"Lin Mingyuan..." Jiang Lingxin pulled Lin Mingyuan's arm, but saw that Lin Mingyuan winked at her. He was so sure that even yesterday's situation, Lin Mingyuan could deal with it easily. There was nothing to worry about.

"Why, is this your woman? Are you going to stand up for her? " The girl squinted at Lin Mingyuan.

"You use the tube, I has the final say." Lin Mingyuan said lightly.

"Well, since you are a customer, I'll talk to you. I bought these shoes for 18 thousand yuan. If you step on such expensive shoes, I can't wear them any more. I should let you buy me a pair and return them to me directly."

Lin Mingyuan touched his chin and said: "it seems that what he said is quite reasonable. Many luxuries can't be reused once they are touched by others, which will lose their original flavor."

That girl a Leng, oneself say like this, the other side shouldn't be facial expression big change, then try every means of excuse, how this guy unexpectedly a pair of very agree appearance?

This guy is either very rich or absent-minded.

However, no matter which one of the two situations, it seems that it is good news for them. At this time, they raised their heads and said, "OK, you know what you are, but I am reasonable, and I like these shoes. Even if you compensate me for one pair, I don't have the shoes I have now. So, I won't let you compensate for all of them, so I'll pay 5000 yuan, I'll pay for my mental loss. "

Su Qingling and Yao Ziqi can't laugh or cry. This girl really treats them as the best. Such a pair of broken shoes should make people pay 5000 yuan. It's really a pity that she dares to speak like a lion.

Lin Mingyuan immediately shook his head and said, "no, no, you're reasonable. I'm more reasonable. I'll only compensate you 5000 yuan for your expensive shoes. Isn't it too bad for you? After that, I'll lose face. If you want to pay for all of them."

"Quack!" The girl and her companion were so big that they didn't meet such a wayward Kaizi.

Su Qingling also has some insight into the ghost idea of Lin Mingyuan. Seeing what he says, he knows that this guy is going to make a ghost again. In particular, he looks forward to what Lin Mingyuan can do.

Yao Ziqi knows less about Lin Mingyuan than Su Qingling, but she can also see that Lin Mingyuan is teasing these two guys.

Jiang Lingxin also saw Lin Mingyuan's meaning. He was quite puzzled about what Lin Mingyuan said. He didn't know what Lin Mingyuan was going to do. He just hoped that he wouldn't make things big.

"Do you really want to pay for it all?" The non mainstream boy asked.

Lin Mingyuan glared and said, "of course, I'm a person who wants to face up to you. Can I have the same opinion as you scum? If you want to pay for everything, you can pay for everything."

Although Lin Mingyuan is scolding them, these two guys don't mind. Give them eighteen thousand. Don't scold them as scum. Even if they scold them badly, they will recognize them.

"Well, give me the money." The man and woman looked at Lin Mingyuan expectantly, their hands rubbing involuntarily.

Lin Mingyuan picked his eyes and said, "of course, it's OK to give you money, but I'll pay you in full. Do I have to own these shoes?"

"Yes, it should." Both of them nodded their heads.

"Why don't you take off your shoes and stand still?" The boy's quick reaction hastened the girl.

The girl quickly took off her shoes and handed them to Lin Mingyuan barefoot.

Lin Mingyuan stepped back and said, "what do I want you to do with these broken shoes?"

The two were stunned, and the girl said: "it's not what you said... Do you have the shoes?"

"Nonsense, I said it belongs to me, but I didn't ask you to pass the shoes to me. Don't hurry and throw them into the sewer next to me."

"Quack!" Two people Leng for a while, doubt of looking at Lin Mingyuan.

Lin Mingyuan a stare, way: "grandma, Leng do what, this shoe belongs to me, of course, I want to deal with how to deal with, I have money, I willful not?"

"Yes! All right The two men came back and nodded.

"I'll throw them away soon. They're bad luck. They cost me eighteen thousand. Don't let me see them again. Open the sewer and throw them in."

These two guys are eager for money. At this time, they immediately ran to them. They took a lot of effort to lift the lid of the sewer, then threw the pair of shoes inside, and then trotted back all the way.

"Big brother, we've already left our shoes in the sewer." The girl rubbed her hands and looked at Lin Mingyuan with a flattering face.

Lin Mingyuan nodded and said with appreciation, "it's a good job."

"That... That money..." they both looked at Lin Mingyuan nervously.

"I'm afraid I won't give you any money. I've never said anything. I'll give you eighteen thousand if I give you eighteen thousand. Why don't I have any change? The smallest one is one hundred million. Here, you don't have to change it."

"One... One hundred million..." two people suddenly silly, vaguely took over the "money" from Lin Mingyuan, and then at the same time widened their eyes.

"Pooh! Ha ha... "Su Qingling, Yao Ziqi and Jiang Lingxin couldn't help laughing at the money in their hands.

Not only did they laugh, but even the onlookers around also laughed. Originally, they wondered how this guy could lose 18 thousand yuan for a pair of broken shoes. Even if he had money, he didn't spend so much. Now when he saw the money in the hands of those two guys, he realized that Lin Mingyuan was playing with these two guys.

The girl slammed the money out of her hand and cried angrily, "you're right, you give us the money!"

"You didn't say that I gave you any money. I feel that your broken shoes can only be bought with Ming coins. It's good that I didn't ask you for change."

"Ha..." Su Qingling, they laugh back and forth. Lin Mingyuan is so mischievous. He gives people money and gives them change. Where can I get the change.

"Looking for you? You dare to play with us. I'll kill you!" The man's fist hit Lin Mingyuan's face.

As soon as Lin Mingyuan raised his hand, he had already grasped the guy's fist. As soon as he shook his hand, he threw the guy into a somersault. As soon as his face sank, he said, "get out of the way. The kid who hasn't grown up is learning to blackmail."

The boy fell on the ground for a long time before he got up, and the girl saw that Lin Mingyuan seemed very powerful. At this time, she didn't dare to stretch out her hand, but she pointed at Lin Mingyuan and cried out: "boy, you are so brave, you dare to play with us, and you dare to beat people. I tell you, this is not over, you'd better lose money, or I'll ask a group of brothers to cut you into eight pieces."