Wang Yan knew that there would be such a picture after knowing the fight between the two sides. If it was normal, she might really turn around and leave, and never come back. In her opinion, what these children think about every day is rubbish, and they don't know what they are thinking about.

So she is in a state of disdain. It's not that she's so arrogant. She can't get along with these children. There are so many things to do in life, so many things have not been completed. What's more, she appreciates the relationship between mature people.

This is also the type that many precocious girls like. They don't necessarily go with mature men's money, but like the feeling when they get along with each other. Because mature, the other party will consider more things, more comprehensive, and know how to please girls.

Of course, it's more about running for each other's money. That's another story.

Wang Yan gave each other a light look. Her eyes were very flat, just like looking at a few children. In fact, even without Lin Mingyuan, her attitude towards these students had already changed, and she was more detached.

"I ask you, who is he?" Gorilla clenched his fist, the flesh tight, very excited said.

Wang Yan looked at him, frowned slightly and said, "who are you?"

You ask me who my boyfriend is? What qualifications do you have? You have no right to ask who he is, so who are you? This is the logic of Wang Yan.

Bailey opened her mouth slightly. To tell the truth, the gorilla's fierce and fierce look was very frightening. She had a feeling of fear. Just now, she was thinking about whether the other party would jump up and start. These sports people had no strength to do anything in their life. They said they would fight if they fight

As a result, I heard Wang Yan's answer, no, no, not an answer, but a rhetorical question.

It's special... A little handsome! Bailey feels a little bit cool.

Xiaojiu's teeth trembled, and a bad feeling welled up in his heart. Originally, playing ball here was like fighting. Now these guys with muscles or fat in their heads see Lin Mingyuan, don't they want to hit people directly? Don't reason with them. If these people are reasonable, how can they be like now? So she was a little worried. She wanted to ask the leader and the school police to come and escort Wang Yan's boyfriend away first. Otherwise, no matter who you are, they would fight first.

Several players on the field took advantage of this period of time, gasping, such as Xiao Liu and others are secretly clenching their fists, we are all classmates, students humiliated, they also have reason to help, can't watch the students insulted by each other regardless, this is the friendship of students, there is nothing to say!

The whole court was quiet. More than 100 people in the basketball hall seemed to be shut up and quiet.

Gorilla followed by a few team members, they are a pair of angry look, it seems that the next step will be directly rushed over, climb up from the stand, the other party beat a meal will be relieved.

The gorilla clenched his fist, and his fist creaked. He was insulted. How could Wang Yan not know him? Even if he didn't know him before, he would certainly know him in recent years. In particular, he had appeared many times as a pursuer, and now he asked himself, "who are you?", This is not an insult. This kind of gorilla hasn't met many times in recent years. Even the hospital leaders are very polite to him. After all, he is winning glory for the school.

But now, Wang Yan is insulting him! Gorilla certainly can't hit her, but can hit the hateful man next to her!

"Wang Yan, you know my boss's feelings for you. If you don't agree with him, you're still looking for such an old man out there!" Gorillas suppress their anger and question each other.

"What qualifications do you have?" This is Wang Yan's second sentence. Her voice is cold. She can't hear whether she is happy or angry. It's more like a very flat tone. There is no mood fluctuation. She just looks at each other and asks this sentence.

It's kind of cool! Lin Mingyuan said a word of praise in his heart. These two words show Wang Yan's character. She looks very quiet and sometimes very fanatical. In the face of the things she likes, the latter will appear. In the face of the things she doesn't like, the former is the one.

Hiss! Out of order, Bai Li almost shouted out, and asked what you were, and what qualifications you had. She could not say that, but Wang Yan said it, especially to gorilla, to give those awesome boys a lot of power. She wanted to cheer up.

Xiao Jiuyi patted her forehead and knew that she couldn't be good today. Wang Yan had such a character before. She knew that. She began to think about how to end today.

Some of the onlookers around even couldn't help being happy. Of course, it was Bailey's side, that is, their own people. They had been unhappy with the gorilla for a long time. They didn't know how many words to scold behind their back, but many people didn't dare to scold him face to face.

So it's very cool for someone to hate him, not to mention the goddess. It's just so cool.

If there is an automatic sign now, you can see such a typesetting - the gorilla is angry, the gorilla is very angry, the gorilla is very angry, the gorilla wants to hit people now.

Hit people, hit who? A king's banquet? The gorilla knows that he can't fight, even if the other party does something wrong to him... Sorry to the boss, but he can't fight either. After Wang Yan's fight, Han Xiaotian can't spare himself.

So he is more angry, so the goal of venting can only be the damned man next to Wang Yan. He robbed Wang Yan!

"Wang Yan, I don't talk nonsense with you. You are my boss's woman. I..."

"Today's children are very angry!" This time, it was not Wang Yan, but Lin Mingyuan, who was smiling. He patted Wang Yan's hand and said, "it looks like today is a trouble, but it's not too big. Sit down and I'll solve it."

Bai Li was a little worried and wanted to hold Lin Mingyuan. She yelled in her heart, uncle, is that what you just did? Just go down and fight each other? I wipe, do you want to be so direct!

It's not that you can't fight with your hands. It's really... It's the lowest way. She thinks it's not advisable.

But in addition to hitting people, she also felt that there was really no good way to deal with it. After all, the other party's temper was so bad that she couldn't get by without fighting

Small nine pain of cover face, today play this ball already enough let her pain, now contradiction escalation, see the ball already can't play, want to hit a person? There are few people on our side. If we really fight group fights, we are afraid that we will be killed!