Hong Kong Island also has a small world? The answer is almost sure, then it will bring a very serious problem... Hong Kong Island is one of the world's economic and cultural centers, and one of the world's most important business distribution centers. There are too many people here, and the economy is also too important. Let alone one third of Hong Kong Island is affected, and many of them are the center of the economic center, that is, the edge, That's the end of it.

"What can we do?" Asked Lin Mingyuan.

"It's what you can do!" Rania emphasized.

"Er..." Lin Mingyuan choked for a moment, pondered, and then asked, "so what do I want to do?"

"I don't know!" Lania went straight back.

Lin Mingyuan immediately rolled his eyes. Don't you know that?

LANYA chuckled and shook her head. "If you don't give me the ability, I can't give you a definite answer, because I don't know the exact answer myself. Do you understand?"

"Alas With a sigh, Lin Mingyuan said: "if it's just my personal safety, I can return the energy to you now. This is absolutely true, but now it's not just my personal safety. Your ability is too strong, which is related to the lives of countless people. On this basis, I really dare not..."

"If you don't dare, forget it!" Rania turned her back and continued to look out the window.

Lin Mingyuan sniffed and sighed.

Just about to say something, Lin Mingyuan suddenly felt the whole Earth wobble.

He was sure that he didn't feel wrong. The earth was just wobbling. It was obvious that he could feel the tremor.

The shock is very obvious, even the whole house is wandering!

Downstairs jiangxintong they also feel, aware of the earthquake, the two quickly toward the building shouting, let them out of Lin Mingyuan.

It's an earthquake! But only for a moment!

Even if the real earthquake led to the collapse of the house, they would not be suppressed, but the sudden earthquake made Lin Mingyuan think of a bad thing, and Rania also gave him a reply - the earthquake, but not the real earthquake, but the array was loose!

Paralyzed! This is the worst result. The array was just loosened, which caused a shock. On this side of the villa, but on the top of the mountain, we could all feel it clearly... Lin Mingyuan, Rania held her hand and recited in her mouth, so she didn't disturb her. After a while, Rania yaotou said, "I can't figure out the specific array position, but I can be sure, The array is loosening. Maybe the next earthquake will come soon

"I guess there is probably a giant living below!" Rania stares at the distance, the horizon does not know when to start, gathered a black cloud!

Is the mountain rain coming?

No, it's not a mountain rain. It's not a very common rain on Hong Kong Island. Recently, there has been no typhoon. Black clouds have formed so quickly that in just a few minutes, a large group of black clouds have been formed. They are floating over Hong Kong Island.

It would be unnecessary for Rania to think that he had seen something from the dark clouds - a huge giant form, as if standing aloof!

I'm so... Lin Mingyuan's heart is cold, which can be said to be the worst result, bad enough to make people swear.

The ancients always said that the white cloud is the dog, which means that the clouds are changeable. Now people like to look at the clouds in the sky and guess the image of the clouds. The sky forms black clouds for no reason, and the black clouds change into the image of giants. Lightning and thunder stir the power of heaven and earth, just like the end of the world.

This strange scene also attracted the attention of many people on Hong Kong Island. They came out of their rooms one after another and photographed the extraordinary clouds. They wanted to record them. Many people realized this abnormality and called the relevant departments immediately.

What happened here on Hong Kong Island has aroused the whole body, and the big guys are also paying attention. A few minutes after what happened here, Lin Mingyuan has already received a phone call from Zheng Weiguo, because he knows that Lin Mingyuan is on Hong Kong Island.

Recently, the old man paid special attention to Lin Mingyuan. He was also frightened by his ability to make trouble. Can't the child stop making trouble?

"What's going on over there on Hong Kong Island?" The old man asked directly.

"Can you say you don't know?" Lin Mingyuan asked.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what's going on!" Zheng Weiguo said.

"If only I knew what was going on!" Lin Mingyuan was also looking at the black cloud over his head through the window. His seat was on the giant's leg, and he said, "the national special administration is ready to increase its manpower. In addition, the garrison in Hong Kong is also on standby at the first level."

"Damn, it's so serious?" The old man's heart trembled and asked immediately, "are you sure?"

"Of course I'm not sure. I only know a few things. I'm not optimistic!" Lin Ming is far away.

"Need to evacuate?" The old man asked cautiously.

"That's a good question... But I can't answer it!" Lin Mingyuan frowned, evacuating the crowd, how to evacuate? One third of Hong Kong Island. If those things happen, I'm afraid it's not one third of the problem.

So, the problem is very sharp!

"First, what's the matter? I'll talk to the boss!"

"In short, there may be a giant below, or there may be a giant at some corresponding positions on Hong Kong Island! Of course, it is very likely that there will be! "


"It's judged, but I don't know if it is!" Lin Mingyuan looked at the black clouds in the sky, it seems to be suspended in the top of his head, motionless, is high hanging in the top of his head!

"What if there were?"

"You have asked for the second time. Let's put it this way. If the other party wakes up, then the whole Hong Kong Island will be doomed this time. Of course, this is the worst result. If it's a good result, then nothing will happen!" Lin Mingyuan said.

"You're going to cause trouble everywhere." As soon as Zheng Weiguo heard these possibilities, his liver would tremble. Hong Kong Island can't afford to lose. Economy, population... The world's top

"Hold on, I know you haven't said something, but I beg you, if there is something wrong, you should try your best to stop it... Hold on

"Try it. I don't know what I can do. I can't give up my life." Lin Mingyuan said lightly.

Dududu, the phone has hung up. Zheng Weiguo obviously doesn't want to listen to him. After that, he has hung up.

"If there is a giant, what kind of giant should it be?" Lin Mingyuan puts away his mobile phone and stares at the sky. From the shape of the black cloud, we can see that he is a giant like Lu Bu holding a halberd.