Until she heard the sound of the door being closed, she looked at the door not far away as if waking up from a dream. The huge sound not only closed the door, but also nearly shattered all her persistence. It seems that Li Chengyan just said that she didn't care about the divorce, which makes Mu Yan more heartbroken. It seems that the only one who thinks this marriage is precious is her Mu Yan.

For Li Chengyan, this is really a dispensable marriage. In other words, when Bai Yueyue came back, it's time for her stand in to step down.

Abdomen suddenly came a sharp pain, Mu Yan's face changed, some panic to touch his abdomen, servant saw Mu Yan pale face, quickly called the family doctor.

"Madam, you have too much emotional fluctuation, which affects the healthy growth of the fetus. You should keep happy every day in the future. Otherwise, the child may not be able to keep it!" The family doctor frowned, his face heavy.

Mu Yan did not expect to be so serious, she tightly covered in his abdomen, eyes a panic, "that my child should now have no problem?"

"Of course, it's ok now, but you must pay attention to it. Otherwise, it's hard to say in the future." Said the family doctor respectfully as he packed his tools.

Mu Yan this just put down the heart, but then couldn't help but smile bitterly a few, she now this appearance, where can be happy?

With a sigh, Mu Yan leaned on the pillow behind her and closed her eyes slowly. The family doctor and the servants quickly backed out, and the huge room was silent.

After a few days, Li Chengyan never came back, even if he knew that Muyan had a situation that night, he still did not appear in the villa, which made Muyan even more disappointed.

At the same time, the news is that Li Chengyan and Su ruoxian go in and out together every day, talking and laughing, which makes people around him wonder whether Mu Yan, Mrs. Li, is going to be the end.

Muyan more or less also heard such news, but she didn't have much reaction, let alone go to the Li group to catch the traitor on the spot. She went to the studio like a walking corpse every day and couldn't do anything about the white drawing board.

There are so many troubles blocking her heart that she can't breathe. The inspiration that always springs up seems to have dried up. No matter how hard she racked her brains, she couldn't think of it for a long time.

A lot of orders poured in, but she couldn't draw a few pictures, which made the pressure of the studio a lot.

Du Haojie is also worried when he looks at Muyan every day. Since Muyan can't do so many paintings at a time, he can only find a way to help Muyan and lighten her burden.

From time to time, he would show his paintings to Mu Yan. Although he was not as good as Mu Yan, he could still stand on the stage more or less. Therefore, for some relatively small cases, Mu Yan simply modified them and directly asked people to hand in Du Haojie's paintings.

But in the face of the empty drawing board, she once again fell into helplessness, did not know where to start, and how to layout. How to interpret the perfect picture in her mind.