Zhao Yijian was nearly killed by Li Mingyuan. After more than a day's treatment, people wake up, but it will take some time to recover. Xu Yaoyao and they can't wait that long. Although they want to be with Lin Mingyuan, they can't think about uncle's affairs!

Lin Mingyuan took them to see Zhao Yijian, and then sent them to the airport to see them off. Out of the airport, Lin Mingyuan's mood is not very high, because Wang Mang sent him a few messages. In the past few days, there have been four murders in all parts of Guangdong Province. Without exception, all of them were men killed, and they were powers. Their death was almost the same, their stomachs were broken, and there were signs of fighting at the scene. It looked terrible.

Male, pregnant, kill the host after breaking... Lin Mingyuan whispers.

If it's just that one, it's not clear, but there are so many in succession, then one thing can be confirmed... Someone is really playing tricks.

Half an hour later, Lin Mingyuan met Wang Mang. The latter took a stack of photos and gave them to Lin Mingyuan, explaining: "a total of eight people are between 20 and 40 years old. Two of them have been registered in the national special Bureau and are in the investigation period. If they are qualified, they can be recruited to the national special bureau!"

"It's all the same death!" After looking at the photos, Lin Mingyuan's face is a little dignified. One case is a case, and the number of cases has increased, which shows that there is premeditation.

"There is no obvious law. There are four places in Guangdong. It's like flying. There are almost no clues around it!" Wang Mangdao.

"There's no clue from Skynet?" What Lin Mingyuan said about Skynet is the city monitoring system. Tens of thousands of surveillance cameras are distributed throughout the city, including private surveillance equipment along the road. It is reasonable to say that there should be no clues

"Skynet is still investigating, too... Too many!" Wang Mangdao.

"Well! Let's pay attention to a man with a big belly

"It's better to pay attention to it, but I can't figure it out. If these people are not feeling well, they should go to see a doctor quickly. Can they endure the monster?" Wang Mang asked with a frown.

Just then, Wang Mang received a phone call. Yuezhou people's hospital received two patients, both men with big stomachs!

"Go Lin Mingyuan said immediately.

Yuezhou people's hospital is about 15 minutes' drive away from the place where they are. It is not uncommon for men to have big stomachs when there is no traffic jam. Many men aged from one to forty or fifty do not exercise all the year round, smoke and drink all the time, and their stomachs are as big as pregnancy.

But it's basically a kind of morbid state. Three high, fatty liver and visceral obesity often affect daily activities.

Wang Mang had been noticed in the morning, so he could get the news immediately.

When Lin Mingyuan, Wang Mang and others arrived, the hospital was in a mess. Lin Mingyuan was in a bad mood, so he rushed out of the car and went straight to the place of turmoil.

It's really a mess. As soon as the hospital received the two men with big stomachs, it informed Wang Mang. During this period, it arranged B-ultrasound examination for them. In the words of the doctor, after living for so many years, I haven't seen a man with big stomachs, and he can still move.

The stomach can really move, and even move a lot, so we arranged for them to check.

But it was during the inspection that the accident happened!

When the B-mode ultrasonic detector was used for examination, the doctor found that the patient's stomach was a living creature with irregular shape. When he was planning to do further examination, suddenly a man with a face full of panic and pain, and his mouth uttered a fierce cry. The doctor quickly turned to look at it. At this time, the man suddenly struggled to stand up and hit him like crazy, Several doctors can't hold it!

The examination room was in a mess. The big bellied man's eyes were red and his face was full of pain. He scratched his belly with both hands. A few seconds later, he broke his belly!

At this time, several doctors in the house have run out in panic, and the security guards of the hospital rush to stop them, and then they see a scene that makes them panic.

The man's stomach suddenly burst open, and a black thing full of mucus came out. They had never seen what it was. As soon as it came out, they immediately opened their mouths and began to eat.

Then the door was closed and I didn't know what was going on inside.

Only hear inside scream repeatedly, let a person in the heart frighten.

When Lin Mingyuan came, it was just at this juncture, so he rushed in directly and yelled: "back up, all back up!"

This time, he could finally see what it was. To seize this opportunity, Lin Mingyuan rushed in directly. As soon as he went in, he felt the blood. In the small monitoring room, it was as if it had been splashed with blood. There was a man lying on the ground and a man sitting on the seat next to him. Both of them had weak breath. The window on one side had a big hole, When Lin Mingyuan broke in, he saw a red and black shadow rushing out.

"Wang Mang, you deal with here, I'll go after it!" Lin Mingyuan yelled and chased out along the big hole.

This is the first floor of the hospital. Behind the hospital is the inpatient department. Behind the inpatient department is a park. There is a moat passing through the park. Lin Mingyuan is very fast. He soon sees the black and red shadow shuttling through the grass.

I finally saw this thing! Lin Mingyuan chased all the way to the park. He saw that the thing rushed to the water and stopped immediately. It seemed that he was afraid of water.

"A snake?" Lin Mingyuan quickly determined that it was not a snake, because it had claws. Although it was not big, it could see the existence of claws.

Do snakes have claws? The answer is no, but back many years ago, did snakes have claws? The answer is yes!

Lin Mingyuan was not surprised that the snake in front of him had feet. The claws of the snake were very strong, and there was blood and a kind of mucus on the body, which was in line with those scenes.

Snake is a black snake. Now it's stained with blood, so it appears a kind of black red, about two meters long. Seeing the river, it seems that it doesn't want to go into the water, so it twisted up and made a threatening sound towards Lin Mingyuan, spitting out messages in its mouth, which makes people feel terrible!

Lin Mingyuan is not without vigilance, but if it's just this snake, it's hard to hurt him.

"Hiss!" The black snake stands up and threatens Lin Mingyuan. It seems that as long as Lin Mingyuan takes another step forward, he will attack.

"Ha ha! You want to run after you kill people? " Lin Mingyuan disdains to smile. He already has a stick in his hand. Because he doesn't know the specific attack means of the other side, Lin Mingyuan has to defend himself, so as not to hurt himself!

Then the snake attacked. It seemed that this was a good time to attack.