Not suffering from nothing, but suffering from uneven.

Once many people have more power than ordinary people, some of them will inevitably become inflated, which is an unstable factor.

Of course, Lin Mingyuan does not know how those giants suddenly died and disappeared in this world. But Lin Mingyuan can be sure that for some unknown reason, the power of those giants reappeared in this world.

The memory is incomplete, even fragmentary. What Lin Mingyuan knows is limited. He doesn't even know how these memories came to his head. But what is certain is that his dialogue with the stone, and later the stone broke to reveal its true colors, that is, countless human bones, are inextricably linked. Even if Lin Mingyuan denies it, how else can he explain his turn, And the stone broke?

But this matter is too important. Lin Mingyuan needs to sort out his ideas.

If you ask an ordinary person if he believes in these things, they may think that you are sick, because normal people know that those mysterious things exist in movies and TV plays, in novels, not in the real world. That's what people imagine. But if they really appear in the world now, it's really something wrong, It's too unfair for ordinary people.

Giants, gods, myths and legends, and countless legends all over the world from ancient times to the present, seem to make sense all at once. Whether it is the immortal system that has been handed down for thousands of years in China, such as the Jade Emperor, the queen mother, the three saints, and all kinds of immortals that extend from below, the existence of these gods is too illusory to modern people, It is also imagined by people. Of course, for those superstitious people, they still believe that there are gods in the world.

When the legend is no longer a legend, and even the things discovered by Lin Mingyuan can reveal the essence of most of the legends, it becomes... A little strange. On the one hand, Lin Mingyuan is a little excited, because he touches another world, and even reveals some mysteries of this world in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years.

That's the giant! They once grew up between heaven and earth, once ruled everything, created miraculous buildings and civilizations all over the world, and finally disappeared in the world like fireworks.

However, some of them did not really disappear, nor did they completely disappear. Their power still exists, affecting human beings and everything in the world.

But how did they show up, aliens? Or is it the species developed on the earth, or the predecessor of human beings? This planet is too magical. There are dinosaurs, human beings, and countless species, ranging from dinosaurs to single celled organisms. To be sure, giants are also born. In Lin Mingyuan's memory fragments, there is a picture of the birth of a giant, although it is very vague, But it was born.

The emergence of the giants has brought the world into a mysterious world. Their various abilities and incredible abilities are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Lin Mingyuan can now confirm one thing, that is, Liuzhi and lengjianfeng have the ability brought by giants. They will have a lot of ability to reflect, but... Are there any sequelae? Lin Mingyuan couldn't help thinking that he certainly didn't know if there were any sequelae, because there were no such things in the memory fragments that could be seen, and what Lin Mingyuan knew was limited.

And now he doesn't even know what ability he has gained, so he can't play.

Lin Mingyuan turned off his cell phone, got up to go to the bathroom, shivered after the end of the water, suddenly thought of a thing, he and the... Let's call it stone, but he gave the blood to the stone, and then established contact with it, and the voice all the time has been calling for blood, for blood, does this mean something?

The instinct of creatures is to eat. Whether it's small Paramecium, large animals or human beings all over the world, they all need to eat, because it can continue life and reproduce. Then why does the stone with "intelligence", that is, the incarnation of the giant after death or before death, need blood? Is it because there's energy in the blood? Can we keep them alive?

Naturally, Lin Mingyuan didn't know all these things, but he felt it necessary to understand the relationship between them. Otherwise, he would be foolish if he accepted the giant's "kindness" so vaguely, and there would be very serious consequences.

There is no monitoring equipment in the bathroom, so Lin Mingyuan stayed in it for a while. In this independent space, Lin Mingyuan experimented with his own strength and found that he was still in the same line as before. Oh no, it was not as good as before. After all, after lying for so long, all aspects of his body have degenerated. It seems that it will take some time to recover. The more he uses, the stronger his muscles are, If not, it will degenerate.

But he didn't find the extra ability, which made Lin Mingyuan a little confused, but he was not worried. If he couldn't find it again after a period of time, he would be worried at that time.

In the twinkling of an eye, the people who came to inquire still came. They all looked very serious. They were all cold faced. Leng Jianfeng and they were also present. Everyone was worried that these people would be bad for Lin Mingyuan, so they came as soon as they arrived.

"To introduce, we are from the state special situations Bureau. My name is Lin Dazhuang. We are still our own family." The leader is a young man, no more than 40 years old, with an inch and a national face. He is not fat or thin, and he wears a suit. Yes, in such hot weather, he wears a suit, but he doesn't see any sweat on his forehead. It can be seen that he is also a person with special physique.

It's reasonable to say this with a smile, but Lin Dazhuang's meticulous face is very serious and expressionless.

Lin Mingyuan took a look at each other's outstretched hand, nodded his head, and reached out to hold it. The other person's hand was cold, as if he was holding a dead person's hand, which made people feel uncomfortable. Lin Mingyuan quickly withdrew his hand.

Still expressionless, Lin Dazhuang glanced at the others and said, "go out first. We're just asking Lin Mingyuan about something."

Leng Jianfeng and others didn't move, and song Xiongwei and others were still standing. Lin Dazhuang nodded slightly and said, "I said don't be nervous. We're here to inquire about what happened that day, not..."

"We are the same here. The boss just woke up and needs to be looked after!" Leng Jianfeng also said without expression