The plane has entered the boundary of South America, and it will arrive at its destination in a few hours. This time, it will either sneak in, or just enter. Therefore, the destination of the plane is a place called kanutis, which is located in the rainforest and is rarely visited.

Lin Mingyuan can't go there directly. Unless he jumps off the plane, he can only land in Brasilia first. It's closer to canutis here. If it falls in Rio de Janeiro, there will be more distance for no reason. It's really not cost-effective.

Kanutis is a transliteration. In the Maya language, it can be translated as a place favored by the God of the sun, or a city of the sun. Of course, there are many places where the Maya live. They worship nature and creatures.

"What's the difference between flying and flying?" Lin Mingyuan suddenly asked curiously.

"Slow down!" Lania said.

"Ah... Is the plane flying slowly? It's almost Mach one hour, isn't it

"A mach?"

"It's the speed of sound, the speed of sound per second."

"So it's now flying 340 meters per second?" Sofia immediately thought of the unit of measurement.

Lin Mingyuan nodded and said: "yes, 340 seconds per second, 3600 seconds per hour, that is to say, we can fly 1000 kilometers in an hour. Of course, this is the ideal speed. In fact, our plane can't reach that speed, especially when we were shuttling through the clouds and encountering thunderstorms just now." Lin Mingyuan explained.

"So it's slow!" Lania seemed to have suddenly lost interest.

Lin Mingyuan picks his eyebrows. If the speed is still slow, there are not many faster ones on the earth. Of course, there are giants on the opposite side. The elder sister doesn't know how many skills she has. She thinks that the slow flight of the plane is understandable.

From another point of view... What was the scene of the giant's rampant world at the beginning? The giant who flew faster than the supersonic plane, and the giant who was more than ten meters tall, were so spectacular that they broke up and moved! Rao is Lin Mingyuan also have to sigh, giant is really a strong than!

The plane flew over Central America, passed the most prosperous area of Maya civilization, made a circle, and finally landed at the airport of Brasilia, the fourth largest city and capital of Brazil.

Let's not repeat the local conditions and customs here, just talk about the weather... When Lin Mingyuan walked out of the plane, he felt the heat wave blow on his face, and Penguin didn't like the heat very much. He spewed a stream of heat from his nose. When he looked back at the plane, he understood what it meant. There were air conditioners, food and drink in the plane, which was not much better than the heat wave outside.

But... The thing to do, Lin Mingyuan glared at the penguin, the latter reluctantly follow up.

LANYA is wearing sunglasses, a hat, a loose skirt, and a pair of white shoes. She looks like she's coming to travel. It's very fashionable. Lin Mingyuan doesn't have any opinions about it. Anyway, it's better for her to follow than not. This trip is for revenge, But he thinks this trip is not so simple!

It's a wonderful feeling. On the plane, Lin Mingyuan was worried. He was not worried about Maldini or the guy with any name. He was not worried about revenge. He was just a fluffy, bad feeling.

I hope everything goes well. If it doesn't go well, revenge can be put off. Safety is the first priority, Lin Mingyuan thought.

Out of the airport, Lin Mingyuan took big cat and Rania. The reason why she ranked Rania behind was that she was not used to it when she saw so many foreigners.

According to her nationality, Rania was rampant in Europe at that time. As a result, she now feels that these people are not fully evolved. There are too many hairs on her body, and the taste is too heavy. Otherwise, her skin is too dark. She doesn't like

Well, you are a giant and you are the biggest. What do you say? Lin Mingyuan silently looked at the hair on his leg and thought that I have more hair, I'm afraid I'm going to be rejected.

Then he took a look at the penguin, who was looking left and right with a sniff. He seemed to feel the meaning of Lin Mingyuan's look. The penguin grinned at him and glared at Rania.

LANYA shrugged her shoulders innocently, thinking that it's none of your business for me to dislike these guys who are not fully evolved. I didn't say that you Lin Mingyuan are not fully evolved, let alone that you stupid cat are not fully evolved. Why do you stare at me!

So now there is a strict food chain between two people and a cat. Lin Mingyuan is afraid of Rania, Rania is afraid of penguins, and penguins are on Lin Mingyuan's side.

Sitting in the car, Lin Mingyuan seemed to have been here many times. He was familiar with driving a pick-up truck all the way. He turned inside the city for a while and then headed out of the city.

Naturally, Lin Mingyuan has never been here, and he has never been to Brasilia city before. However, Lin Mingyuan has already taken a good look at the map and even the street view map in advance. With his strong memory, he is unimpeded on the road.

All the way speechless, Rania took out two books and read them. Lin Mingyuan glanced at the speed of her reading, which was amazing. No wonder it became a scene of her university library, because normal people would not read like this.

An old professor once noticed the speed of Rania's reading. He could not help but get angry. He felt that this was not a serious reading at all. How could a good student, a good student who studies normally, a student who loves learning and studies hard, turn over a book like this.

So the professor came over. Of course, he didn't have a bad tone. Otherwise, the professor might be dead next year. He just "cleverly" put forward his own question, which happened to be the content of the book Rania had read. The first question was not difficult. If he had read the book completely, it would be very easy to answer, So the professor put it forward.

LANYA... In the words of the bodyguard hiding in the side, she just glanced at the other person and obviously saw the other person's mind, but she didn't go too far. She answered the other person's question according to the question, which was about 200 words, just corresponding to the professor's question.

The latter obviously didn't expect Rania to be able to answer it. After he was stunned, he immediately put forward another question, which was also in the book. Although Rania was impatient, considering that the other party was a professor after all and had a polite attitude, she answered it.