After eating, the penguin seems to be in a lot of spirit. After Lin Mingyuan inquired about it, he decided to continue to explore the ruins!

In fact, he really wanted to go to the lake again, but... It was too risky. Lin Mingyuan had already killed himself once and couldn't do it any more.

But Lin Mingyuan always felt that there was something below, otherwise it would be a big magnet?

It shouldn't be!

But not now! Go and find a way to meet Rania, viper and them first!

His body hasn't recovered well. At this time, Lin Mingyuan misses those kiwifruit. The red fruit not only quenches thirst, but also has many effects. Even incurable diseases can be cured. If he and penguin can have a fruit one by one, it's delicious!

Unfortunately, Lin Mingyuan can only give up.

Arrange Xia Liya and give her enough food and water for a week. Lin Mingyuan says goodbye to Xia Liya.

And Penguin one foot deep one foot shallow toward the other direction!

On this day, the outsiders near the small lake had a nightmare. They dreamed that tens of thousands of monsters were huge, weighing more than ten tons. They rushed to them like maggots, which made them feel desperate. They really had no way to go up and down. On this day, many people died under maggots, Many people don't know what's going on until they die!

Anyway, death is very miserable and oppressive. But when you want to enter the ruins, it's a matter of life and death and wealth. Now that you come in, don't blame others. Death has already come to an end.

The people who come in don't know how big the ruins are. When they walk two or three days, they find that the ruins are boundless. No matter how they walk, they just can't get to the edge!

Of course, the ruins are not all swamps. In fact, the area of swamps is not large. After walking for half a day, Lin Mingyuan and the penguin have gone out of the range of swamps and come to the edge of the sea. Should it be the sea? Otherwise, it's a salty lake. In short, the water is salty and looks very clean. There is a small river flowing into the lake beside it. When Lin Mingyuan and Penguin see the river, they are so kind that they take off their clothes and jump into the water.

I had a good bath. I've had enough of this clean habit.

After taking a bath, Lin Mingyuan tried to build a raft by himself. He wanted to drift on the sea to see if there were any other land, or take a water route around!

At the same time, he also caught saltwater fish, these fish taste good, it seems that countless years have not met the human, more than ten kilograms of big fish look silly, see something floating on the water, immediately flocking to watch the fun!

The result of watching is that Lin Mingyuan grabs them as soon as he reaches for them, and then grabs them again and again... He grabs dozens of them, cleans up the internal organs, and puts them directly into the ring to replenish the inventory.

With penguins around, Lin Mingyuan realized that the food in the storage ring alone can't solve the problem. This elder sister can eat too much!

Fortunately, penguins are also very interested in these silly fish. They eat dozens of them at a time and solve their stomach problems.

It has indeed evolved. Although the penguin does not know that it has the function of evolution, it has indeed evolved at a critical moment. It does not like black hair, but Lin Mingyuan comforted it for a while. What black hair is good-looking and handsome? How can penguins accept this setting.

But the white fur is good-looking. The penguin is lying on the raft, watching Lin Mingyuan paddle the raft with his own paddle, circling by the water.

The water area is very wide, and it's half a day for Lin Mingyuan. There is no difference between dark and daytime in the ruins. It's always dark and depressing. Lin Mingyuan thinks that if he is in such an environment, it will be very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he is accompanied by penguins.

Two people took turns to sleep, also be considered to supplement the next physical strength!

On the third day, he had already logged in, because Lin Mingyuan had already bypassed most of the land... He boldly guessed that this should be an island, which looks small, but if he really walked in it, it would be a big island.

When he was joking, he even guessed if he didn't know how many years ago Hong Kong Island was full of people. But how many years ago, there would be no people here. It seems that Hong Kong Island is not big. If we measure it by legs, it's not small!

"Robbery!" When one person and one cat landed, before they could observe the surroundings, three people jumped out, two men and one woman, two men with big knives, and the woman with a gun, aiming at Lin Mingyuan and penguin, saying their purpose.

Lin Mingyuan is still holding a paddle in his hand. He has a new suit. The penguin is covered with black hair. Besides, he has no weapons.

Lin Mingyuan almost thought that he had heard wrong. He picked his eyebrows and looked at the opposite side. Then he heard them continue to say: "robbery! Do you hear me? Take out all your valuable things! Especially food and water

The other side speaks English with curry flavor, while the woman is a white woman. Lin Mingyuan looks at the other side strangely, laughs and says: how can you see that I have food“

"We don't care, but if we want to pass through here, we must hand in food and water, otherwise..."

"Do you see food in my hand or backpack on me? How to open your mouth and ask for something Lin Mingyuan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, you have to hand in something anyway!" Curry English is very good for listening, because you have to guess the meaning of many words. With a sigh, Lin Mingyuan said, "it's a lot of luck to live in the ruins for two or three days. Can't you live well?"

"You mean we're looking for death?" When curry English is exported, it has the smell of death.

So Lin Mingyuan walked towards each other, two curry immediately holding weapons, ready to give Lin Mingyuan a lesson, by the way in front of white women to show their majestic posture.

Unfortunately, after a few seconds, they lay down on the street with broken arms and legs.

"I'm in a good mood today. I won't kill you, but if you dare to rob me again, I'll send you to see curry God!" Lin Mingyuan light said, conveniently confiscate the other party's weapons.

Both curries were about to cry, lying on the ground and yelling, "why is it so difficult to rob? Yesterday, I met a beautiful and shameless woman. She was about to say that she was going to rob her. She punched her and flew out. She was able to recover her wounds. I met you and was beaten again! Woo woo