In fact, he didn't say all of it, or even only part of it, because there are UAVs, even fighter planes, and medium and long-range missile support, because this is the most dangerous place to invade other countries. The target shows that Soviet Gong and Zhao Meihua were brought to the enemy occupied area of the country. What is the enemy occupied area? It is the place occupied by the rebel organizations, and it is the place completely occupied, which means that the ordinary people here, whether voluntary or forced, should be convinced by the rebel organizations here, otherwise they will face death.

Women in this country are the lowest. Under the occupation of rebel organizations, women here are doomed by XX. Of course, this has nothing to do with Lin Mingyuan, because he has always been a racist, not a believer without international organizations.

Whether the people here are in dire straits or living in hell, it has nothing to do with Lin Mingyuan. He just wants to save his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and by the way, kill the hostile team that wants to kill him and his family, and permanently wipe them off the earth.

That's Lin Mingyuan's goal. For this reason, he gave us $200 million as the Commission for this operation. Although the players didn't want it, Lin Mingyuan still gave it out ahead of time. Everyone is equal, no matter the managers or ordinary members of the team. As long as they participate in this operation, basically everyone has a reward of more than US $3 million, Three million dollars is enough for the players to be free for a while, but if they die... Lin Mingyuan will give them a pension.

The purpose is to find out each other, kill each other, and leave no future trouble!

After all, it's an invasion of another country. Although there are no obstacles to the border line of this country, let alone the airspace and territory, and Lin Mingyuan and others can drive straight in, they still have to worry about it. Fighters and helicopters are not Chinese, but American products, and they are the most advanced weapons.

These two F-16 fighters are not Lin Mingyuan's, but the oligarchs he knows. As soon as Lin Mingyuan opens his mouth, he agrees to borrow them for convenience. As long as they are not defeated in the end, Lin Mingyuan only needs to pay a little reward. Oh, as for the missiles and other weapons fired between them, Lin Mingyuan will pay for them separately, although the other party doesn't want them and says they are gifts, But Lin Mingyuan can't do that.

Weapons are just a kind of guarantee. Talents other than weapons are important. This is the battlefield. It's the real battlefield. It can be said that it's the most tragic place. The regular army of this country is very weak. Without the help of other countries, it can only retreat and be constantly expanded by the rebel forces. However, it doesn't mean that there is little exchange of fire between the two sides. In fact, the fighting place is full of fire every day, Life is like weeds, Lin Mingyuan with almost the main force in the team rushed in, in fact, is very dangerous!

Although it was done before, it was for money and task at that time, but now it is for his personal affairs, so Lin Mingyuan took out the money and prepared to lead the team himself.

Chu Qing advised him to let her lead the team. Lin Mingyuan was in the rear of the town. After all, the clue is not clear. If you enter rashly, it is likely that the country's regular army will be regarded as an invasion and will turn the muzzle. After all, this force is not weak.

But Lin Mingyuan refused. He left Chu Qing behind to guard the rear and take charge of the dispatch. They were alone in depth, or for his personal affairs. Once something really happened, whether they were surrounded by the regular army or the rebel army, it might be difficult for everyone to retreat. Even if their weapons were more advanced, they were useless.

Chu Qing of course refused to listen to advice, if she can let Lin Mingyuan alone to risk, then she will not call Chu Qing, so she is determined to go with Lin Mingyuan.

At home, Zhao Xiongwei, Leng Jianfeng and others want to return, but Lin Mingyuan doesn't allow them. He orders them to stay in China, protect their families, and find out all the rubbish hidden in the dark. As for this side, just have him.

The battlefield is blind! Although the missile has eyes and accuracy, if it explodes right next to you, there will be nothing left. The destructive power of a real bullet is not the same as that expressed in movies and TV dramas. It can bounce back when it hits many bullets. In fact, if it hits a stray bullet, even if it is not a key part, it can cause huge damage, And like those machine gun bullets, after they hit, there was a huge wound, many even penetrating wounds.

This is the power of modern weapons, not to mention those airborne machine guns, heavy machine guns on tanks, and those guys who shoot a bullet can break through dozens of cm thick bunkers. If they directly hit people's bodies, they will explode head on and smash their bodies.

It's a power with great kinetic energy. This time Lin Mingyuan entered a turbulent country, he was licking blood with a knife!

So before he started, he got into a tank and called home. This time, Su Qingling answered the phone. Lin Mingyuan's voice was very calm. He just told her that he had found a clue. Su Jungong and Zhao Meihua had been kidnapped. Now he took people to rescue him. As for how and where to rescue him, Lin Mingyuan didn't say. He just told Su Qingling not to worry, he would bring his parents back intact.

In fact, Lin Mingyuan doesn't know whether these two people are good or not. According to the past experience, they are mostly dead, or even miserable. However, Lin Mingyuan thinks that the other party will spend so much effort to capture people from Europe, and I'm afraid they won't be killed easily. That's meaningless. They don't threaten themselves, and they don't expand their interests.

So in the end, Lin Mingyuan still thinks that they should be alive, but they may have suffered some crimes, but the ultimate goal is to threaten him and Lin Mingyuan!

Su Qingling is not stupid. He knows it's dangerous as soon as he hears it. He asks Lin Mingyuan quickly, but he doesn't say much to comfort her. He asks Yao Ziqi to answer the phone and says a few words to Yao Ziqi. He doesn't say any last words, because he has finished with Chu Qing and has recorded them. Once he dies here, one tenth of his property will go to Chu Qing, The other nine tenths. Half of the money is given to the three women in the family and one tenth to Xu Yanan. Their parents don't have to give them money by themselves, but Lin Mingyuan still leaves them one tenth. After all, Lin Shuwen has to donate his own money. If Lin Mingyuan dies here, no one will give them the end of their pension. He still has to leave some money for them.

As for the other, Lin Mingyuan didn't think about how to do it, so he let Chu Qing decide for herself.

Of course, Chu Qing refused, because she also left a will. This is not a special case, but every time she went on the most dangerous mission, everyone would leave it and give it to the left behind staff of the headquarters for safekeeping. Once she really couldn't come back, the will would take effect naturally