In the next few days, long Xingyun came out to wait for long Tian's people to come. What's more, he was familiar with the special abilities just obtained with Chen Rongli and mouse. Klaas also said that if you want to increase your ability, it is a way to wear the divine stone around you for a long time and practice often. As for whether there is anything else, Klaas doesn't know.

In fact, longxingyun also asked Klass if he could lend the divine stone to others. Wouldn't it be convenient for others to gain special abilities through this divine stone? At least, after obtaining a divine stone, you don't need to deliberately look for the same one.

The answer from Klaus is yes, but if others get the ability in the divine stone, the person who originally had a special ability will lose that ability. After hearing the news, longxingyun reluctantly gave up the idea of creating a group of people with special abilities for the time being. It seems that God stone gives others special abilities, which is conserved and can only be owned by one person.

In this case, longxingyun began to seriously practice the special abilities he obtained from the divine stone. Controlling the movement of things with ideas is simple and difficult. After many experiments, longxingyun found that only things with a moving weight of no more than one kilogram are the most suitable, not only the power but also the number of times. Of course, if you control concealed weapons such as throwing knives and needles, they are still very lethal. As long as there is something, the dragon cloud can control no more than ten things to shoot forward at the same time. Of course, because the time is not long, the Dragon clouds can only control them forward. With more practice, you should be able to change direction.

As for the ability of fire, dragon clouds practice the most. However, the most common thing he used to practice was to light a cigarette. Especially this action is cool, so longxingyun lights a cigarette when he has nothing to do. At the end of the day, two packs of cigarettes are not enough for him to light.

When it comes to the ability of ice just obtained, longxingyun scratched his head. Yes, it can make the water vapor in the air condense into ice, but it is much smaller in terms of power. Finally, in desperation, longxingyun regarded this ability as something to practice attention. There is no other reason. When the dragon cloud is fine, it condenses the water into some shapes. At first, it was just some irregular graphics. Later, it gradually turned into simple regular graphics. Later, Longxing cloud has been able to condense some common things in life, such as flowers.

Until one time later, longxingyun found that he could combine the ability of fire with the ability of ice, just as it was said in the novel that he could quickly make things brittle. In order to prove his idea, some iron plates and other things in krass factory were damaged by him. Finally, the dragon cloud can heat the iron plate with fire, and then freeze it with the power of ice. Repeated several times, the iron plate becomes very brittle.

Although this ability is not very applicable in combat, it is still very useful in destroying some things. Sure enough, there is no garbage ability, only garbage people.

On this day, long Xingyun sat in Klass's small room, snapped his fingers and a fire appeared. However, instead of lighting a cigarette, he waved his hand, condensed the water vapor in the nearby basin into ice and wrapped the fire. Soon, the ice became the shape of a flower.

Looking at the things he made with satisfaction, long Xingyun found Chen Rongli and handed Chen Rongli the flower he had just finished: "sister, give you a flower."

Seeing the flowers in longxingyun's hand, Chen Rongli glanced: "I said brother, when you're free, you can use ice to condense into flowers. My sister doesn't mind. However, you can't give it to my sister as soon as you do it. Look at how many there are here." then Chen Rongli leaned and exposed a lot of flowers behind her.

Seeing those flowers, long Xingyun smiled, "well, sister, I'm practicing my newly acquired ability. You see, this flower is different from those flowers. It's wrapped in fire. The ice pack is on fire. It's a wonder."

"Wonder, what as like as two peas." Chen Rongli took the flowers of the dragon's cloud hand. "If you want to make a spectacle, your brother, if you want to make a similar ice sculpture, it's a wonder." then she threw the flowers in her hands at will.

However, it was such a random throw that something big happened. Yes, it's a big deal. When the flower fell on the table, it suddenly brightened and made a loud noise. "Boom", it exploded!

Just before the explosion, Chen Rongli felt dangerous and moved away like a conditioned reflex. But longxingyun is not so lucky. But fortunately, longxingyun's mind controlled the door panel to block in front of him, and instantly condensed a lot of solid ice to block in front of him, acting as a shield temporarily.

Facts have proved that longxingyun's approach is very correct. After the explosion, the door panel in front of longxingyun was broken, and the solid ice was full of holes. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with longxingyun. Only the fragments flying out of the broken door fell on longxingyun, making him seem to come out of the collapsed ruins just now.

The explosion also attracted Klaas and others. When they saw the gray face of the dragon cloud, they quickly asked what was going on. When they heard that the explosion occurred entirely because a flower made of longxingyun was thrown on the table, they couldn't help laughing. It turned out that the culprit of this explosion was long Xingyun himself.

Depressed looking at the laughter of the crowd, long Xingyun patted the things on his head and threatened to say, "be careful. If you laugh again, be careful that I'll get another flower like that just now and throw it out. Who can laugh when you see it."

Hearing longxingyun's threatening words, Chen Rongli laughed and patted longxingyun on the shoulder: "I said brother, don't you forget the special ability of mice? There aren't ten people present now. Just throw it if you want. At that time, as long as the mice take us to blink."

Chen Rongli solved her threat to several people in a few words, which made longxingyun even more depressed. In particular, the village head and chameleon shouted for fear that the world would not be chaotic: "yes, yes, dragon, throw it quickly. The fireworks just now are really beautiful. Throw some more quickly and let's have a look. Just said there were no entertainment activities. It's great to come so soon!"