After asking about San shengtaro, some places that were not noticed were also dug out. At this time, Liufeng had also determined that more than 90% of the people in black who cooperated with the Yamaguchi group were from the evil dragon guard. If it's just fighting with the evil dragon guard, longxingyun will only feel the threat of the other party at most. However, the other party went to cooperate with the Japanese, the enemy of China. Anyway, long Xingyun can't stand this situation. It's tantamount to treason!

Yes, under the present conditions, it is difficult to find the place where the evil dragon guard is located. Even with resentment in mind, the urgent task can only solve the threat from Yamaguchi group first. According to sanshengtaro, if they cannot complete the task of assassinating Wu Yixin within one month, the Yamaguchi group will send other people. Moreover, the strength of those people is not comparable to that of Sansheng taro and Sansheng Xiuyi.

Calculate the time. There are about 20 days left from the time given to them by the Yamaguchi group, which is good news for longxingyun who has no way to deal with the situation for the time being. During this period, long Xingyun needs to protect Wu Yixin to deal with the next assassination. However, doing so can only treat the symptoms rather than the root causes. If there were no Chen palace, would Yamaguchi group become angry and send more and more powerful people to assassinate Wu Yixin?

In fact, long Xingyun has a conjecture about why the evil dragon guard let the Yamaguchi group assassinate Wu Yixin. But he didn't want that to be right. Otherwise, it would be very bad.

Zhang Chuang also knew that if he did not take some action, he would certainly succeed in the plot of the Yamaguchi group. Then it won't end well. However, you can't openly send more than Zhongnanhai bodyguards to protect Wu Yixin? In that case, doesn't it mean that the great Chinese country will be afraid of an underworld organization in Japan? Moreover, the Wu family may not agree to such an arrangement. In the current situation, we can only control the number of Japanese coming to China and strengthen the monitoring of the Yamaguchi group. As long as a member of the Yamaguchi group comes to China, you should know his whereabouts as soon as possible.

In fact, the Chinese government also knows that several triads in Japan have a great say in the government, especially on the issue of China. Those people are a group of fanatics. Therefore, as early as a long time ago, Huaxia had certain monitoring on several important members of major underworld organizations in Japan. Now this situation is in use. Of course, although it is monitored, it may not be able to monitor completely. But in this case, we can only take one step at a time.

In order to protect Wu Yixin's safety, the whole dragon sky also worked with all its strength. Messages are constantly coming from all over the country, especially from Beishi. As long as there are some special situations, there will be specific things about these situations in Longtian's information room.

Although Wu Yixin, as a party, did not know the specific situation of the matter, she still saw something wrong from longxingyun's bad face and the obvious strengthened protection around her. Long Xingyun was not prepared to say, but under Wu Yixin's repeated questioning, long Xingyun can only reveal a little. But this point also makes Wu Yixin feel a little incredible. Yes, he was assassinated occasionally, but it was basically done by the hostile forces of the Wu family. Another is that the last time someone offered 50 million for her life, which made Wu Yixin nervous for a long time. However, in any case, it's all domestic.

But this time, the situation is different from before. It actually involves the Yamaguchi group. You know, Yamaguchi group is the largest designated violence group in Japan and one of the most historical and large-scale gangs in East Asia and even the world. Founded by Chunji Yamaguchi in Kobe in 1915, the headquarters is located in Kobe, Japan. Apart from Japan's four islands, the mountain pass group is also widely active in Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia, and has close ties with the United States and mafia in Italy. It also maintains a cooperative relationship with Hongkong Chinese New Zealand, 14K, Taiwan United Bamboo Gang and Tian Dao Meng. At present, the Yamaguchi group has about 40000 full members and associate members. At present, it is known as Japan's three "violent groups" together with Zhuji society and inagawa society. Its management mode is also extremely strict. From top to bottom, it is the team leader, ruohou, senior cadre, shedi, cadre and Ruohong. People at the bottom must strictly follow the instructions above, even if it is not much worse than the orders and prohibitions of the army.

Although the Wu family has great strength in China, it is much worse than the Yamaguchi group. At first, Wu Shengxiong spent 100 million yuan to stop the assassin of Wu Yixin, but the money was nothing to the Yamaguchi group. If they want to do it, the killers can't resist it. Wu Yixin felt a little uneasy at the thought of such a behemoth staring at her. However, long Xingyun's words reassured her a lot: "Xiaoxin, don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one in the world can hurt you! I promise!"

Although the body of long Xingyun is much thinner than those who practice bodybuilding, Wu Yixin feels something called safety in this body. Looking at the firmness on longxingyun's face, Wu Yixin gently leaned against longxingyun's arms and stared at longxingyun with beautiful eyes. At the bottom of her heart, she had already forgotten the threat from the Yamaguchi group.

For the Dragon sky, the dragon cloud is also full of confidence. However, some things still need to be prepared. Since the evil dragon guard found the Yamaguchi group, longxingyun looked at zhujihui. Zhuji society, the second largest designated violent group in Japan, is a large-scale gang organization in Japan. Zhuji society, namely "Zhuji Federation", was established in 1962. Its predecessor was the "Zhuji family" established in the middle and late 19th century. Its headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan. In addition to Japan, zhujihui is also active in the United States, Western Europe, Canada, Australia and Southeast Asia. At present, there are about 20000 members and associate members.

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. Although zhujihui and Yamaguchi belong to the Japanese underworld, they still compete more than cooperate. In particular, Zhuji club has been pressed by Yamaguchi group. They want to turn over and press Yamaguchi group under them. As long as Zhuji association can fully attack Yamaguchi group, with the caution of Yamaguchi group, it will never focus on Wu Yixin again. If only some small characters, long Xingyun believes that with the strength of long Tian and the Wu family, they will never hurt Wu Yixin.

However, Zhuji society is not a fool. They will not declare war on Yamaguchi group for no reason. As triads, they are not much different from businessmen. They are also benefit oriented, but their means are sometimes more violent and bloody. Long Xingyun believes that as long as he can get enough to move the interests of the Jihui, they will also agree. However, such things are not so simple to take out. The most likely and most impressive thing to move the chief of the Jihui is to step on the Yamaguchi group.

Although it is the second largest underworld in Japan, the process of living in Jihui is much more bumpy than that of Yamaguchi group, and its government support is much worse. Therefore, although Zhuji association has always set the goal of stepping on the Yamaguchi group, due to various reasons, this goal can only be delayed again and again.

When long Xingyun was a mercenary, he saved a Takahashi Hongjie who was chased and killed by more than ten people by chance. Although he didn't like the Japanese, long Xingyun found that Takahashi Hongjie was very good to the local Chinese, so he solved those who chased him. After that, although they didn't become intimate friends, long Xingyun would have two drinks with him as long as he went to Japan. After all, the two met.

That is, the last time he went to drink with Takahashi Hongjie, long Xingyun knew that the other party was a cadre of Zhuji Association in Hokkaido. Because he was always worried that long Xingyun would break off diplomatic relations with him because of his identity, Takahashi Hongjie didn't say it. After learning the identity of Takahashi Hongjie, longxingyun was not angry. After all, he didn't talk about his identity with the other party. It's like two people playing together and not friends. Why do you explain everything so clearly?

Although long Xingyun is no longer a mercenary, he still has occasional contact with Takahashi Hongjie. Some time ago, longxingyun also learned that Takahashi Hongjie officially became the general director of zhujihui in Hokkaido because of his outstanding performance. This is not a small role. It can be said that Takahashi's stamp will shake the whole Jihui three times. Think about the existence of Zhuji society in Japan? It is conceivable that what kind of status has the other party reached?

However, Takahashi did not alienate longxingyun, who saved his life. He is not a fool. He has a good relationship with longxingyun. There are only advantages but no disadvantages. Besides, even if longxingyun can't bring him anything, he just has more friends. What can this be? Moreover, Takahashi Hongjie has received a good education since he was a child, and he still quite understands that he knows how to repay his kindness.

It is precisely because of the Yamaguchi group that longxingyun also thought of Takahashi Hongjie's identity. It seems that the man who was saved because he was easy at the beginning can be regarded as a reward to longxingyun. Yes, he just hopes to help him introduce the director general of the Zhuji society to Kenichi Suji with the help of Takahashi's identity. As for the reason for lobbying Zhu Jijian to declare war on the Yamaguchi group, long Xingyun has already thought about it. As long as you can see Suji Jianyi, longxingyun is 90% sure that he can make the other party agree to his requirements.