The fresh blood produced by the hemopoietic system in the body flowed out like this every day. In just a few seconds, a lot of fresh blood flowed out from the wound cut by Lin Mingyuan. Lin Mingyuan could not help grinning because he didn't control his strength, which led to the wound being cut too big!

This is his mistake, but from the effect point of view, to is good, blood drops on the stone table, slowly faint, but no reaction!

"Well? It doesn't work? " After waiting for a full minute, Lin Mingyuan found that nothing had happened, and there was nothing perceptual.

Wait... There is still no response.

I'll try bailing... Oh, the bleeding method I tried once failed. Lin Mingyuan silently looked at the blood on the stone table and the wound on his arm. After waiting for a while, he still didn't find it.

It seems that the giant is unusual, so Lin Mingyuan and others stop bleeding from the wound on their arms, and are ready to use another method, such as... Reaching out and patting the stone platform, shouting: "is there anyone inside? Come out and have a chat

If there is someone around Lin Mingyuan at this time, it is estimated that his expression will be like this - 0.0. Fortunately, he is alone now, and he doesn't even have a cat. Although the big fish in the pool can hear the sound, I'm afraid he can't understand what Lin Mingyuan means.

Of course, this is definitely not a good way. Lin Mingyuan himself knows that the memory in his mind does not have this knowledge, at least the memory that can be read does not, and shouting can not succeed, so Lin Mingyuan needs to change his thinking. Of course, he needs to reach out to photograph other people's graves and shout them out to see himself. This kind of thing belongs to the brain hole is too big, which is not a real way.

As for brute force cracking... Lin Mingyuan thought that the problem was that he had a dagger in hand, which was very sharp. It was too hard to cut stones.

The big cat suddenly appears in Lin Mingyuan's view. It squats on a statue opposite the pool and on the head of an ape shaped statue. The head of the giant ape is not small, but it's still a little reluctant to accommodate the big cat. The former's limbs are squeezed on the head of the statue. Lin Mingyuan picks his eyebrows and hairs to calculate the distance. If the statue on the opposite side can fall down, HMM, That's not enough distance to hit this stone platform.

So he waved to the big cat, hoping that the other party would jump over and shout in giant language. So the big cat gave a response. With a force from the sculpture, the cat flew over and landed gently. Lin Mingyuan began to guide him in order, hoping that the other party could help him open it. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to go out. He just knows how to open the giant's tomb.

Anyway, Lin Mingyuan has tried the technique of dripping blood, but it doesn't work, so we have to try other methods.

The cat came over and understood Lin Mingyuan's words. First, it squatted down, raised its front paw, stretched out its long tongue and licked the hair on its paw, and then rubbed its side face, including the position of the top of the head with its front paw. It was a few minutes after this series of actions.

From waiting for the other party's reply to holding his arm, Lin Mingyuan looks speechless and impatient. Finally, the cat washes her face. It seems that when she remembers that there is another person next to her, she leans her head and sniffs in front of Lin Mingyuan. She seems to be asking, who, what did you just say?

"I ask you, how to open the giant's tomb, oh, you may not understand the meaning of the tomb, then directly open it, at least let me have a direct dialogue with giant Optimus!" Lin Mingyuan said it again in Chinese, and then translated it into giant language. His awkward pronunciation really tormented him!

But the cat understood. Lin Mingyuan was very happy about this. Then he stepped back to prevent the cat from getting too big. He could not bear to give him a kick or hit him. Then he was ready to see how the big cat opened the stone platform.

"Bang!" Big cat understood Lin Mingyuan's words and knew his demands, so Lin Mingyuan heard a bang and saw the whole process.

At that time, when Lin Mingyuan stepped back to the third step with his arms in his arms, he saw that the cat suddenly raised his paw, as if he had accumulated strength, and then smashed it on the stone platform.

Then Lin Mingyuan saw that the stone platform was smashed by cat's paw!

Yes, it's smashed. It's so simple, quick and easy.

Lin Mingyuan jumps from the corner of his eye. He knows that he is not the same strength level as big cat, but he never thought big cat's strength would be so great, but the strength is in line with its shape.

After smashing the stone platform with one paw, Lin Mingyuan also made sure that the stone platform was empty. If it was solid, it would be even more terrible if it could be smashed with a big cat's slap.

Big cat smashed the stone platform, as if just doing a very small thing, pricked its meat mat at any time, so big cat very disgusted to lift up his paw, vigorously threw, threw the gravel out.

Yes! As soon as Lin Mingyuan was happy, he rushed to look down with the cat. It was not the coffin, but... There was a big space. There were also night pearls in it. Lin Mingyuan didn't know how the giant shut himself in, but the space inside was really big. At a glance, it was estimated to be tens of meters, and it was very empty.

There is a big space at the foot. It seems that the entrance is here. If we don't meet big cat, how can Lin Mingyuan think that the giant's remains are here.

"I'll go down first!" Lin Mingyuan pointed to himself and to the mouth of the cave. However, he saw that the cat was a little dull and sniffed. It seemed that he remembered some memories. It seemed that he still remembered the giant.

Without waiting for Lin Mingyuan to go down first, big cat himself first picked up the gravel on the stone platform and pushed the stone away. He went down first.

Lin Mingyuan has a new understanding of the cat's ability. He's afraid he can shrink his bones. After all, he's not good at body shape.

There are no steps below, but the walls are uneven. Lin Mingyuan estimates that it should be possible to go down, even with a little effort. Fortunately, his strength is amazing now, so it is unobstructed.

The temperature below is not only not low, but also very hot. Lin Mingyuan never understood the ventilation principle here, but the air below can breathe, so... Wait, what's the red one below?

Halfway down, Lin Mingyuan could see a wider space in his field of vision, so he saw a piece of red light far away in the underground space, some things similar to fire light. There was fire light in the underground space, which was abnormal. Lin Mingyuan first thought of fire, but fire needed combustibles and oxygen, which was indispensable. So is fire light really in the distance?