In the pink bedroom, the woman put the food bag on the floor, turned around and laughed at Lin Mingyuan and Xu Yanan. She said, "I'm sorry, it's a bit messy at home, but the bedroom is very clean. You can sit freely!"

"My name is Lin Mingyuan!" Lin Mingyuan came in, stood in front of the woman more than one meter, looking at each other, this woman's stature is not short, estimated to have more than one meter, looking at each other!

"That's Mr. Lin!" Said the other.

"Well!" Lin Mingyuan nodded, looked at each other and said, "don't you introduce yourself?"

"Of course, I want to introduce it!" The woman continued to smile shyly. Lin Mingyuan noticed that her right cheek would squeeze out a dimple when she was laughing, which made her look very pure. He said with a smile, "my name is Lin Tian. Sweet Tian is my real name. I'm 23 years old!"

Er... I thought you were nearly 30, but you were only 23 years old. Lin Mingyuan thought to himself!

"I'm really 23 years old this year, because I didn't read much and came out early to work, so it looks like some vicissitudes!" Lin Tian said.

Lin Mingyuan pulled a stool and motioned Xu Yana to sit down. The latter shook his head and said, "sit down!"

Instinctively feel that Lin sweet has some stories, even if she is suspect, or even bloody and brutal, murderous murderer. Lin Mingyuan, too, wanted to hear each other's stories, so he didn't come up and treated each other fiercely.

"This is the only chair!" Lin Tian was embarrassed and said, "I'm the only one at home, so I don't need a second chair!"

"Go on, I'll just sit down!" Lin Mingyuan says that Lin Tian continues to talk.

Lin nodded and said, "OK, I'll go on with my story. I guess you also want to hear it!"

Lin Mingyuan squints and looks at each other!

Lin Tian dropped out of school on the 23rd day of junior high school, and later came here to work. Before she was an adult at that time, she chose to work in a restaurant. Lin Tian's tragedy began. The owner of the restaurant was a... In Lin Tian's words, a beast. At that time, he took a fancy to Lin Tian, so he harassed her and often came to take advantage of her. A few weeks later, Lin Tian's life began, Lin Tian was left behind by a work mistake. He was criticized and used his hand. At that time, there were only two people in the office, so Lin Tian was insulted!

But this is just the beginning. In the next few years, the boss imprisoned each other in the name of keeping, and even gave Lin Tian some money. However, he used photos and other things as a threat to prevent Lin Tian from leaving himself.

A few years later, the boss died of cerebral hemorrhage, and Lin Tian was free. But the best years had been imprisoned, which delayed Lin Tian's development. She found that she couldn't do anything, and she couldn't wash dishes all her life.

So helpless, she chose a shortcut... To be a companion!

This is very common all over the country. Lin Tian is young and beautiful. Although she doesn't know how to speak and handle affairs, she still makes some money quickly and improves her life. However, this is only a little bit of benefit. During this period, Lin Tian has all kinds of benefactors, some of them are considerate, others are... It's hard to say, These people have all kinds of quirks, some want to eat her, bite and gnaw, some want her to be their own daughter, some young people see Lin Tian, immediately love not, but turn around and hug other women.

Lin Tian was pregnant during this period. She was a college student. She gave each other a lot of money, but the other party... Cheated her by being with a woman at school.

At that time, Lin Tian was pregnant. She went to kill her and found that she was ill, so she needed treatment.

In fact, that's what happened last year. Lin Tian hid at home and treated for nearly half a year. She had no money in her pocket and no friends, so she had to go out to do it. However, during this period, she found that she was no longer valuable, so she had to take over some old men's work, and then she got sick!

This time, it was HIV, which was almost a terminal disease. Lin Tian had a mental breakdown. But it was during this period that she awakened her powers, which could make animals, insects and other things wake up and acquire the ability to mutate. At first, she didn't know these abilities, but she just caught a butterfly by accident. She felt that her life was like a butterfly and could end at any time, May disappear at any time, may also die at any time in no one's place.

During this time, she was actually OK, until one day, she met a former benefactor, a pervert, an old pervert, who pretended to be a man who loved his wife, loved his children, was filial to the elderly, and was loyal to his friends. But in private, he was a perverted man who liked to torture others, and the more excited he was when he looked at each other's pain, Met Lin Tian, the other side as a weak bully, even bully also don't give the kind of money.

This little boss, who has a little status, forcibly brings Lin Tian to one of his own houses and wants to get happiness from her. Unfortunately, he is wrong this time. Although Lin Tian is still weak and clever, she is no longer the weak woman who can only cry and even dare not struggle under him. She is already a very powerful existence and an alien among the powers.

At that time, she was carrying two mutated animals. These animals listened to her very much. After all, they were the mutated animals created by her. Lin Tian was very afraid at the beginning and lived together for a long time. She knew that although these animals were disgusting and ferocious, they would do no harm to her. Anyone who wanted to hurt her would try their best.

In contrast, the men who look good are just like animals.

So that night, when the other party wanted to insult her to get happiness, Lin Tian acted. She let two monsters bite the man to death. At that time, Lin Tian was also very afraid. After crying, she suddenly felt that she had found some direction.

——She wanted to kill all the men who had insulted her. No matter how bright they were outside, they were all animals in private, even worse than animals, so they all died! Lin Tian knows that she is just a toy in their eyes. She can play with some money, so she wants to revenge. Anyway, she is going to die, so revenge is one, let them taste the taste of despair.

With this idea, Lin Tian began to take action. She went back to her old business. The men who had bullied her couldn't resist the temptation. Once they had a bad idea, their fate could be imagined.