Li River, the river slowly, strange stones stand, occasionally fish jump out of the water, happy, the trees on both sides of the strange stones reflected on the water, like a ink painting, Lin Mingyuan by boat, the level is stable, the ship will naturally be stable, the strange stones on both sides of the back, Lin Mingyuan stood with his back, looking at the scene on both sides.

It seems calm here, but in fact it is not. After that day, UAVs and helicopters came to inspect for many times. Three times, the helicopter was attacked, and the big stone flying from the ground hit the helicopter at a very high speed. If it wasn't for the height of the helicopter, it would be on the street on the spot.

The helicopter didn't know what the attackers were or where they were. They raised their altitude and inspected for a while, but they didn't find anything.

But that means... There are other monsters in the woods, probably the great apes.

With this discovery, Lin Mingyuan was also alert. He came here just to find out what was going on! He had killed two great apes in his anger before, but now there are great apes, or things suspected of great apes.

Lin Mingyuan has already climbed between the stone forests. There are many stone forests, ranging from several meters to tens of meters. But it's not an obstacle for Lin Mingyuan. After all, he can fly... This ability is absolutely useful now, and there is no one else, so he doesn't need to hide himself!

"Well?" Lin Mingyuan has been walking for an hour. He found some traces left by large animals. From the situation, it seems that they were left by the so-called great apes.

From the trace, we can know that these great apes did not act alone, but in groups.

If found, kill or not? Lin Mingyuan hesitated for a moment. According to the current regulations of the state special administration, if a mutant animal is found, it is necessary to first determine the danger of the mutant animal. If there is a huge harmful behavior, it is necessary to stop or dispose of it. On the contrary, it is necessary to not interfere, or catch it, and put it into a safe environment. Even now several protected areas have been summed up nationwide, It is specially used to place mutant animals that are judged not to be too aggressive at present.

There is no doubt that great apes are aggressive, and they are very aggressive, so they should be killed, at least the two dead are damned.

Lin Mingyuan landed on a relatively large stone forest. When he looked up, his vision was very broad. This is where the UAV and helicopter were attacked. From the scene, we can also see the traces of some animals' activities. These guys seem to be very irritable. They are not just breaking leaves, but destructive.

It can also be seen from the traces that they are going far away, not along the river.

Now that he found out, Lin Mingyuan had to catch up.

"Roar!" A huge roar came. Even across the mountain forest, Lin Mingyuan could hear it clearly. Judging the source of the sound, we can probably know that it was in the mountain forest thousands of meters away. Lin Mingyuan frowned and the roar was full of anger!

Lin Mingyuan is very familiar with this kind of voice. The voice of the two great apes a few days ago is like this, full of hatred. But Lin Mingyuan is still far away, and his action is very hidden. Those guys can't have found him.

Someone? Lin Mingyuan frowned. Except for the occasional local herb gatherer, no one would come to this kind of stone forest, because it was too difficult to walk. If he didn't pay attention, he would step on the air and fall down. Even if he didn't die, he would be broken. If no one could help him, he would starve to death or be torn to pieces by wild animals.

When something happened, this area was no longer allowed to enter. Even in the village, the village head would inspect every day, and would not let the herb gatherers and bee gatherers enter. This area, especially, was the most dangerous. Thinking of this, Lin Mingyuan bent forward and sped up. He could only hear the voice in front of him, and he was already fighting together.

Either it's a fight between mutant animals, or... Someone! Still a psionic!

It's only 200 meters away from the fighting place, and there is a small stone peak. Lin Mingyuan is a little steady. This time, he comes here with a dragon chopping sword on his back, and he has confidence in his heart. Although the stone peak is covered by trees, he has almost judged that it's human!

A group of people surrounded at least three great apes!

With the physique and ferocity of great apes, ordinary humans can't do anything with them. These guys are quick and have the strange power of African gorillas. Their skin is hard and thick, and they can't be penetrated by ordinary bullets!

A group of people challenging the great apes?

Lin Mingyuan had to be careful, because between thinking, he had rushed to the front, see clearly that group of people, is a group of powers, in the number of nine people up and down!

Lin Mingyuan's eyesight is so good that he can see each other directly. Although he is still tens of meters away, there is a deep ditch in the middle.

He was a psionic, because two of them had their hands like the wind, and they rushed to the three great apes like a wind knife.

Nine people surrounded the great ape, it seems that they didn't kill, but... To catch the three great apes, which is even more irritating to the great ape. Between howling and shouting, they wanted to catch them and fight back, but they couldn't catch them. The nine people cooperated very well with each other. They had evidence to advance and retreat, and there was no confusion. They cooperated like this for a long time!

Nine powers! Lin Mingyuan frowned. He could be sure that the people of the national special Bureau were not here, because Lin Mingyuan was the leader here. All actions of the national special bureau had to be approved by him, or he would report it later.

But there are nine powers here. Yes, nine people are all powers. Lin Mingyuan can see that the cooperation and hand of these people are not what ordinary people can have.

There were nine powers at a time. This was the first time that Lin Mingyuan saw them outside the national special Bureau.

Even if he is rich and powerful, it is not easy for him to summon nine powers at one time, not to mention that all the nine powers have combat power

"Hahaha, you can't run away. Lie down. The grandfathers just want to catch you and go back, but they don't want to kill you, or they will turn you into rotten meat!" Among the nine people, suddenly a strong man yelled at the top of his voice. He was not afraid that he would be heard. It would be a miracle if he could be heard in such a place.

So this guy has a big voice and is very arrogant. The mace in his hand is shaking and full of threats. It seems that he has done this kind of thing!

These people are catching great apes, not killing them!

But why capture the great apes?

Lin Mingyuan was thinking of observing in the dark for a while to see what was going on when he suddenly saw those people take out something