"So that's about it!" Lin Mingyuan stood on the back of his hands and stood opposite to the three women. Su Qingling and others sat on the sofa. Of course, there were also lying down. Yao Ziqi was lying on her face, with a mask on her face, only her eyes and her mouth were exposed.

Lin Mingyuan was delayed for a day in the county. The next day, he came home with his dissatisfied cat penguin. During this time, the three women also knew what happened here. Their reactions were almost the same. They didn't expect that such a case would happen, and they didn't expect that such a big event would be involved in the case. It can be said that many leaders would be involved in such a big case, or even directly dismount without him, Who examined and approved this kind of company? It will be supervised. Has the securities regulatory department carried out the accusation? Has the relevant leadership taken the brain?

It can be said that the matter is very simple. Even if it is a formal enterprise, when it carries out investment and financing, it also needs to be inspected by relevant departments, right? There are too many tricks in these matters, so the leaders of relevant departments can not escape from saying that they are innocent and irresponsible.

Lin Mingyuan just poked the hornet's nest. Oh, that's not right. He didn't poke the hornet's nest, but the hornet's nest came to sting Lin Mingyuan. As a person with a little ability and justice, it's normal for the other party to have bad luck.

"I've heard about this company for a long time. One of my aunts called me a few days ago and asked me if I was worth the investment. I told her directly that if you want to lose all your money, you can invest in it, all of them!" Su Qingling is still a little angry when she knows about this. No one knows about such a big thing happening in the company below. The inspection department is derelict of duty, and she is also derelict of duty as a manager. This is not the misappropriation of small money. How much is the construction cost of the whole factory? Even if so much money has been misappropriated, she is not aware of it. Don't notice even if, the key is his mother's next people collective crime, it is a nest case!

Su Qingling can't stand it. She is in charge of Tianfang company. Although it's just a small project, this kind of thing happened.

Yao Ziqi comforted her, and it's not her fault. No matter how well the supervision is, it's hard for the people below to keep it from her. So when the company is big, all kinds of departments should be set up.

It's not impossible for large enterprises to deal with their diseases. There are always ways to deal with them. What's more, if they find out that the relevant money can also be recovered, the loss will not be great. It's just a few middle-level cadres who neglect their duties and clean up. They don't need to care too much.

"If you take a cut, you will gain wisdom. In the future, you can't pay the money of the next company at one time. You need to be properly stuck!" Yao Ziqi said.

Jiang Lingxin is a diversion of everyone's attention, she pointed to more than ten meters away, a majestic look, is boring inspection of the penguins in the room, said: "penguins today seems to eat nothing!"

"Is it?" Lin Mingyuan looks at the penguin when he hears that he is talking about himself. He also turns his head. Lin Mingyuan looks back and laughs and says, "have you eaten? I remember the cooked food I sent. It ate it! "

"Meow?" Penguin made a cry, as if to say that they did not eat? That's what I mean.

"Not really?" Lin Mingyuan can't help but wonder that he didn't care about it after he came back.

"Meow!" Penguins feel aggrieved.

Well, it's not that the penguin didn't eat, but that he forgot to send it to the relevant hotel. When he came back, he really wanted to make a phone call. As a result, as soon as the number was about to be broadcast, the phone came. After Lin Mingyuan received it, he was busy.

"Sorry, I forgot about it! It's up to you! " Lin Mingyuan said quickly after reaction.

Penguin is shaking his head, as it lives in human society for a long time, Lin Mingyuan and others will increasingly feel its high IQ, understand human language is not the most powerful thing, the most powerful is its learning ability.

Things like opening the refrigerator are all pediatrics. Now it can use the microwave oven to heat dishes and the TV turntable. It's also amazing.

Seeing that the other side's appetite is not strong, Lin Mingyuan feels that there is something wrong with it. However, after studying it up and down, he doesn't know why penguins don't have much appetite today.

Three women also came to check, home more than a pet, we are very concerned about, but check to check, found that there is no problem, it seems that do not eat no problem.

"I'm not sick, am I? It has been eating human food for a long time. Will it not adapt? " Jiang Lingxin said anxiously.

Yao Ziqi nodded, frowned and said, "is it possible to be angry? After all, I didn't prepare food for you today..."

"Well, it should be nothing. We are not abusing it!" Lin Mingyuan rubbed his nose and couldn't figure it out.

When the four of them studied together, the penguin wandered around on its own. Thinking about the amount of exercise of cats, Lin Mingyuan thought of a question and said, "is it because it's not enough exercise because it's locked up at home every day? Like tigers and lions, they may walk hundreds of kilometers every day to inspect their own territory, but penguins don't have such sports space... "

"It's possible. I've seen the animal world, where the male lion has to travel a long way every day! But most of the time, I'm still sleeping. I'm so lazy Yao Ziqi can't help but curl her lips when she comes to the end. She finds it hard to believe it.

This is just our analysis. As the core of the event, Penguin cat seems to be lack of interest. It is too lazy to pay attention to everyone. After looking at the crowd, it rubs onto the cushion specially prepared for it and jumps comfortably on it... Yes, the cushion prepared for it is actually a couch for lazy people. From its name, we can see that its function is to be used for lazy cats. It is very soft, The elasticity is very good. The whole cat can jump up, lie down and rub a few times, then it can rub a comfortable position, which is very comfortable.

"So you see, don't take things in the factory seriously. It's not as important as one of our cats." Lin Mingyuan comes up to Su Qingling and kisses her on the cheek. Although she is an old husband and wife, this kind of intimate action still makes Su Qingling's cheek slightly hot and her heart beat faster, which makes her feel a little excited.

"I know the truth, that is... Well, it's nothing, right? It's just a small thing. If it doesn't happen this time, it will happen in other places!" Su Qingling sighed. Lin Mingyuan nodded and said, "it's all small things, and it didn't cause too much loss!"

"I know you're comforting me, but it's really nothing. I'm just a little self reproach myself!"

"Yao... Why hasn't Yao wanwen come back yet?" Lin Mingyuan looked at the mobile phone and found that it was already more than 9 p.m. and it was about 10 p.m., but Yao wanwen didn't come back.