Penguin is gone, at least now I don't know where to go, but it's a cat design that suits penguin. It prefers freedom. Cats usually walk around by themselves and are not constrained. However, penguin is not a cat that makes trouble everywhere. It's still very serious. In this case, it's unlikely to make trouble, but it's really gone.

Let the snake follow the original path to find a while, also did not find the penguin, it disappeared... This is very abnormal!

Considering the penguin's hearing, it can hear within 10 kilometers, that is to say, it has run a long distance

"Is it difficult to find another real dragon?" Lin Mingyuan muttered. LANYA looked at him and asked, "if you find it, what are you going to do?"

Even Rania admired Lin Mingyuan. When everyone was at war, he abducted one of them, and it was the five clawed real dragon. It was amazing. She didn't ask for specific details, but she didn't feel the hostility of Tangtang. This is always a good phenomenon.

"I'm afraid it's possible!" Lin Mingyuan thought about it, walked back, looked at Tangtang who was still recovering his strength, and asked, "do you know the location of another real dragon?"

"I don't know. At that time, I was in a hurry to hide. She was hurt and didn't dare to chase again!" Tangtang shakes her head. After eating a lot of food, her body is slowly recovering. However, it is basically impossible to recover to its original shape. After all, the scales have fallen off. At the speed of real dragon's recovery, even at that time, it will take thousands of years, or even more. This time is half of the history of human modern civilization, It's not long for a long-lived guy like Zhenlong, but after all, she has to live every second and every day, so it's hard and impossible for her to recover now.

This is a good thing for Lin Mingyuan, at least the threat is much less.

Looking at Tangtang who was still worried, Lin Mingyuan said, "now we are going to see another guy. Do you want to follow us or stay here?"

"I'll go with you!" Tangtang immediately said, she can also feel that these people did not regard her as an enemy, especially the two giants... She also figured out that there were three giants in total, but there were two giants who did not know what was going on, shared a body, and probably would not speak after asking, so Tangtang now resolutely shut up.

Lin Mingyuan went over and directly bent down to pick her up, said: "then go, and, are you no longer able to do it?"

"I..." Tangtang hesitated for a moment, looked at the man holding her eyes, pursed his lower lip, and said: "may die!"

"Save it. Although we just met, it's OK. You'll know that we're all very good in the future." Lin Mingyuan laughed and said, "in other words, it doesn't matter if I kill that guy?"

"If... She wants to kill you..." Tangtang hesitated. Although she and that guy are enemies now, they used to be friends. In the Dragon Island, there were many real dragons, big and small, adult and young. After so many years, the weak will be eaten, swallowed up and become the food of the strong. This rule is cold-blooded, But there's no way. They can't die, can they?

So correspondingly, they kill each other, which is also the rule!

"It depends. In case you can't fight!" Lin Mingyuan laughs and steps forward. The snake grows bigger and several people jump up! At the command of Lin Mingyuan, the snake moves.

It's a good thing that the courage of the goods is better. It's also a good thing to judge that there really isn't much danger. Otherwise, they will always be in trouble.

Man, there is a real dragon with five claws on his back! Yes, who has? I have not only seen her, but also carried her! The strange snake thought in his heart that the nerve of the goods suddenly became thick, that is, there was no other kind, otherwise he had to show off with these ignorant guys!

All the way forward, the speed is not fast, Lin Mingyuan pay attention to both sides, but after the collapse, it is difficult to judge the traces on the ground, and the other party is a Penguin... If the elder sister wants not to be found, she may not leave any traces.

However, it's a day and a half since Lin Mingyuan and others entered the small world, and Lin Mingyuan can't help but be worried. The worry is that if the number of the forwarding on his microblog is up, he will have to donate money!

If you're trapped in a small world, it's going to be exciting.

But I can't think about it now. Lin Mingyuan will soon get rid of it!

"Big sister!" After walking for nearly 20 minutes, the snake suddenly yelled and swam excitedly. It deviated from its original route and cut through many trees and debris all the way!

"Meow?" Penguin has become the body, standing on a huge stone, looking down at the crowd, tilted his head, and then raised his head, like a king in the world.

It has to be admitted that cats have a natural aura of being king. They look very domineering and like everything.

It's good to find the penguin. Lin Mingyuan is relieved. He jumps from the snake and is about to run to the penguin. Tangtang in his arms grabs his arm and shouts: "don't go there, she's over there! I can feel it! "

She? Another real dragon? Lin Mingyuan's eyes widened and his body stopped. But seeing the penguin standing on the big stone, Lin Mingyuan felt very safe again.

So he said, "it's OK. The penguin is there. It should be OK."

It seems that penguins find each other, and become the body, eh, should be in confrontation with each other, right? No, Lin Mingyuan saw that the penguin was injured. There were several damages to its hair, and even deep wounds. The blood was sparkling. When he looked at the penguin's mouth carefully, the corners of the mouth were all covered with blood. Lin Mingyuan stopped breathing. The penguin was his good friend. They had a deep friendship. Seeing that the penguin was injured and very heavy, Lin Mingyuan was a little angry, At the foot of non-stop, rushed past, mouth asked: "penguin, how are you?"

"Meow!" Penguin changed his voice and moved two steps to the side. His right forepaw grabbed an object and threw it like a rag. It almost hit Lin Mingyuan. The latter quickly dodged and fixed his eyes.

Fuck? Is that ok? Lin Mingyuan opens his mouth and looks surprised. The thing that Penguin throws is a person

No matter he or Rania, they were also shocked.