"So long life is abandoned?" Asked the other, frowning.

"Long life is tempting, but if it's meaningless, I think it's better not to, eternal giant. You have the word" eternal "in your name, but have you had a good time in the past few tens of thousands of years? No, although you have survived the disaster, it is meaningless to be imprisoned here! " Said Rania.

"You can't say I'm meaningless!"

"Whatever you want!" LANYA is in a mood too. With a little face, it's up to you!

"Well, it's really meaningless. I used to think that it could make me understand a lot of things, but later I found that it's hard to think about things clearly when facing the darkness and the stone wall every day!" The eternal giant said frankly.

Rania nodded and said: "there are many such hermits among human beings, the so-called people with brains, but the final results of these people are not very good. It's a simple truth. If thought can really be obtained because of self imprisonment, then human beings may still live in trees, just as they used to be!"

"Isn't thinking the root of progress?" Asked the eternal giant, frowning.

"Laziness is the most important reason for human beings to invent and progress. They want to be lighter, more enjoyable and more comfortable to invent more things. These inventions further promote human social progress. After all, when the productive forces are liberated, human beings can carry out more division of labor and gather more collective wisdom!" Lania said positively.

Lin Mingyuan kept nodding in the audience. Rania's cognition in some aspects even exceeded him. This is a big surprise. It proves that Rania is really understanding human society, not rejecting these things, for so many days.

This must be a good thing. Lin Mingyuan is very happy!

"Is that what humans have done?" The eternal giant asked a silly question. Rania didn't laugh at her, but said: "human beings are a magical group. Any giant can easily kill hundreds and thousands of human beings, but when these human beings gather together. Their creativity is unmatched by giants. You have to admit that giants are more about destruction than construction, but human beings, especially Huaxia, people in this country prefer construction. Anywhere in the world, they first think of growing food and vegetables. What about giants? Kill, Crusade, plunder, so the giant's final direction is to perish, because the first direction is wrong! "

"It's the nature of giants. There are very few giants who can develop their own ideas. As far as I know, there is a giant who wants to go a different way. He tries to grow food somewhere!" The eternal giant said in a crisp loliyin that he still made Lin Mingyuan play. But when she said the four words "giant", Lin Mingyuan just stared.

"Why?" The eternal giant found Lin Mingyuan's strange and asked!

"Ha ha, I didn't expect you to know Optimus!"

"Yes? I knew him when he was a little giant just born. Later when he was growing up, he asked me several times to say, "I watched him grow up!"

"There is such a layer of origin!" Lin Mingyuan looked at Rania and said with a smile, "I also know Titan!"

"You know him. Is he still alive? If so, it proves that his theory is successful? " Asked the eternal giant.

Lin Mingyuan shook his head and said, "no, he didn't succeed. He has already died."

"That's a pity, but how did you know him?"

"I found his home, learned about what happened to him in those years, and even got some inheritance from him. Well, penguin was a cat raised by giant Titan in those years. It should be called ferocious!" Lin Mingyuan returned.

"How could such a thing happen?" It's the turn of the eternal giant.

Penguin Ao a, look as if or a disdain, this is in line with the penguin cat set!

"He didn't succeed either..." whispered the immortal giant.

"No, he has gone in the direction of success, just because it's too late. In addition, his direction is slightly deviated, and he can't save the whole giant group! You are too big, too much to eat, too much to consume, and too little to produce. If you blindly want to get from nature, you will be doomed in the end! " Lin Mingyuan affirmed.

"What about humans?" The eternal giant is very concerned about this.

"Human beings, on the contrary, did ask for nature in the period of ignorance. But when they had a certain sense of community, they began to plant and ask for nature. They were too uncertain. They depended on nature to eat. If they could catch prey today, the whole family would have enough to eat. If they could not catch it tomorrow, the whole family would starve to death. So human beings began to plant. They collected seeds and selected seeds that could be planted, Generation after generation, these animals become companion animals with human beings, and can provide them with milk, eggs, and all kinds of meat! " Rania took over the topic and said, "this is what the giants despise. They think that they know all about the world. How can they plant plants, especially those plants with low status? There is no sense at all. People usually don't do meaningless things!"

"Hiss!" The other side took a cold breath, and finally nodded slowly, saying, "the crux is here, but why did Optimus fail“

"The reason why he failed was that it was too late. When the building had collapsed and was supported by a small stick, it was too late. Or was it based on human beings? Do you know how much food the world would produce every year? Although people in some places are still hungry, most of them have been able to waste. Even a large amount of basic food is thrown away every year, or used for video processing, wine making and other things! The whole is in a saturated state, which is the result of human efforts, because at first those plants can not produce much food! " Rania is deeply touched by this. When she first understood these things, she admired them. No wonder human beings can climb down the tree and walk upright on their hind legs. Maybe from then on, human beings have been destined to rule the world! "

"You're trying to convince me not to mess around, Rania. You guessed that I had a back hand?" The eternal giant suddenly asked a sharp question, and her tone and manner became very strange!

Lin Mingyuan's heart thumped, which is what he and Rania have been speculating about.