Hearing Suji Jianyi's words, the people were stunned. They didn't expect that Zhu jijianyi would say such a thing. However, they can feel that they are still very concerned about everyone. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said that. After all, what every leader hopes is that his people can have the heart of struggle. If you want to protect yourself first, I'm afraid you will seek advantages and avoid disadvantages when doing things.

Even at the expense of some interests, to save people's lives, in everyone's eyes, Zhu jijianyi's image has been promoted a lot. At this time, the hearts of those on the wall were filled with something called moving, and those who didn't catch much cold for Zhu Jijian also showed a trace of surprise on their faces.

Not far away, long Xingyun listened to Zhu jijianyi's words and said to Liufeng and others: "what's the matter? Is his technique of attracting people's hearts good?"

"That's true," Liu Feng nodded. "The first thing that the superior should consider is interests. Later, he began to consider things such as life safety. However, as everyone knows, sometimes some words and a word of concern from the superior will make his subordinates move forward and die."

No, there was more evaluation. Long Xingyun and Liu Feng came to a secret room where Ji Jian lived. There, there is an intelligence network trained by Zhu Jijian. It can be said that where the intelligence network is, it is the place where Jijian really trusts. Even if it is the information network of zhujihui, zhujijian will divide the situation as soon as it is used. If it is too private or extremely important, Zhu Jijian will not use it. If you leave any clues and others know, it's not very good-looking.

After reading about what the three saints hate Dao did in the Yamaguchi group, the corners of longxingyun's mouth rose slightly: "this guy is really not idle. However, in this case, it's fun to play. Don't let me down." as he said, longxingyun couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

At this time, the Yamaguchi group left, and the three saints were planning their next action. Suddenly, he felt a cold shiver on his body. After looking around, he didn't find anything dangerous, and the three saints couldn't help being vigilant. He was convinced that the palpitations he had just felt would not have occurred for no reason. Speaking of palpitations, this is the second time since his debut. The first time is when facing longxingyun and others. Are those people coming?

For their own judgment, the three saints still believe in the Tao of hatred. After all, if you are outside, only longxingyun and others can make your heart palpitation. Thinking about the big flaw in his last plan, the three saints hated Tao and felt helpless.

Since Yu is born, what is bright? The three saints hate Tao was very confident in his intelligence. However, after the defeat to longxingyun, the three saints hate Tao began to be a little less confident. Can I say that I really stepped back? No, absolutely not! Then, there is a shadow in your heart.

Since it will make your heart palpitation, when the three saints hate the teeth, the anger in your heart keeps rising. It's just a fluke to win yourself. What's the point? As long as you pay more attention, you will certainly win longxingyun! The palpitation this time should be regarded as your own grindstone. As everyone knows, the grindstone he thought was his palpitation this time.

Long Xingyun doesn't know what the three saints hate Tao thinks, but the plan for the three saints hate Tao has been launched. Since the other party starts from the top, beheading will be carried out according to the original plan and the other party's beheading will be completely cut off. He wants to see whether there are more experts in Yamaguchi group or whether he brings more experts.

Moreover, long Xingyun is very confident. As long as the three saints hate the way, they will inevitably enter the trap he set up. At that time, even the heavenly king Lao Tzu could not save him.

The meeting lasted two days. After two days, all the heads of the jirga left one after another. As long Xingyun expected, those people were more or less attacked after they left. However, fortunately, these people have been replaced by the elite of Longtian. So, in that case, the loss is not small. Therefore, just a meeting, the three saints hate the way's men lost a lot. Although those people don't have much loyalty, they are the people they lead after all. After losing so many men, can the three saints hate Tao not be sad?

Unfortunately, one after another, many men were lost, and then the temporary base of Yamaguchi group was attacked. As the temporary base of Yamaguchi group, Sansheng hate Dao and others were watched when they left. Yamaguchi group ignored such people. All day long, so many people stare at the gate of Yamaguchi group. Is it difficult to take all those people back? In that case, I'm afraid the whole Yamaguchi group may not be able to put it down.

However, not long ago, the temporary base of Yamaguchi group was attacked. Although it is only a temporary base, Yamaguchi group still has a lot of wealth after all. Under the temptation of money, even though the Yamaguchi formation is a temporary base, it has been built into a place with great defensive power.

The people who attacked the temporary base of Yamaguchi group were not others, but the people of Longtian who had not disguised. Under their strong attack, the temporary base of Yamaguchi group was broken by them before long.

After rushing into the temporary base in Shankou, those people found that those who are now in the temporary base are basically some people with weak combat effectiveness. Without much effort, the temporary base of Yamaguchi group was completely broken. When they came to the temporary base, they found that it was like Grandma Liu visiting the Grand View Garden. They felt that their eyes seemed to be insufficient. Walking along the road, before long, they found that what appeared in front of everyone was a huge instrument test address. Is this where the Yamaguchi Group continued to make money? It seems that I chose to break the temporary base of Yamaguchi group immediately, which just abolished a conspiracy of Yamaguchi group.

Think about the Yamaguchi group. They want to pick the skin and cramp the people. However, they have to smile at longxingyun and others. They are really a little oppressed. There are no double blessings and no single misfortune. As soon as the Yamaguchi group was attacked, the three saints hated to hear that the two people they had brought up were abandoned.

You know, those two people, the three saints hate Tao, spent a lot of money and capital.