Lin Mingyuan has been an agent for so many years. In addition to his super strength, there is another thing that he can best hide his emotions, or he can act best. When performing tasks, their identities are changeable. In terms of words and deeds, they must conform to his identity at that time. If they don't have good acting skills, That's been seen through a long time ago.

Cao Zhi's guitars are four people. In the final analysis, they are just a few ordinary people. It's too easy for Lin Mingyuan to cheat them. So up to now, they haven't found any problems with Lin Mingyuan. They all think that Lin Mingyuan has been inspired by them.

A few people are playing a method called cheating Jinhua. There are different ways to play this kind of game. Some are called cockfighting, others are called boring three cards. The way to play is very simple, that is, one person issues three cards, according to three tongs, one flush, one flush, one flush, and one pair. As long as one likes two cards, he will know how to play.

As for the bet, it's 100 yuan, and 10000 yuan is the highest bet. Those who look at their own cards will bet twice as much as those who don't look at their stuffy cards.

Everyone soon began to play. Lin Mingyuan was very careful. Other people always watched the cards after several rounds. He always watched the cards after one round. If the cards were not good, he would give up. It was also a win and a lose, and the win and loss were not big.

And the other four people are very easy to play, casual with the card, often a card will be stuffy on five or six rounds, and then look at the card to decide whether to continue to play.

When they play cards, their ease is not only reflected in the bet, but also in the girl around them. They laugh with the girl around them from time to time, and their hands are not so honest.

"I said it's far away." Liu Jianye put his arms around the girl's waist and said with a smile: "you are too honest. We have all said that you will never complain. It's a pity that you don't enjoy the beauty around you. You know, no matter you touch it or not, we have to pay for it."

Chen Tao said with a smile: "ha... Are you two really a good match together? You are honest, and your sister is always quiet."

Lin Mingyuan turned his head and looked at the girl beside him. The girl had been quietly lowering her head since she sat beside him. She didn't take the initiative like other girls.

Although all the five girls who came in were good-looking, if they wanted to be beautiful, they had to be the girl beside him. Besides being beautiful, the girl was not as dusty as the four people. The whole person showed a kind of purity, even though she was wearing some clothes, But it doesn't make people feel that she is a girl who should accompany the guests.

And let Chen Tao say so, the girl body a shock, looked up at Lin Mingyuan, face a flustered look flash away, and then picked up a bunch of grapes from the next fruit plate, two slender fingers picked off one, handed to Lin Mingyuan's mouth, whispered: "Sir, i... feed you some fruit." It's very light, and it's a little trill.

"Why, are you new here?" Wang Feng stares at the girl beside Lin Mingyuan and asks.

The girl next to Wang Feng immediately said, "yes, she has just arrived here for a week. She is only 20 years old this year, and she is also a talented student in University. Today, she is the first time to accompany her guests."

Liu Jianye suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "it's rare. Hey, Mingyuan, if you don't like this tune, give me this girl."

"Damn, Jianye, you got a new one last time. It's my turn this time."

"No, no, such a girl with quality must be given to me."

Three people are fighting over there. They are very interested in this girl.

Lin Mingyuan looked at the girl beside him. The girl lowered her head, twisted her hands together, and bit her lips with her teeth. There was no blood on her lips, and she became a little pale. There was a trace of sadness on her face. There was also a kind of helplessness and humiliation. Such a girl did not match the scene, or she should not have been here.

"But I like the fresh ones too. I'd better keep them myself." With these words, Lin Mingyuan's hand has already wrapped around the girl's waist. It's obvious that the girl's waist is stiff, and the muscles of the waist are tight.

Liu Jianye immediately rolled his eyes and said: "brother Mingyuan, you are not interesting enough. Well, you can get the fresh one. Today I have to kill you on the card."

Cao Zhiji laughs and says: "it's a happy love scene, but the gambling house is frustrated. Brother Lin, you're happy enough in love scene. Today, you can get a young girl here. This love scene is even more happy. I'm afraid you'll be defeated in today's gambling house."

As soon as Lin Mingyuan raised his neck, he took the girl around him and said, "I've always been lucky. I'm happy in love. The gambling house must be even more proud. Just now I just tried the water. Now I'm going to kill you everywhere. I'll kill you all."

Chen Tao said with a smile: "ha ha, cowhide is not made by blowing. It's true to move something real."

After a few jokes, it seems that everyone is still friendly, but when we play, it is really different from what we just played. When we played just now, we all made a bet of one hundred and two hundred, so we are very casual. Now it is different. From time to time, we throw five hundred and one thousand, have cards in hand, and even have started to make two thousand bets.

Although the gambling is big, the four of Cao Zhi's guitars are still relaxed, and they laugh with the girl next to them from time to time, and they wipe some money on their hands from time to time. However, Cao Zhiji pays more attention to it, and is not as reckless as those three people.

He said that he wanted to kill all sides, but Lin Mingyuan gave them up early. Then he chatted with the girl next to him, as if beauty had occupied more of Lin Mingyuan's attention.

"What's your name?" Lin Mingyuan opened his mouth to eat the grapes from the girl, and his lips touched the girl's fingers.

The girl drew her hand back quickly, with a kind of humiliation in her eyes, but she hid it in an instant and said softly, "my name is Lily."

"Isn't that your real name, Lily?"

The girl picked another grape and said softly, "this is my name. Please call me Lily." But he hesitated for a few seconds, then raised his hand to Lin Mingyuan's mouth again, but there was a little more in his eyes, and he seemed to have accepted his life.