"You didn't come, aunt. Why are you so excited?" LANYA's lips made a sound, blowing a bubble, and her eyes looked up to the sky. With these words, she was stunned. Lin Mingyuan also held back. They had never said that since they knew each other. LANYA has evolved!

No, it can't be said that Rania has evolved. It should be said that he has evolved. When Lin Mingyuan thought of this, he couldn't help laughing, shaking his head and saying, "I have something to ask you!"

"Today's clouds are so beautiful, white cloud dog is like this, one, two, three..." Rania released herself there.

Lin Mingyuan held on for a long time and said, "no, Rania, I have something to tell you."

"Tell me, it's not something to ask for me LANYA's tone is a bit resentful, which makes Lin Mingyuan more confused. What's the situation, elder sister? How can you still hear the taste of resentful wife.

The problem is that we are very innocent, innocent can no longer be innocent, OK! No, if we really want to compare the innocence and innocence, we may not be so innocent. After all, we have seen each other's body. But then again, does Rania's body count?

Should not count, this elder sister is not a person!

Lin Mingyuan thought for a while, adjusted his mood and said, "I found a nightmare!"

"Twelve, thirteen..." Rania continued to count.

"He was attached to a person, and he was attached to me. He controlled me with his domain, but he didn't succeed. Finally he was killed by me!" Lin Mingyuan said.

"Twenty four, no, twenty-five!" Rania didn't seem to hear.

Lin Mingyuan sucked his nose and thought it would not work if it went on like this. What's wrong with Rania? It seems that no matter what the other party's problems are, now his own problems are also very important, so he said: "I beg you, look at this situation. I used the Dragon chopping sword to chop him a few times. I thought he was killed, but now it seems that he didn't know how to do it. He attached himself to another person and ran away!"

Rania's counting stopped. She was silent for a moment and said, "why don't you ask me if I have a stomachache?"

"Well?" Lin Mingyuan thought she was going to ask about nightmares, but suddenly he said, "why don't you go around my aunt's business?" thinking of this, he could not help grinning. It seems that there are few reasonable women at the end of the day, so Lin Mingyuan had to say: "do you have a stomachache? How many days? "

"It doesn't hurt, but it's very strong. I just ate a lot of food and found a new restaurant. All the dishes are delicious!" Rania seems to be talking to Lin Mingyuan at home. She is garrulous. She doesn't have a point, and she doesn't need a point.

This makes Lin Mingyuan suddenly realize that LANYA may not be angry or something, but simply... Bored?

Giants will also be bored. When giants are bored, they will do a lot of inexplicable things. Some will be seen by believers and will be passed as miracles. Some will make believers more confused. What's wrong with them?

As for Lin Mingyuan, he certainly won't have any miracles. He just wants to say, how can he be lonely!

"I'll send a plane to pick you up now?" Lin Mingyuan asked tentatively, though this was a little too ambiguous.

"What are you doing? To help you catch nightmare? Beautiful thought Rania refused directly.

"No, it's just for a stroll. In the past 10 or 20 years on Hong Kong Island, China's number one economy, no, it's an important economic place in the world. It's still fun!" Lin Ming is far away.

"Better than a book?"

"It can't be compared. There are Yan Ruyu and the golden house in the book, but there are heaven and hell on Hong Kong Island!"

"Do you know how many clouds I just counted?" Lania asked.

"Thirty eight." Lin Ming is far away.

"When is the flight?" Rania's words changed.

Come on! Lin Mingyuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'll arrange it now. I can take off in two hours at the latest. I'll send someone to pick you up!"

"The 38th cloud looks like a nightmare. I hate nightmares. If these guys don't do good things, they will make people have nightmares!" Rania breathed again, in a more coquettish tone.

Think about Rania, who killed decisively and could destroy a place with a word of disagreement. Listen to Rania, who is full of little womanliness now, just like a man who has been waiting for her for a long time, who even makes her complain!

Lin Mingyuan doesn't know what to say. Life is full of variables, but anyway, Rania promised to come, which is a good thing. Lin Mingyuan was very happy, so he laughed and said: "come and have fun, then you can go out to the sea to dive or something, what nightmares are not nightmares, it's not important, I can hurt him!"

"Diving is meaningless. I've been down thousands of meters. It's dark and I'm not looking at it!" LANYA suddenly seemed to be uninterested again and said, "forget it, I won't go. What I want now is nothing. I don't have any strength. It's boring to go!"

"Er..." Lin Mingyuan can't let go. If the other party wants something else, he may be able to promise, but if he wants to recover his strength, he can't give it to the other party. If he gives it to the other party, there will be endless trouble. Although there may be nothing else, the key is whether Lin Mingyuan dares to gamble?

"If the plane doesn't arrive in two hours, I'll say nothing!" Just when Lin Mingyuan didn't know how to reply, LANYA suddenly let go.

This matter... Lin Mingyuan mouth moved, found that the other party agreed down, busy said: "OK, that's settled, I'll contact the plane!"

The two sisters are not far away from each other. They can also hear and see Lin Mingyuan's actions. They feel a little bit uncomfortable because they are guessing that they are calling home, but they soon adjust. This matter has been known for a long time, not just now. What's wrong? Can't you adjust your mood well!

"I contacted a big man to come and help, so we don't worry. When she comes, we'll take us to find the nightmare, Yu Zhiling... If she is killed, we'll take revenge for her. If she can still be saved, that big man will be able to do it!" Lin Mingyuan came back and said.

"Big brother?" The two sisters blinked. Thinking about the way Lin Mingyuan had just called, the two sisters didn't understand. What kind of boss is it?