That thorn was eaten by the penguin, which caused it to suddenly become poisoned and jump to the bottom. At that time, Lin Mingyuan was still worried, otherwise he would not come down to look for the penguin. As a result, it turned out to be like this?

"Penguin, Niubi!" Lin Mingyuan gaped. After waiting for a long time, he said a word to penguin. Who could have thought that Penguin would be such a result? Is Penguin so good? What it eats is actually the essence of blood ancestor LANYA?

No, no, it's not accurate. According to xuezulania, this is her strength.

This is to start from the beginning. After being sealed, the blood ancestor Rania is seriously injured. With her ability, if there are a large number of blood slaves at this time, she can recover her strength in a period of time. The so-called blood slaves are her servants, those human beings, or other followers. She can draw strength from the blood and recover her ability.

However, she was locked in the coffin, which was transformed by the magma giant itself, and could not be broken by ordinary forces. Rania was still seriously injured, and she could not break the coffin, so she was locked in it.

It's a state of isolation inside. Rania's energy is also passing away, so she finally has to go into a deep sleep. There is no way to do this kind of deep sleep, otherwise she may soon die of starvation because of her heavy injury and energy depletion.

The idea of the magma giant was to starve her to death, because it was impossible to kill her directly at that time, let alone to kill her. Starvation was the best way, but he obviously underestimated Rania. His vitality was so strong that ordinary people could not imagine.

During her incarcerated life, Rania just kept weakening. She wakes up once every 1000 years, but this kind of awakening is very short. When she sleeps, she will accumulate some strength, and then use this strength to try to break the seal of the coffin.

Every one thousand years, she will try, but she won't play herself to death. So after thousands of years, Rania wakes up here on this day, and suddenly finds that the seal of the coffin is much weaker. So she decides to try. Unexpectedly, this time, she succeeds. She breaks the seal open and extricates herself from the seal.

But Rania, who came out of the seal, was also very weak, but it was a very good result that she could break away from the seal.

Of course, Rania later learned that the reason why she was able to break away from the seal was not only her own, but also thanks to an intruder, who was a devout believer and also a ascetic. He went to the Gobi to practice hard and came here by accident to discover the secret of the underground. He braved himself to go down and found that there was another cave in the underground, And then step by step to the place where Rania was sealed.

Before entering, the ascetic had acquired some powers, but he didn't know it. He thought it was God's ability. After entering, the ascetic saw the place of seal. What he didn't know was that his power came from Rania, because he accidentally found a bat that Rania had fallen when he was fighting with the giant magma, The bat was petrified by the giant magma and scattered.

So you see, the power of a giant is to be powerful. Any little bat can make people gain powers.

After the man broke in, he unconsciously destroyed the seal, and then something happened after Rania woke up. Only after she woke up did she have the power to destroy the whole seal and escape from it.

But after all, she had been sealed for so long that she didn't know how many years to go on. When Rania woke up, she had time to escape from the coffin and couldn't move.

Of course, as long as she escapes from the coffin, Rania has unlimited possibilities. In fact, Rania's power spreads out, even if it happens unconsciously, but Rania's power is so terrible that she can do it, extend her power and corrupt those people.

The first one to be corrupted is the believer, who is called her first divine servant. Of course, these are all self claimed by the believers, and they were not voluntary originally. After being corrupted by power, they lost their ID and became the believers of Rania. The existence of these believers is to provide Rania with the first wave of power, that is, their own blood power, Although very weak, the second is that they develop other believers and bring more and more people here.

This is only the lowest means, there is no way, otherwise Lania will never suck the blood of these people, which is an insult in the eyes of noble Lania. After all, they are all miscellaneous fish, drinking the blood of miscellaneous fish? What a low-level means it has to be.

But at this time, there is no way. She must recover her strength as soon as possible, because she doesn't know what the outside world is like. She only knows that she has been sleeping for a long time, but Rania has many enemies. In order to avoid being killed by enemies, she needs to recover her strength as soon as possible,.

Although the speed is very slow, Rania has to bear it. At this time, the shell is just her incarnation, that is, the separation. The real strength is the red blood thorn. At the beginning, it is just a blood thorn, which is neither high nor big. With the more blood she absorbs, it grows stronger and stronger, and finally it becomes a blood colored plant that spreads all over the valley, The liquid from the spines that Lin Mingyuan cut off before is actually part of the blood, so it has a bloody taste.

Lin Mingyuan can only say that Rania is really creative.

Of course, the other parts of the plant are not the most important. The most important thing is the huge thorn, which is the essence of Rania's power. The penguin rushes over, clicks, clicks

Rania's strength accumulated for a long time was eaten by penguins!

so what? And then there is no then. After the penguins eat it, they can't digest and transform it into their own power. So Rania was so angry yesterday after reacting and wanted to take it back. Unfortunately, although the penguins can't digest her power, they can restrain her and easily solve Rania's problem.

To put it simply, Rania can't fight penguins. Otherwise, if she kills penguins, she will never get back her power. Moreover, when she fights penguins, because she is fighting against her own source, she will weaken countless forces.

To be more simple, she now has her body, and penguin has her body. Originally, she can switch freely, but for some reason, Rania can't switch now, and her switch key has been cut off.