"Wait a minute." Jin Yu's low voice.

Hearing this, Nanhua Qing stopped and nodded slightly, waiting for Jin Yu to speak.

"I'll see you off."

It's very honorable for the premier to see him off in person. Besides, Jin Yu also said "you" with full respect.

"How dare you." Nanhua Qing was flattered.

Jin Yu than a please gesture, can't he refuse, has gone ahead.

However, the Qing Dynasty in Nanhua was not respectful and followed.

Gradually, Jin Yu's direction was not the exit from the presidential palace.

"Mr. Jin, what can I do for you?" Nan Huaqing is a wise man. He knows that Jin Yuding has something to say, and it's just an excuse to send him.

Jin Yu was not in a hurry to answer. He reached forward and compared the direction of the terrace.

Soon, the two men came to the terrace.

Walking to the marble fence, Jin yudun stopped and stood up.

"Uncle Nan." Jin Yu opened his mouth to call him. He didn't use the official title. His tone was steady and sincere.

Nanhua Qing quickly stepped back, and the man in his fifties owed Jin Yu a little.

The prime minister's respect for him is sentimental. If he accepts it calmly, he will be unreasonable.

Jin Yu quickly reached out and helped him up. "Uncle Nan, no need. You are my classmate. I am a junior."

Nanhua Qing looked at him, shook his head and said solemnly, "I am in this position. You are the prime minister. Naturally, there is a difference between superiority and inferiority."

"Uncle Nan, there is no monitoring equipment here." Jin Yu said in a deep voice.

The security of the presidential palace is strict, but this corner is a blind area for monitoring.

Jin Yu must have understood why nanhuaqing was so cautious.

Although the national security intelligence agency is subordinate to the national security agency, it is a completely independent department. It is directly under the command of the president, but even the president has only the right to give instructions to the national security intelligence agency, and has no more right to know about its internal affairs.

As the most core intelligence agency in the whole country, in the eyes of outsiders, the national security intelligence agency is undoubtedly the most mysterious existence. No one knows who these people are, but they are all pervasive.

Among these people, except for the director of the bureau who has a real identity, all other intelligence personnel have hidden their real names, only code names.

Because this agency focuses on national security intelligence, it must be impartial and loyal, loyal to every president.

In order to avoid political disputes, the directors of each term do not belong to any political party or have any religious belief. They are completely neutral. Therefore, apart from the president, they seldom have direct contact with other officials and meet in private, which is even more taboo.

Jin Yu just called him uncle Nan. Obviously, he didn't want to embarrass Nan Huaqing with his status as premier.

Nanhua Qing pursed her lips and said for a long time, "don't talk about business."

This is the most basic premise, otherwise it will be against the principle.

Jin Yu nodded, "I don't want to talk about business. I want to talk about master with you."

Nan Huaqing nodded and sighed, "Yuanru died young. It's a pity that heaven envies him. Fortunately, not long ago, you successfully presided over the negotiation to recover Liusu island. If your master knows, he will be relieved. And... I can see that Qiqi must be very happy now. Yuanru has just such a daughter. If he sees Qiqi's present appearance, he will be glad. "

Nanhua Qing's deep eyes are full of thoughts and memories of his friends.

Jin Yu held the fence in his hand and looked into the distance. "Master had three unfulfilled wishes before he died, but now he has two for his old man."

Nanhua counted and nodded, thinking about the two things he just said, it must be true.

"But also" does your teacher's mother know about your plan? "

Nanhua Qing shook his head, "after all, they are not professional intelligence personnel. In order to confuse the real with the fake, of course, we can't let them know."

"Go on." Jin Yu looked down and thought deeply.

Nanhuaqing continued: "just when we were about to start the explosives, the other party's killer arrived. We had a gunfight outside the safe room. At this time, there was an explosion inside the safe room, and the bomb was not detonated by us. Later, after interrogating the weapon experts, we knew that it was rose who changed her clothes and left the secret room. It was rose who lit the gas, It made an explosion. "

"It was the master's mother who protected the weapon expert."

Nan Huaqing shook his head again. "The sound insulation effect of the secret room was very good. They couldn't hear the gunfire outside at that time. At this time, rose and the weapon experts proposed to change clothes with her, which was very suspicious, because rose wanted to change a skirt and put on the sportswear of the weapon experts, which was convenient for her to abscond later."

"Do you suspect the teacher's mother is a spy?" Jin Yu twisted his eyebrows.

"Maybe." Nan Huaqing's tone is not very sure, "if she stays well in the secret room, nothing will happen."

"In this case, why has there been no final conclusion about the identity of the teacher's mother?" Jin Yu asked.

"Over the years, there have been various versions of what happened in those years, but the fact is that none of us knows the truth, and we are not sure which side of the spy rose is, because after her disappearance in those years, she has no action again, as if the human world evaporated, so up to now, rose is still the A-level person on the wanted list of the security intelligence agency."

"Doesn't the file say that the teacher's mother was taken away by the killer?"

"It's just speculation. After all, the so-called files didn't come from the national security intelligence agency."

"What do you mean?" Jin Yu picked it out. After all, this word is worth pondering.

"All the reports submitted to Jinling came from the French Embassy at that time, and Yuanru was the then ambassador to France, so the fairness and authenticity of this report need to be evaluated."

The meaning of Nan Huaqing's words is obvious. He clearly said that in order to cover up his wife's suspicion of being an spy, mu Yuanru beautified the facts and tried to cover up the truth. At that time, he could not be blamed for doing so. The national intelligence agency could not provide any substantive evidence at all, and he was eager to protect his wife.

With a dignified look, Nan Huaqing leaned slightly toward Jin Yu. "Mr. Premier, I can only say so much. These are the facts about that year. I'll go first."

Jin Yu nodded slightly. Nan Huaqing turned to leave and walked to the door. He looked back at the young man's back and thought deeply.

It never occurred to Nan Huaqing that after so many years, even mu Yuanru had passed away. He thought that the events of that year would be covered with dust. But he did not expect that when everyone was forgetting the past, there was another person who was so persistent about the truth of that year.

Out of what kind of responsibility can a person have such an attitude? Nanhua Qing thought, can't help but feel a little respect.