The old man rolled his eyes and snorted, "if you want to join or not, there is no shortage of talents in our special bureau!"

"No!" Chen Dayong and Wang Yan said in unison, how can the old man's stubbornness still be broken? The national security bureau is not short of talents. It's eager for talents. Instead, it wants more talents, so it can tolerate Cheng Jiji and want to transform him. Now this kind of top people don't attract the organization. Isn't that a great loss, In particular, Lin Mingyuan has shown his future.

As a person who has worked for the country, Chen Dayong absolutely believes that the other party is very patriotic, so why not use him?

"The old leader, younger brother Lin, is what the national special Bureau needs most. He is like a flag. Let's..." Chen Dayong still wants to persuade him, but Zheng Weiguo interrupts him.

Zheng Weiguo snorted and said, "it's true that talents are not fake, but people don't look up to the national special Bureau“

"Er..." Chen Dayong was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

Lin Mingyuan laughs and says: "the old man's words are serious. I don't think it's not close to this, but I'm married and have children now. Life is very quiet. I have to think about family, right?"

"No one says that you are not allowed to think about your family. If you don't think about it, I have to help you think about it!" Zheng Weiguo argued.

"Not the same. As a family member, they hope that I can live in peace, rather than have nothing to worry about. No one wants to live in that way. You're from the past, you should understand! "

"Understand, too understand, just because I understand you, I didn't force you, but... I didn't expect you to progress so fast!" Zheng Weiguo finally said what he had in mind because he didn't expect Lin Mingyuan to make such rapid progress. Originally, he thought he would be left behind by the times, and it would be good to give Lin Mingyuan a safe life. In the blink of an eye, he became a C-level master, and there are several in this country. People say that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and Lin Mingyuan suddenly became the strongest, Zheng Weiguo has to consider whether he should be used by the state again. After all... Crisis and opportunity coexist. China is realizing the great rejuvenation of the country. In this thousands of years of history, what a powerful country China used to be. This multi-ethnic country has experienced a hundred years of humiliation. Now we are catching up again. We all have a dream to make this country stand on the top of the world again.

At this time, the ability breaks out, and the world pattern is facing serious challenges. One more master will bring more stability. At this time, absorbing Lin Mingyuan will definitely be a major receipt

Lin Mingyuan had known this for a long time, so he didn't tell Zheng Weiguo at the first time. He took a sip of wine and swallowed it slowly. Then he said, "you know my character, old man, I'm really tired of that kind of life. Besides, I don't want to join any organization. It's not just because of Cheng Jiji's flow. These people are everywhere and can't be killed, I just don't like the feeling of being bound! How nice to be free every day

"I understand, so I didn't force you. Do you want me to say that again?"

"Don't get excited. Just now I said my character. You know, if something big happens, such as someone from abroad to provoke us, I should or will do it, including my whole team and the need of the country. We are all duty bound, but we've really had enough of that!"

That kind of day... Wang Yan remembers these words. Looking at Lin Mingyuan's manner of speaking, she suddenly feels a little pain in her heart. It's the feeling of heartache. What has this man experienced? It seems that he is not old, but he seems to have experienced the world.

"That's why I don't force you to change to someone else. If it can't be used by the country, even if it keeps getting into trouble, so that it won't be used by other countries." Zheng Weiguo said.

Lin Mingyuan's face was solemn, and he said: "Sir, I don't think we need to say that about our relationship, but since I mentioned it, I'm just saying that I don't want to join the special Bureau of the people's Republic of China. I'm myself. I can give up my life for the country, but my family is just some ordinary people, and he still needs to live a comfortable life."

Chen Dayong expressed his admiration for daring to speak to the old leaders like this!

Seeing that he was about to break up in a bad mood, Lin Mingyuan suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and some whispering sounds came from his ears, which made him feel irritable, and the next second a spiritual shock hit his mind.

Huh? Lin Mingyuan's spiritual power is very strong, which even Rania admits. Some mental control methods are equal to zero for him, and have no effect, and even can be backfired. For example, Li Tiezhu, who was originally good at mental attacks, turned out to be a fool when he met Lin Mingyuan.

So this spiritual shock has no effect on Lin Mingyuan, and it makes him alert.

"What's the matter?" Notice that Lin Mingyuan's face is not right.

Lin Mingyuan looks back at the vast river. The place where the people are is just on the Bank of the river, less than 20 meters away from the river. Lin Mingyuan looks at the rolling river with a dignified look.

"There's something."

"Something?" Chen Dayong's heart was cold. They almost forgot to drink here. In a few days, more than ten people died, and more than ten lives jumped down from here and disappeared in the vast waters. At this time, as soon as Lin Mingyuan mentioned it, they remembered it.

"I'm not sure, but it just attacked me!" Lin Mingyuan is not flustered. He has experienced too many things. Even a giant has met one. No matter how powerful the hidden thing is, it can't be compared with a giant. After all, the latter is called a God by human beings.

This sentence makes several people nervous. Wang Yan instinctively grabs her own table, the steel table. She thinks very well. Once there is a monster, she can immediately overturn the table to resist the monster and protect Zheng Weiguo.

Chen Dayong stood up, holding a steel swab in his hand, looking on guard.

"Invisible!" Now Lin Mingyuan has six basic abilities, which improve his sensory ability in an all-round way. But now he doesn't hear, see or smell, so he can't judge.

That kind of impact came again, and Lin Mingyuan could clearly feel the hunger of the other party, the sense of urgent need for food, which was transmitted by this impact.

He stands in front of the crowd and bears the shock. Wine also wakes up completely. Lin Mingyuan asks Chen Dayong to step back with Zheng Weiguo and Wang Yan to prevent them from being affected by the shock.