The name of the position proposed by Mr. Song is Tianluo!

This is a name. If you look it up in a dictionary, you can get a line like this - Tianluo, which means youtianwang. A net for catching birds in the air《 Chen Shu Gaozu Ji Shang: "Gong Huizi earth axis, resist this Tianluo, once did not revere Dynasty, so as to leave nothing." Tang Hanyu's "eclipse poems follow yuchuanzi's works": "when the crime of eating the moon is later, it's time to die. Where can Tianluo escape the female punishment when he knocks money?" Hong Xiuquan, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, wrote in his poem of chanting sword: "capture all the evil spirits and return to the earth net, collect the remnant traitors and study the fall of Tianluo." The sky and the ground, all over the net. It refers to the encirclement set up in four directions. It refers to the close encirclement of the enemy, fugitives, etc.

This is a word, Tianluo is the top expert, and the underground network is the officers and men of the national special Bureau.

The times need heroes, who can play a leading role.

This is what he thought, not a whim, but it's really the first time he put it forward.

"Er..." after hearing this, Lin Mingyuan was actually a little moved, because it is expected that there will be only ten Tianluo in the early stage, all of which will be held by the top strong people in the country. Tianluo has no ranking, so it can have its own nickname, that is, the Title, or if it is not willing to rise, it can also be called one, two, three, four.

"If you agree, I'll bring it up in a meeting later. It's also very important!" Song Laodao.

Lin Mingyuan hesitated. In fact, he was very moved and afraid of trouble!

"In this way, you should think about it first. Let's go to the meeting and give me a reply in a day or two. As long as you nod your head, Tianluo will have a seat for you! Besides, Tianluo is very free, but they are not free. They bear more responsibilities! " Song Laodao.

Lin Mingyuan nodded again and said, "chief, I'll give you a reply tomorrow."

"Good!" Mr. Song thought the other party would agree.

When Lin Mingyuan was sent out, Mr. Song patted Zheng Weiguo on the back and said, "Mr. Zheng, you have trained a talent for us!"

"It's a talent. Although he's confused sometimes, he never makes mistakes in major events. He's not ambiguous in major right and wrong! I keep an eye on him all the time. I've been out of the army for many years, and he's done nothing wrong. As far as I know, he's paid several hundred million yuan just for charity, and his business is very well behaved! " Zheng Weiguo praised.

"Pillars of the country!" Mr. Song is not stingy praise, and said: "the news he brought out is too useful for us, the opportunity is very important!"

"That's for sure!" Zheng Weiguo nodded. They didn't ask Lin Mingyuan how he got the news. Everyone had secrets. Similarly, although they didn't question whether what he said was true or false, they didn't believe it 100% and needed to prove it in many ways.

But anyway, it's much better to follow the ideas provided by Lin Mingyuan than to bump them around like flies. Moreover, this will give Huaxia a chance! That's the point.

When Lin Mingyuan left the secret base, he suddenly had no purpose. When he came to the capital, what he should do had already been done. Should he go home now?

But there are several beautiful, crying wives at home.

Thinking of the adjective himself, Lin Mingyuan is about to make a sound. The God is crying for food

In the car, Lin Mingyuan receives a call from Lin Mingyi, who says he wants to invite him to dinner. Last night, he sent Ling Xin home, feeling very good. Although they didn't make a final confession, they still talked for a while, and he gave Ling Xin a little reassurance.

Ling Xin sent him several messages this morning, which made Lin Mingyi feel very good. Of course, he didn't know that Lin Mingyuan squatted in for this... But he inquired that those people were really miserable last night. It is said that they were beaten all over the floor.

Lin Mingyi knows that this is Lin Mingyuan. If he had not been here last night, it would have been too late to repent!

"Eat... Also OK, just a little hungry, you say the place, I go directly!" Lin Ming is far away.

Lin Mingyi didn't bring his friends. He just invited Lin Mingyuan. Today, he changed his place. It's also a special restaurant. The consumption is not low. Everyone gets about 3000 yuan for a meal. It's also said that he didn't eat too good food, but the taste is really good. For food, the Lin family have a natural pursuit,

When Lin Mingyuan arrived, Lin Mingyi seemed very excited and told him about last night.

"Take your time. Don't worry. Between men and women, the most important thing is character and good quality. Other things can be less important!"

"Mm-hmm!" Lin Mingyi nodded.

Two people eat and drink for a while, suddenly hear a voice of surprise coming from the side, a woman came over, shouting: "Lin Mingyi, it's you, how are you here?"

When Lin Mingyuan looked up, he saw a woman who was dressed in fashion... Her chest was less than half exposed, her figure was a little plump, and she was not tall. Standing on the table, she looked at Lin Mingyi like a surprise. The woman looks like she's about 30 years old. Her face is not light. She's carrying a cucci handbag in her hand. She can't tell whether it's true or not. Of course, Lin Mingyuan doesn't have to identify whether it's true or not.

She ran over and recognized Lin Mingyi, indicating that they knew each other, but Lin Mingyuan didn't speak.

Lin Mingyi put down his chopsticks and said with a smile, "Liu Cui, you're here, too."

"Ah, it's said that this restaurant is delicious, so my boyfriend and I came here. He was busy all day, flying to the United States or Europe. He didn't have any spare time in China. Today, he came back with difficulty. To spare some time, I dragged him over. He went to park and came back in a moment!" Liu Cui said that she was familiar with Lin Mingyuan. She also took a look at Lin Mingyuan and found that they looked a little like each other. She guessed that they were Lin Mingyi's relatives.

Lin Mingyi took the towel, wiped his mouth, politely smile, said: "this shop is delicious, you can try this dish!"

"Oh? I can't see that you are still an expert. I said Lin Mingyi, you just came out to work, but you can't eat this kind of food with the family's money. You can taste it once in this place, or you'll get two meals a month for your salary! Do you want to live or not Liu Cui a pair of didactic appearance said.

Oh, Lin Mingyuan put a piece of meat into his mouth and chewed a few mouthfuls. He laughed.

Lin Mingyi seems to have known it for a long time. He looked at his action and manner. He leaned back and said, "thank you for your concern. It's OK. This meal is my brother's treat. I'll take care of it!"

"Whose money is also money? You just come out to work, you have to save a little, or you will not have a meal, and you will eat instant noodles in the second half of the month. Hey, husband, come here, this way!" Liu Cui shouts a voice, looking at the past, she finds that it's a thin man, as if he is a man, and comes over leisurely.