanted to do but didn't dare to do. "

The expert, who has always been calm and showing others, suddenly felt a layer of sweat on his forehead. Bai Suxin continued: "if I tell you that I can bring the patient in his report to you, will this play a key role in your research?"

After hearing this, the expert suddenly looked at her, and Bai Suxin nodded to him, "that person is me."