"So for what? Do you want to do something? " Lin Mingyuan asked, but he thought it was OK. Otherwise, he might have to teach some shameless people a lesson to let them know what strength is and what life is!

Even if it's really that goal, Lin Mingyuan also 100% believes that Xu Yanan will not agree. Even if she is not with Lin Mingyuan, she can't agree. Even if the other party opens her mouth, she will refuse mercilessly. If the other party goes too far, Xu Yanan doesn't need other people's help. She will blow up first!

It seems that Xu Yanan is said too strongly, but she is such a character. She is good to those who care, but she is polite to those who don't care. If the other party is not polite, she may also be impolite. Whether she can get her good face depends on what the other party does.

However, since it is not the purpose, it will not be disgusted.

Xu Yanan's cousin is married. Her girlfriend is beautiful and educated, and the key is money. It is said that she lives in a villa and her family is from Beijing. They met each other from the Internet. It is said that on what website, Chen Guanxi is a little V on it, with more than 10000 people's attention, while the woman has more than 100000 people's attention, As the big V of that website, it can be said that there are a lot of people chasing it. Usually, they either send some romantic pictures, or make their own food, or travel photos on it. It can be said that it is an absolute goddess, which fascinates many men who pay attention to her.

After all, it's a platform for knowledge sharing. It's said that the people on it are very capable. Either they graduated from colleges like 985 or 211, or they have a good family and go abroad to study. But behind the scenes, they still look like hanging silk. They are all in favor of the so-called goddess. The woman answers hundreds of thousands of questions.

Chen Guanxi, whose name is Mr. Chen, often answers questions about computers. Because he has enough knowledge, his answers are very professional. As time goes by, there are also some fans. He is regarded as a dry goods responder in that forum and is respected by people. After all, he is a knowledge sharing platform, Some people don't care about their looks, while for female big V, they pay more attention to each other's looks. As for what the other person answers, I'm afraid that more than 80% of them don't care. As long as they are beautiful, they don't have to take some travel photos. Of course, there must be a goddess in the photos. It's better to wear less and show off their chest, Lulu's ass is so beautiful.

So the big V above should be quoted, but how did Chen Guanxi and the other party know each other?

This is a bit ingenious. The goddess has a lot of followers, and there are also some big V among them. Some of these people are from the same industry, and some of them are invited in because they pay attention to the quantity. The so-called elite groups. But if you add them in, you will find that these so-called elite groups have a lot of moisture, Some people are just people in real life, but on that platform, they just make up stories, get some approval and flattery, so as to satisfy their vanity and imagine themselves as a person who calls the wind and the rain. Maybe this is really a sense of success for some people, but for Lin Mingyuan, this is really false.

People gradually stopped eating. They were listening to Xu Yanan telling stories. For example, Xu Yaoyao knew the website and occasionally went up to have a look. When Xu Yanan said this, Wu sinang suddenly thought of something. She took out her mobile phone and said, "I seem to remember this person, en, both of them. The impression of women is more."

"Is it?" As soon as they heard this, they all became interested and began to ask. Several girls all had the app of the website, so when Wu sinang said it, everyone searched it. As a result, misu remembered the woman, but said, "I used this early. At that time, a group of women talked about gender topics all day long on it, relying on bold remarks, Even self explosion of their own XX history and attracted a lot of men's attention and discussion, praise is also very high, and then I won't go on this website! "

"Is that so? Does that include her? " Xu Yanan asked.

Misu thought for a moment, nodded and said, "if she doesn't change her name, it's her! It's an ideal country, right? It's a long name, but it's easy to remember! "

"Well, that's her. That's what the relative said..." Xu Yanan went on. As they listened to the woman's answers, they found that they were all romantic, either eating in the sun or playing in the sun. The newcomers were all high-end places, famous cars and watches, and all kinds of excellent lives were displayed, which made ordinary people envy, If we are all ordinary people, we will certainly be envious to see people living like this.

This story is just the beginning. Chen Guanxi is also invited to join the group. Occasionally, he will explain to you the knowledge of network and finance, such as the basic knowledge of trading and financial hedging. He is also very eloquent and attracts the praise of some people in the group. The woman is a very active member of the group and often comes out, It seems that I am familiar with everyone.

Beautiful women speak well and act coquettishly, so some men in the group like that woman very much, and Chen Guanxi also thinks that the other person is very good. She is the kind of ideal type that she is waiting for. She even thinks that it would be nice if she could say more words with the other person several times.

Once this kind of thought is born, it's hard to restrain. As soon as the other party comes forward, Chen Guanxi will come out. Sometimes, if he can't get a word, he will use red envelopes to attract the other party. The maximum amount of red envelopes can only be 200. Therefore, Chen Guanxi sometimes sends several 200, or even more than a dozen, in order to attract the other party's attention.

After all, there are very few really rich people in the group, and the really rich people have brains, or they have families, and they are very restrained in the group. In private, there are many people who want to have a super friendly relationship with this beautiful big v.

As for Chen Guanxi, he knows what his shortcomings are and what his advantages are... It doesn't seem obvious in the group, so he obviously has some inferiority complex.

After such a period of time, just the red envelope, in that group alone, Chen Guanxi estimated that he would have to send more than 50000, which is not the private hair to the beauty. En, during this period of time, the two have already added friends, looking at the beauty's circle of friends every day, the deep temperament makes Chen Guanxi intoxicated.