The three girls in the room are sure that there is Lin Mingyuan in them. It seems that they don't need to worry about everything. They are so fierce just now. In the blink of an eye, they are like little sheep. Ha ha, what power is this? It's useless. It's not as obvious as throwing a stone in the water. It's like blowing a mouthful of smoke!

Misu even went to the door, so that she could see Lin Mingyuan clearly. The latter also squeezed her eyes. Misu moved, and Xu Yaoyao and Wu sining also moved. So a few seconds later, the three girls all went to the door and looked outside.

Li is still on the ground tomorrow. The black big one's means are invalid. The other one is still motionless. The scene turns around in an instant!

Xu Yaoyao even went directly to the door and kicked Li tomorrow, who was on the street with a cry. He snorted and said, "big bad guy, I'm sick to death. If I can't chase him, I'll have evil intentions. What are you doing alive?"

Waste air alive, waste land dead! Xu Yao added a sentence in her heart.

Black dog is a little scared. He hasn't been like this many times since he got the ability. Now he is really scared, because he doesn't seem to be afraid of him at all!

I'm not afraid of this at all. It's enough to make people confused.

Of course, the most important thing is that his powers are also invalid! Why add a word? Take a look at Li tomorrow. Where is the end of the goods? The whole person is not very good. If you look carefully, you can see a little blood spreading slowly.

"I'll give you a chance. If you get stuck with me, I'll let you go!" Lin Mingyuan says suddenly, black dog in the heart trembles, the heart way this words how listen so awkward? If I can trap you, will you let me go?

But then again, it seems that he really can't hold each other

No matter, try again, black dog heart a horizontal, cold hum, said: "this is what you say, you don't move, see if I sleepy you!"

With that, the black dog began to build up his power and mobilize his powers. He was fierce on his face and thought, well, I don't believe in this evil. I haven't lost this power. It's the first time just now. There won't be a second time. I'll make a big one this time!

An air mass gradually formed in the hands of the black dog, and soon began to expand. About a minute later, the air mass became one person tall. One face of the black dog was even blacker, and his cheeks were bulging. He yelled hard, and his mouth made an ugly sound. His arms were strong, and he kept saving. After that, he even shook his body and looked at Lin Mingyuan, He said, "if you have seed, you can go on!"

Lin Ming stood there, his legs naturally diverged, and he didn't take each other seriously at all. He saw the black dog push the air mass. This time, it was the biggest air mass he had ever gathered. The second largest one was the one just now. In the past, he needed the air mass the size of a basketball to control others, This also depletes the black dog's powers, so his body begins to slosh.

"Be careful!" Three women can't help but remind that if Lin Mingyuan is controlled, he is also in danger. Although three women believe Lin Mingyuan has the ability to deal with it, many things are hard to say!

Lin Mingyuan nodded and saw that the bubble was close to him.

It's true that there are energy fluctuations, but... It's not so strong. Lin Ming has a lot of foresight and knowledge. He really doesn't care.

The black dog breathes hard, so-called success or failure depends on it. If he can trap the other side, he can fight a turning over battle. If he can't, he will also have bad luck!

The huge bubble is wobbling and drifting towards Lin Mingyuan at a slow speed. It looks like an expert has made a huge bubble, but it contains energy and has a feeling of flammability and explosion. The bubble is very tough and it is estimated that the needle can't pierce through.

The huge bubble just met with Lin Mingyuan, and then... Nothing happened. Just like before, in a moment, it was like meeting a sharp needle, directly crushing the bubble.

"Poof!" Black dog saw this situation, some couldn't bear it. As soon as his throat was sweet, a mouthful of blood spurted out. What's the special situation? God, tell me quickly why we can't trap each other. No, it's not that we can't trap each other. It's that the special bubble didn't work at all. It broke just next to each other.

It's like he doesn't know what to say.

So he vomited blood. It was depressing, and it was also a reaction after he was weak,

"Strange!" This is not what black dog said. He couldn't speak while coughing up blood. It was Lin Mingyuan who spoke, because he really felt strange. The bubble contained huge energy, but after it was broken, it disappeared in a moment. Scattered in the air, Lin Mingyuan couldn't feel the energy, and he didn't know why he was broken when he met him.

This aroused his curiosity, and he knew that there must be some place where he could control the bubble, but the question was, what is it? You have to figure it out.

Three women Qi Qi's relief, uncle is uncle, is fierce don't don't want, this appearance is really handsome, let a person fall in love.

"It was dangerous, wasn't it?" Xu Yaoyao looked back at the two girls. Misu nodded and said, "of course, it's dangerous. Don't you see that ugly fat man has been spitting blood

Wu sining didn't speak, but she nodded her head with certainty. From her expression to her movements, we can know that she was expressing affirmation.

What is ugly fat man? In heaven, although I'm fat, I can still grow. Ugly fat man, oh no, it's black dog who coughed blood. When he heard this, he felt bitter and coughed even worse.

Lin Mingyuan took a look at the three girls. Instead of saying anything, he said to the black dog, "get up and do it again!"

Come back? I'm dying? When the black dog coughed, hearing this sentence, he coughed even worse. He was bleeding.

"I suggest you be obedient, or I don't mind making you worse!" Lin Mingyuan said quietly, his tone full of threats. If he said just now, black dog is only a joke, but now, I'm afraid it's very easy to realize it.

No, there is no need to add a possibility, but it will come true. The other party is threatening itself.

So listen or not? Black dog's brain is very clear. If he doesn't listen at this time, maybe what he says will come true. If he listens, he is really exhausted!

As soon as he lifted his head, he saw that Lin Mingyuan stretched out his right hand and said, "just a little smaller. I'll give you half a minute. If you don't do it, your limbs will be broken first!"

The limbs were broken first, and Lin Mingyuan looked at the three girls and said, "you'll go back to the house first. It's too bloody for you to see!"