Wang Suxin felt very nervous, excited and afraid, but it was too late to be afraid, because she was running and running, which was a very hard work for her who didn't love sports. But Lin Mingyuan was in front of her, so she bit her teeth and refused to say a tired word,.

Similarly, a large amount of adrenaline also made her offset a lot of fatigue, so that she could keep running.

After several buildings were overturned, Lin Mingyuan jumped onto the external stairs of a building, which was also a few meters. This time, Wang Suxin was no longer afraid. She jumped hard, and Lin Mingyuan did not disappoint her. But this time, it was Lin Mingyuan's turn to be in pain, because one of Wang Suxin's feet was stretched out, and it was in her arms, This time, the foot is sure to ruthlessly kick somewhere.

It looks like revenge. He hurt her chest. In fact, Wang Suxin was also wronged. She didn't mean it. She just flipped her legs unconscious in the air and just kicked her.

"Uncle... Are you ok?"

"Let me take a break, and you take a rest." Lin Mingyuan couldn't laugh or cry, but he thought that if there were several pursuers at this time, he would have a lot of fun.

It's really painful, not teasing Wang Suxin. The little girl is sitting on the ground, her face is red, and she has some apologies and grievances. Lin Mingyuan is not very angry, and says: "it's an accident. It's OK. It'll be fine in a while."

Just then, Lin Mingyuan suddenly saw a car coming from the entrance of the alley. It was obvious that someone was pointing to them in the window, so he quickly got up, turned back and pulled the door behind him. The door was locked inside. He said that Lin Mingyuan could not take out his gun and opened the door, saying: "go in!"

When turning back, Lin Mingyuan predicted the car's forward speed, shot the front wheel of the car, pulled up Wang Suxin, and the two dodged in.

This building is an old one. Lin Mingyuan and his wife ran in. Several people in the car downstairs jumped out and yelled, "don't run.".

"Well, can you still insist?" Asked Lin Mingyuan.

"I... I can't run any more!" Wang Suxin was a little sad and said that he was just nervous and tired. But when he had a rest, he relaxed all over. When he wanted to run again, he felt that his legs were like lead. It was hard to move a step.

Lin Mingyuan can understand this point. A person who doesn't exercise very much can run hundreds or thousands of meters when he comes up. Isn't that a joke? His body can't bear it, so he directly takes Wang Suxin's arm, makes her stop, squats down and says, "come up!"

"No, you can't run fast with me on your back, or you'll leave me and run first!" Wang Suxin shook his head.

"Hurry up, don't waste time." Lin Mingyuan urged.

"But then you'll be involved by me."

"Fart's involvement, hurry up, they have a lot of people, and they will be wrapped up soon!" Lin Ming is far away.

Wang Suxin bit and climbed onto Lin Mingyuan's back. She was only about 80 Jin, maybe less than 80 Jin. This weight was acceptable to Lin Mingyuan, and he said, "hold me, don't fall!"

After shouting, Lin Mingyuan directly ran to the arm again, and soon jumped to another building. This action is also a test for him. After all... He has 80 kg more on his back, but the impact is very different.

All the way to escape, although it was daylight, but with flexible skills and tireless running, Lin Mingyuan took Wang Suxin to escape for two or three kilometers, and quickly found a car. They drove out of downtown Vienna.

In the car, Lin Mingyuan unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Wang Suxin. After more than half an hour's rest, she was much better, but her face was still not very good-looking. With a touch of morbid red, she leaned on the seat and coughed after two sips. Lin Mingyuan took it and helped to wipe it, saying: "if you can sleep, just sleep for a while, I'll drive, You don't have to worry. "

"Where are we going?" Wang Suxin asked anxiously.

"Go... There is no target for the moment, but stay away from Vienna. After all, that place is too dangerous." Although they are just ordinary agents, with Wang Suxin, they can't kill. There are many places to worry about. Lin Mingyuan thinks that safety is the most important thing.

Wang Suxin closed her eyes slowly and said, "thank you, uncle!"

"You're welcome. You can sleep for a while." Lin Ming is far away.

He has changed his appearance, so those people basically can't find his identity, but it doesn't mean there's no possibility. After all, his trip to the island has also revealed his identity. Once the scope is expanded, it's not difficult to find out his personal identity.

In this way, Su Qingling needs to move there. It's hard to ensure that those agents who are in a hurry will not go to Su Qingling for trouble. It has already hurt her once, and Lin Mingyuan can't hurt her a second time. So when driving, Lin Mingyuan called Jiang Lingxin. He didn't tell the truth, but simply said that he was on a mission, so he asked her to know Su Qingling's situation. If she could, it would be a better choice to go back to China for recuperation. After all, it would be very convenient in China, As for the equipment to support her life, no matter how much it costs, you can buy one. You can discuss with the hospitals in China and ask them to send doctors to take care of her. After su Qingling wakes up, the whole set of equipment can be donated to the hospital. I believe there will be hospitals willing to cooperate like this.

Jiang Lingxin knew the seriousness of the matter. After discussing with agaliya, they went to find the relevant doctors to discuss. So far, Su Qingling's toxin has been removed, but the damage has been caused. This is the reason why she is unconscious, and this toxin is new, so now doctors are studying the method of repair.

Maybe you can recover without repair. After all, the human body is very magical, most of the injuries can be repaired, but the human body is not omnipotent, some injuries are irreversible, so the doctor can not give an accurate judgment.

But after listening to Jiang Lingxin and agaliya's words, the doctor gave some suggestions after some research. They can continue treatment here, or fly back to Huaxia with a complete set of equipment. They can continue research here. Once they have new results, they can immediately treat them, and it's OK to go to Huaxia for treatment at that time.

With this conclusion, Lin Mingyuan talked to Su Jungong on the phone and told him what happened here. Su Jungong immediately agreed that his daughter would be treated abroad. The old couple were worried every day. Now that they can return home, it is also a good result.