Early the next morning, the dragon cloud got up with two dark circles under their eyes. Of course, this is not the reason why he fought many rounds with Tang Xin at night, but that he didn't sleep almost all night. I wanted to be an animal, but due to Tang Xin's sensitivity, long Xingyun could only be an animal for one night after being caught by several nine Yin white bone claws.

However, this is also the reason why longxingyun takes good care of Tang Xin. Otherwise, there are so many broken things in the back of his neck. However, in that case, when Tang Xin wakes up, long Xingyun will face her endless pursuit. For the sake of his personal safety, longxingyun gave up this tempting idea.

So, longxingyun appeared in the restaurant as a national treasure. When they saw Tang Xin following behind longxingyun, they showed a clear expression. No matter which man spends a night alone with a beautiful woman like Tang Xin, he won't get enough sleep as usual. In the eyes of many men, they are full of envy. However, if they knew what happened to the dragon in the cloud the night before, they would not be so envious. Instead, they would be gloating.

After breakfast, a loud voice came from the restaurant's Radio: "everyone, it's sunrise on the sea. If you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, please come up on the deck. Don't worry, here are chairs ready for you to rest."

Hearing this sound, most people chose to watch the sunrise on the deck. As for the rest, they continued to go back to make up for their sleep because they didn't have a good rest the night before. For those people, the service personnel on the cruise ship did not stop them. These people are excellent guests. As wage earners, they naturally understand that customers are God.

When he came to the deck, Longxing cloud was seen by Gao Qiang with sharp eyes and waved to him again and again. Although I don't want to enjoy the high-profile treatment, if I don't go, I'm afraid I'll receive higher treatment. Moreover, the sunrise on the sea and the dragon cloud have not been seen for a long time. At this time, the fish belly white has appeared in the sky, and the sun is coming out.

Long Xingyun is nostalgic, while Tang Xin is full of excitement. Although she is the mayor's daughter, it is the first time for her to really watch the sunrise on the sea. Of course, those who watch the sunrise at the seaside are certainly not included. With Tang Xin, long Xingyun came to Gao Qiang: "Mr. Gao."

"Well, boss long, how was your rest last night? Are you okay?" Gao Qiang's face was full of smiles. Of course, he doesn't have much friendship with longxingyun, and what makes him smile is the identity of longxingyun. Although it's just a few words, it's enough for Gao Qiang to be optimistic about him. Beside Gao Qiang, he contributed 1.5 billion yuan to longxingyun last night. Look at Zhou FA's appearance now. Although he is not as angry as the shepherd the night before, the strangers he exudes are not close. In fact, he is still there. After seeing the dragon cloud, Zhou FA Leng snorted and turned his head.

For Zhou FA, long Xingyun has no hatred. However, because of Zhou FA's attitude towards himself the night before, long Xingyun slightly punished him and won Zhou FA 1.5 billion, which made Zhou FA lose face. For people like Zhou FA, you can get money from him, but you can't make him lose face. Zhou FA has a fortune of tens of billions. Although he lost 1.5 billion, for him, all he lost was numbers. However, long Xingyun won him so many times in front of the crowd. Moreover, he won when he thought he would win, which made him almost spit blood.

It can be said that Zhou FA lost his face because of the dragon cloud the night before. In Zhou FA's heart, he began to think about how to revenge longxingyun. However, because the identity of longxingyun is relatively confidential, even those waiters don't know the real identity of longxingyun. They only know his surname is long and should be a company boss. As for the rest, I know nothing. Zhou FA still understands the simple truth that he knows himself and the enemy and wins every battle. Therefore, he is waiting to find out the identity of long Xingyun before deciding how to retaliate. As long as it's his own initiative, even if he loses some interests, it's nothing. Zhou FA just wants to get back face now.

Long Xingyun doesn't know what Zhou FA is thinking. However, from the other party's malicious eyes, long Xingyun also knows that it must be bad. However, no matter what the other party thinks, longxingyun doesn't care. Will an elephant take care of an ant's revenge? The answer is No. As for those that may appear, they all appear in jokes.

Before long, the sky began to turn red. With the change of the color of the clouds in the sky, the sun gradually came out. Longxingyun is a martial arts practitioner. Naturally, he knows that when the sun just rises, it is very good for his body to take a deep breath facing the sun. Of course, the effect would be better if it could be high.

Watching the sun rise a little bit in the sky, the clouds began to change gradually. Suddenly, the dragon pattern pendant on the chest of longxingyun began to move slowly. Naturally, this movement is slow, and only the dragon cloud can feel it. The dragon cloud can clearly feel that the dragon pattern pendant seems to draw something on his chest. When the sun rose gradually, that feeling gradually disappeared. However, just for a while, longxingyun felt refreshed and even improved his hearing and vision.

Just when longxingyun wanted to feel that feeling carefully, suddenly, something suddenly burst into longxingyun's brain. Because there were too many things, before longxingyun could scream, he blacked out and fainted.

Everyone was watching the sunrise, but the dragon cloud around Gao Qiang suddenly fainted, which made everyone panic. Fortunately, Tang Xin's eyes were quick and her hands were quick. She held the body of longxingyun back. Seeing this situation, Gao Qiang quickly asked, "boss long should be all right?"

Tang Xin doesn't know what happened to longxingyun, but she can vaguely feel that longxingyun is OK. On the contrary, some good things should happen. Seeing this, Gao Qiang didn't ask much. He quickly asked the waiter next to him to carry long Xingyun back to the lounge. Although Gao Qiang didn't do much, Tang Xin secretly kept it in mind, nodded her thanks, and hurried away with longxingyun.

Zhou FA, on the other side, showed a trace of disdain after the initial stupor: "he's a hick or a guy with kidney deficiency. Look at this guy, he's doomed to die in a woman's belly in his life!" it's obvious that he's retaliating for the fact that he refuted his face the night before.