In the words of He Tian, maybe God came to play with him on purpose, so there will be a turning point in the story. No, it should be said that it's an accident that he Tian can't accept at all. That week, the old man of his family celebrated his birthday and he had to go back, so he didn't go to see the girl and they didn't contact each other because the girl didn't have a mobile phone, There is a landline at home, but the girl can't call home. She doesn't want her parents to know that she didn't pay attention to her study, but made friends.

Making friends doesn't mean making friends. It's just a simple way to make friends. Rao is so. The girl's parents may not like it very much. Therefore, He Tian pays attention to his own standards, doesn't harass the girl, and doesn't destroy her existing life. Of course, he still takes advantage of himself to improve the food every week and invites the girl to have a luxury together, Gradually, the place to eat is from small restaurants to places where the per capita consumption is about 100. When you go to such expensive places, the girl wants to bear her share, so he Tian refuses, saying that he has thousands of subsidies every month, and there is no place to spend, so he invites her.

However, when he went back this time, things were different. He went to the gate of the girl's school and waited for her. According to the schedule, the girl would go out of the school at that time because she was going to make up lessons for the student, but the girl didn't come out today. He Tian sat on his bike for more than half an hour and didn't wait for the girl. He couldn't wait, so he ran into the campus and came to the girl's class, Found no one in the class, he is not convenient to go to the girl's dormitory, after all, said before.

At first, He Tian thought that something was wrong with the girl, but the next day he got a news that he didn't want to believe but happened.

The girl is dead! Die of suicide! He Tian died in a small hotel. When he heard the news, his first reaction was joking. First of all, how can a girl go to a hotel? No matter how cheap it is, it costs dozens of yuan. But the girl is reluctant to give up the money. She is careful. If she has dozens of yuan, it's not good to buy some fruit for her parents, let alone go to a hotel that costs about 100 yuan a night.

So he couldn't believe it. When he drove to the scene, the hotel had been temporarily closed by the police for investigation. He Tian grabbed a policeman and asked him what was the matter. The policeman was still investigating, but the girl did commit suicide and died of sleeping pills.

He Tian won't believe this is true even if he is killed. How optimistic she is. During the time when they were chatting, He Tian was very cheerful and didn't get impatient when he met something. So how could he believe that the girl committed suicide?

She is dead, indeed dead, He Tian endured the pain to see the girl's body, her face is very white, no blood color of the kind of pale, died asleep, but not peaceful, because sleeping pills to eat too much, people will be painful, He Tian's heart is very painful, he went home for a week, how come back, the girl is not there? He even imagined many times that he would stand by the girl and propose after she graduated

The girl is dead! He Tian can't accept it. Even if nothing happens to them, they are still in the hazy stage of their relationship. But at least he Tian is single Acacia. Now that the girl he likes is dead, he can't stand it.

The girl left a suicide note. It was true that she committed suicide, but it was for a reason. One day before her death, she was violated by the father and son who made up the lessons. That day, she went to make up the lessons, and the father of the junior high school student was at home. They said that they would make up the lessons later. They asked the girl if she could. Of course, the latter said yes, so they left her at home for dinner, The result... The other party put something in the dish, the girl felt something wrong after eating, dizzy, and soon fell asleep. As a result, when she woke up in a daze, she felt someone touching her body. She wanted to resist, but her limbs were weak. When she woke up completely, she knew what had happened.

Of course, the girl can't accept it. Once he Tian talked about her imagination of her partner, the girl said that she hoped to find her partner after graduation and exchange with each other for the first time. From one to the end, she said that she was an ordinary girl, so love was ordinary, but she should stick to it.

As a result, she was violated by an animal father and son. When the father violated her, the child was nearby, and even helped... This kind of thing has gone beyond the scope of normal people's understanding. After he Tian knew the news from the police and saw the girl's last stroke, his first idea was to get the gun.

There are a lot of guns in the army, and he can use them casually in normal training, but it's impossible to take them out. Even if he has a big background, he just thinks about it, but he doesn't hesitate. Although the father and son have been detained for investigation, he still breaks into the detention center. In front of several policemen, he pulls out his knife and stabs it out, The father and son were stabbed more than 30 times.

He Tian's purpose is to kill two animals, so the knife can't be stabbed in the position of hands and feet, but to the heart and the gate of life. His only purpose is to avenge the girl, the girl named Yue Ge, the girl he likes, even the girl he loves.

"Boss, you know, I didn't think so much at that time. I didn't even think about anything. When I saw the father and son, my only idea was to kill them. Yue Ge couldn't survive, so I had to kill the father and son. Otherwise, they would be squatting for a few years or even less than ten years, And that little beast, because of his age, will not be punished, but will be protected by the law? Ha ha, it's ridiculous. Since the law can't punish them, I'll punish them. So I went with a knife, and I took several of them, long and short. I have to kill them! " He Tian said here, his eyes are red, tears have come out, Lin Mingyuan really didn't think it would be like this, want to comfort and don't know where to start.

So he killed the man. He was in the army, and even ran out all day. He killed the retrial suspect in the detention facility, and killed two people directly. He didn't even have the chance to save the animals and his father and son. Although he Tian was fat, he still had some strength. The red knife went in and the white knife went out. He was crisp and fierce, and killed two animals directly.

As for him, he didn't think about the consequences. He Tian didn't care whether he was sentenced or paid for his life. He just wanted to avenge Yue Ge.