So Jiangyong has turned a blind eye in the past two years. When he can't see it, he comes to talk with him. If he can persuade him, he can't.

In the eyes of parents, their children are always the best, but that's only one side. On the other side, in many aspects, the children are not the best. Oh, not even good.

It's too common for little gangsters to find little Taimei. As long as they don't have a big event, let them. Of course, if there is a big event, the relevant teachers will be punished. There's no place to reason about it.

Now communication is so advanced that everyone carries a mobile phone, and they are all smart phones with all kinds of functions, so they don't even have to pass notes in class. Children mature earlier, and the things in their mobile phones make Jiang Yongdu dumbfounded.

Children are maturing earlier and earlier. Many parents are bastards. Three or two-year-old children learn two adult words from TV. They talk about them as fun and encourage their children to really say that.

Seven or eight year olds are even more precocious, like adults, but they don't know what those words really mean. They just imitate and get the encouragement of adults. As a teacher, Jiang Yong can't say too bad things. He is a bit old-fashioned and old-fashioned, so he doesn't like children's mature appearance, Being young means having young things. It's not good to go to the adult world too early!

When it comes to high school, from sixteen to seventeen to eighteen or nine, people don't know what to say. They know so much that teachers and parents are caught off guard. Fighting is hateful, but in Jiangyong's opinion, it's wrong for teenagers to feel the so-called adult love together because of the agitation of their youth, If he wants to experience the love of an adult again, he, as a male teacher, is not very acceptable.

But... It's not something that he can change alone. For example, the phenomenon of puppy love in the school can't be said to be too much. It's flooding. There are 60 students in the class. The children seem to be very happy about this kind of thing. Fortunately, Jiang Yongping also instills some thoughts. The phenomenon of puppy love in the class is OK.

Like the student who broke his leg, life forced him to study hard and work to earn money, so it was OK. What worried Jiangyong was those who didn't study and wanted to study, but were constantly tempted by the outside world.

For example, there is a girl in the class, named Bai Xue, who is about 1.7 meters tall. She is very beautiful, just like her name. She has a beautiful meaning. She studies well. Although she is not very smart, she works hard enough. Her parents are ordinary people. In the county, they are all ordinary classes. The house is not big, but the three members of the family live comfortably, During the home visit, Jiang Yong met Bai Xue's parents. He was an ordinary man and an honest man. He was in his forties and had no great ability, but he had been like this for half his life.

For Bai Xue, her parents have high hopes, but they don't force her to study. They just hope that she can change her own destiny and ordinary destiny by studying. For the children of poor people and ordinary families, parents can't give you much help. They try their best to give you a stable family and a normal growth environment. No matter how much, it will be very difficult, I'm afraid they can't bring it out either.

So it's more up to you to change your destiny, and the way to change... I'm afraid learning is the first in the world. Only by climbing this ladder can you quickly climb out of small places, to the outside world, and to the top universities. This process may be very tortuous and arduous, but once you climb out of the world, It means that you are likely to change your own destiny, and then change the fate of your family.

Most parents all over the world hope to change their fate and become their expectation for their children. Whether they can study hard and climb this ladder depends on their children. Bai Xue is a good child. Although her parents didn't have very good conditions since childhood, they also let her grow up healthily and take care of her carefully and didn't make her suffer too much, And she also knows that she should study and concentrate on it.

Of course, Jiang Yong likes such students very much. After class or even at rest, when the students come to ask questions, he is very happy to answer them. There are still many students in the class who want to learn, even the students in the middle and lower grades. Everyone has different intelligence. Not everyone is sensitive to learning, but... As long as they are willing to learn, He hopes to be able to help each other, which is what Zhang Hong often complains about him, saying that he can't care about home for work. Of course, it's just her complaint. In fact, it's her job to support her husband.

However, there were some problems in the last semester. It's not complicated to say. The little bully in the school mentioned above drives a BMW X6 to school every day. He stops his car in front of the door and seldom gets arrogant. This car can be said to be the best car in the whole school. After all, the principal only drives an Audi A4.

When I was in high school, I drove a luxury car in the eyes of most students to and from school. In China, cars like Mercedes Benz and BMW are very destructive, so the little girls and even some girls are very project oriented. The little bully, coupled with his youth, doesn't care about many things, so it leads to the little bully and the girls in and out of school

It's disgusting to say that, but this is the reality, and so is the essence of this society.

This little gangster claims to be able to cut off a hundred people in high school... Ha ha, in fact, he has done so. He has money in his hand, he can get along well in school, and he has some skills in society. Therefore, in addition to the little girls who value these things, some girls in school and society come here with admiration, hoping to fly moths to the fire and get along with little overlord for a long time, However, if the latter is to be cut off by a hundred people, it is impossible to have a long-term relationship.

It is said that many wars have taken place because of fighting for him, that is, girls and girls fight for him, and even several girls fight with him at the same time.

Jiang Yong can't understand the world of young people, but as a teacher, it's very, very sad to see such a thing happen. It's the age like flowers, the best age. It shouldn't be like this!

It's not that we shouldn't fall in love. It can't be forbidden, but if we go into the adult world too early, it may cause irreparable harm to ourselves. After all, some things happen, and time won't stay. Looking back many years later, he hopes that his students can smile rather than scold.