Before the meeting, Ouyang Ping conveyed the instructions from the presidential palace in advance. In view of the current situation in Western Asia, Jin Hanlin gave two words of instructions, "maintaining stability.".

Seemingly simple, it is not easy to implement.

After the fall of Ren's family, the power of Yanting was transferred, and the situation on the border rose again. Especially in the rainy season, the drug and arms trade became more and more active, and the underground armed activities became more and more rampant.

Once upon a time, the old man of Ren family was famous in the border area and suppressed a number of bandits on the border. Now that the world is moving, those armed forces will inevitably come out to try to stir it up.

Moreover, there are so many small countries in West Asia that they do not seem to be near peace recently.

In a coup in Iran, the military besieged the presidential palace and forced the president to step down. The president of Iran applied to Jinling for political protection.

The conflict continued to escalate.


The intense negotiation of opinions and the vexation of international affairs lasted all morning.

It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon. It's already past lunch time, but people dare not neglect it. Obviously, this is the normal work of Asia Division.

During the whole meeting, Mu Qiqi listened carefully and recorded the meeting notes in detail. When she attended the Asia Division meeting for the first time, she rarely expressed her opinions, but listened carefully.

At the end of the meeting, Ouyang Ping began to make a concluding speech. Mu Qiqi then wrote down. Looking at Ouyang Ping around him, he asked seriously, "there are eight countries in the western border. Today, seven countries are mentioned. What about the Western Crown?"

From the beginning to the end, Mu Qiqi, who is shallow and silent, opens his mouth, but a stone stirs up a thousand waves. The people who have already closed the book, raised their glasses and are ready to leave the banquet can't help laughing at her innocence when they hear Mu Qiqi's words. Because of her identity, they dare not show it.

Xi Mian, in the eyes of these politicians, has been a dead place and has no meaning of discussion. "Ban" and "sanction" are the exclusive labels of Xi Mian, which have not changed for 30 years.

Ouyang Ping, as always, was a polite gentleman and explained patiently to Mu Qiqi, "thirty years ago, the political House passed resolution 1201 on the issue of Ximeng, which decided to impose sanctions on Ximeng without a definite period of time, including banning all countries in the world from exporting weapons to Ximeng, prohibiting all major sole proprietorship or joint venture financial institutions from providing financial support to Ximeng, and restricting Ximeng's trade with foreign countries, To limit the situation of their citizens, of course, the specific sanctions should be more detailed. "

Muqiqi nodded. Such sanctions have indeed been extremely severe. The thoughtful and detailed bill must have covered all possible channels of foreign exchange and liaison of the country, and it really has not been given the significance of further discussion at the meeting.

However, she was still puzzled and asked, "for so many years, how could Xi Mian not send a foreign delegation to negotiate?"

Different from the attitude of other small western countries towards Jinling, Ximeng's attitude is really a little higher.

Although most of the small countries in the West are not peaceful, they rely on Jinling economically. Therefore, even if there are constant border disturbances, they dare not openly oppose Jinling in the overall situation. However, Ximian is different.

Like a beggar emperor, it seems to enjoy itself in a closed environment.

At the end of the normal meeting, Ouyang Ping, who has always been serious, said, "it must be a wish to fight and a wish to suffer."

Don't say it's someone else, even Muqiqi, this is the first time she saw Ouyang smile. If it wasn't for that handsome face, the smile was a little stiff.

"Break up!" Ouyang Ping closed a smile, awe inspiring.

Leaving the conference room, Mu Qiqi and Ouyang Ping walk side by side in the corridor.

"Minister Ouyang, over the years, Xi Mian's diplomatic channels have been completely blocked. Don't they really make efforts for this? Or was their request rejected by Jinling? " Mu Qiqi asked.

In a word, about Xi Mian, she did not find any relevant records in the foreign affairs archives of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

Ouyang Ping shook his head, turned his back and walked forward. In his thirties, he was a veteran cadre, but it was not against him. In private, he was less dignified as "Minister of foreign affairs" and more introverted and easygoing.

"Xi Mian has never made diplomatic efforts for this?" Muqiqi was very surprised.

Xi Mian was completely blocked, and she got some local live photos through many channels. In the pictures, the people were poor, and the scene of poverty was eye-catching.

In today's world, where communication networks are so developed, Ximian may be the only country in the world where mobile phones are not even popular. People's communication mainly relies on letters. The main reason is poverty. From what she learned, for example, after the bloody war 30 years ago, Ximian's social development has regressed in an all-round way, The level of science, technology and culture is equal to that of the 1920s and 1930s.

But even in the face of such backwardness, the Western Crown authorities actually chose to be closed, which is really hard to understand.

Ouyang Ping sighed, "I've never seen a country as proud as Xi Mian."

The man distant visual front, low alcohol tone with a few praise.

In the face of a controversial country such as Xi Mian, Ouyang Ping used the word "Ao Gu".

People like Ouyang Ping, who are familiar with all kinds of diplomatic language, naturally will not make such low-level mistakes in the use of words.

Mu Qiqi and Ou Yangping held different attitudes towards the Western coronation campaign.

Even if she had guessed it, she would not say anything about it. After all, Xi Mian was too sensitive.

Muqiqi said tentatively, "after World War II, Germany, as a defeated country, Prime Minister Brandt knelt down in front of the Jewish tombstone to mourn the death of six million Jews. This sincere move broke the ice in Germany's diplomatic relations, but it seems that Xi Mian did not want to learn from Germany's wise move?"

Ouyang Ping nodded. He didn't say anything more. He didn't know whether he agreed or had other meanings. He looked like someone very mysterious.

Mu Qiqi thinks of Jin Yu. Every time he asks a key question, he often asks her ten questions in exchange for a reply.

With a picture of someone in his heart, Mu Qiqi walked forward and suddenly lost his mind. At this time, Ba ye and Jin Yu should have arrived at Sanmen island. I don't know if Ba Ye is good or not. After all, the climate there is not as hot and humid as Jinling. She always remembers.

Suddenly, in the quiet corridor, there was a flustered sound of footsteps, like chasing them.

Mu Qiqi is used to this rhythm. In the Ministry of foreign affairs, almost everyone is in a hurry. After all, every second is related to the international situation.

Ouyang Ping took the initiative to stop. Muqi had already turned around and saw that behind him, the Secretary of the minister rushed to them.

The secretary came in a hurry, couldn't stop the car for a moment, and nearly fell into Ouyang Ping's arms.

"What's the matter?" Ouyang Ping's face sank. He didn't like being reckless.

"Minister Ouyang." The secretary was out of breath and could not speak at all. He could only deliver the message to Ouyang Ping.

Ouyang Ping took it and swept it quickly line by line. Then suddenly, Mei Feng tightened up and asked, "what's the prime minister's instruction?"

At this time, the Secretary relaxed his breath and said in a rough voice: "the prime minister's instruction is that you are fully responsible for this matter before he returns, so as to ensure the personal and property safety of 100000 people in Xichuan."

"What happened?" Seeing that the situation was urgent, Mu Qiqi asked nervously that Xichuan was on the border with Xichuan. She couldn't help feeling nervous.

Ouyangping hands the message to Muqiqi.

"Since the flood season in Ximian, it has entered a period of continuous heavy rainfall. Satellite remote sensing images show that the Guba reservoir in Ximian is in disrepair for a long time and is in danger of dam break. The eastern section of the reservoir has cracked and collapsed. Once the reservoir collapses, it will pose a great threat to the downstream waters. Xichuan County in China is low-lying, which is likely to be submerged in a vast ocean and the lives of 100000 people are in danger, It is hereby reported to the Ministry of foreign affairs for approval and applied for the first level flood prevention guard. "

When Muqiqi finished browsing, he was shocked that the city was flooded. This is a very serious matter. If he announced it rashly, it would certainly cause panic and fear of rumors. If 100000 people were in turmoil, it would be a more ferocious situation.

"Minister Ouyang, what do you think should be done?" Mu Qiqi asked.

"It seems that I will go to Ximian myself." Ouyang Ping pondered over his worries.

"I'll go with you." Muqiqi is determined to stand up.

"No way." Ouyang Ping refused without hesitation, "Mr. Jin won't agree."

"I must go! To be honest, the reason why I came to the Asia Division is to know everything about Xi Mian. I think I know no less about Xi Mian's lessons and this country than minister Ouyang. Moreover, this trip is about negotiation, and I have some experience in this aspect. " Muqiqi is determined that she doesn't know that if she misses this opportunity, there is no possibility of going to the West crown next time.

Ouyang Ping shook his head and said, "no way."

Once Jin Yu blamed him, he could not bear the responsibility.

Three people did not stop, the gap has entered the elevator.

Ouyang Ping to one side of the Secretary ordered this time the entourage list, and arranged the related work.

Muqiqi followed all the way and never gave up.

At last, I came to the door of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

"Mrs. Jin, I really can't take you." Before getting on the bus, Ouyang Ping once again reiterated, "or, would you ask Mr. Jin's permission first?"

"Minister Ouyang, don't you need an interpreter?" Mu Qiqi suddenly asked.

"Do you know Ximian?" Ouyang Ping's eyes were totally different, and he was very surprised. Ximeng language is a very difficult language. After decades of breaking diplomatic relations with Ximeng, the Translation Institute of the Ministry of foreign affairs has no professional translators. He originally wanted to wait until he arrived at the border and then be recommended by the border government. But if Muqi knew Ximeng language, obviously speaking of professionalism, Muqi is a national certified super translator, With a lot of diplomatic experience, he is the most suitable candidate.

Mu Qiqi quickly nodded, "now I'm a super translator of the Translation Institute. I'll appoint myself to accompany the minister to visit Xi Mian. In this way, you don't have to be embarrassed, do you?"

Then, she took advantage of Ouyang Ping unprepared has been drilled into the car.

Ouyang Ping pondered deeply. Although he still hesitated, he could not find a more suitable translator than Mu Qiqi in a short time.

Inside the building, the people on the mission have assembled and are ready to board a business car in the back.

A strange face appeared in the crowd. The Secretary of the minister, with a look of awe inspiring, pointed to the man and asked, "who are you? Who sent you here? "

Mu Qiqi looked out of the car, "Gu Chenyu! I told him to come! Gu Chenyu! Get in the car

The situation is urgent, Muqiqi said in a hurry.

Gu Chenyu, this name sounds familiar, Secretary Ning eyebrow a think, this is not before Muqiqi to see his file that young man? I didn't expect to get the reuse of the premier's wife so soon.

There is no time to delay. From seeing the message to gathering, it takes only five or six minutes. Everyone knows that this is a race against time.

Over the years, Muqiqi has taken many kinds of airplanes, including business airplanes, private airplanes, and even the president's exclusive air force one. She has taken a plane to travel, but it is the first time to take a military plane, but she is not excited for the first time.

After all, the border relations are tense. This time, it's not only a military plane trip, but also dozens of special forces elites who are following the trip. Everything must be prepared.

On the plane, Ouyang Ping held an air conference.

Gu Chenyu was excluded from the battle command center because he was temporarily called by Mu Qiqi.

On the seat, Gu Chenyu sat quietly, his upright posture occupied a place, in an empty seat, particularly prominent.

Muqiqi came over with two glasses of water and sat down beside him. He handed him the glass and said, "drink water."

"Thank you." Gu Chenyu took it with both hands in fear. This is the first time that a person with the identity of Mu Qiqi handed water to such a low-level figure as him.

"I've read your file." Muqiqi comes to the point, "I know you know Ximian language."

Gu Chenyu is a little surprised, "have you seen my file?"

Muqiqi nodded, "I also saw that when you entered the Ministry of foreign affairs, you actually worked in the Asia Department, but why were you transferred to the Protocol Department as the security guard?"

Gu Chen Yu shook his head, "don't know."

The young man looked low, as if recalling some past that he didn't want to touch. He held the bone china cup tightly in his hand, even though the palm was hot, he put his hand on the hot cup.

"You were born as a special forces soldier. You participated in many battles against the enemy in the western region. You made military contributions. Later, you retired because of injuries. You finished your bachelor's degree in a military academy. Because of your special experience in the western region, the Ministry of foreign affairs made an exception and arranged an advisory position for you in the Asia Department. Your future should be boundless. What happened and you will be transferred?" For his information, Muqiqi already knew.

If he is demoted or resigned due to missing a transfer, there must be detailed records in the archives of the Ministry of foreign affairs. As a diplomat, every resume is extremely important, and these archives will follow him all his life.

There is no reason for demotion, but Gu Chenyu's file does not have any relevant records, which obviously has a hidden fact behind.

Gu Chenyu pursed her lips, with a look of hesitation and hesitation. He didn't know whether he could believe the woman in front of him. After all, it was a woman who made him transferred from Asia Department.

"No?" Muqiqi suddenly smile, a girl's smile, to the tense atmosphere, adding a little relaxed.

"Forget it, I'm sure you'll tell me one day." Muqiqi smiles. It's not easy to trust this kind of thing, but she seems to be very confident about the result.

"You and your brother are not the same at all. Chen Xi is like a chatterbox. Every day is like a pistachio. what about you? It's like a Muggle. If you didn't know the relationship between you two, who would believe that you two are brothers? Ha ha. " Muqi gave a smile.

"Chen Xi and I are half brothers." Gu Chenyu hung his head, low sentence, "my own father had passed away before I was born, I was a posthumous son."

Muqiqi put away his smile, full of apologies, "I'm sorry."

Gu Chenxi shook his head. About his life experience, he never mentioned it to anyone. After all, in all the files since his birth, the name of the man surnamed Gu was written in the father column. No one even questioned the relationship between his father and his son. His stepfather had a good relationship with him. As for his father, his real life experience was rarely known.

Just blurted out the moment, Gu Chenxi himself are surprised, inexplicable, seems to have a kind of self-evident trust in Muqiqi.