After discovering the tragedy at home, Li Kun went crazy at that time. However, soon, his brain calmed down. Without him, his mysterious jade pendant began to work. One of the functions of that mysterious jade pendant is to enable people to analyze things very rationally. Even if their emotions can no longer be restrained, they can still make people look like outsiders.

It was for this reason that Li Kun investigated the matter from beginning to end. Like an old criminal policeman used to seeing life and death, Li Kun quickly concluded that it was the last person. Yes, it turned out to be the man. Li Kun called the police.

However, when the police came, he asked Li Kun two times and took him away as a criminal suspect. Even if Li Kun said anything, the police didn't listen to his explanation at all. Moreover, in the later interrogation, the police exhausted their means and finally beat him into a trick. When he was taken to the detention center, a policeman couldn't see it, so he secretly told Li Kun. It turned out that the man who raped and killed Li Kun's wife was the same as Li Kun's reasoning. However, the background is there. It's powerful. Even the director of public security has to look at people's faces. For a small role like Li Kun, people want to pinch him flat and round him. It's just a matter of hand.

Hearing this, Li Kun knew that he had fallen in love with such a figure. Just because he got involved with such a character, he became a broken family. Thinking of the despair on his wife's face when she died and the panic on his son's face, Li Kun's angry flame broke out completely. The mysterious jade pendant also seemed to feel Li Kun's inner anger. A strong energy passed from the jade pendant to Li Kun's body.

Soon, Li Kun's body was full of red. At this time, the police guarding Li Kun found something strange about him. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, Li Kun's handcuffed hands suddenly broke as soon as he earned them. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed the policeman's throat. Li Kun's face showed a bloodthirsty ferocity: "you did this, I won't let you go!" he twisted fiercely, and the policeman's throat was broken.

Seeing Li Kun's great power, the two policemen nearby quickly took out pistols and shot at Li Kun. However, Li Kun seemed unconscious and did not retreat from the attack of the two people. He kicked under his feet and rushed forward like a shell. When he came to the two policemen, he leaned out his hands at the same time, grabbed the two policemen and raised them: "you are equally unforgivable for helping the tyranny!" as his voice fell, the two were also killed by him.

He killed three policemen in a row, leaving only the policeman who kindly told him the truth to flinch aside and keep repeating: "don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Li Kun seemed to have killed enough. He came to the man and squatted down: "if it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid I would face death. I'm not the kind of person who will bite the hand that feeds me. Since you helped me once, I won't embarrass you. If possible, I'll help you once. However, it's only possible." after that, Li Kun seemed to be invisible, and his body gradually disappeared.

Looking at the scene like a ghost, the policeman looked at it for a while, then suddenly took out his mobile phone and hurried to call the police. Let's not mention what he said to the police. As for Li Kun, he had come outside the family's residence. With the influence of the other party, Li Kun understood that it was difficult to meet his enemy. However, he soon knew the other party's information. "Xie Jun, I remember you!" Li Kun's figure gradually disappeared again until he disappeared.

Since then, Li Kun has never appeared again. But after two assassinations, Xie Jun hid because of the strength of the bodyguard. Since then, he never dared to go out easily. Li Kun had to live in seclusion because he couldn't find a chance.

Soon, Liufeng rushed to the place where Li Kun lived in seclusion. Seeing an outsider appear, Li Kun's dog barked, which also called Li Kun. Looking at Liufeng in front of him, Li Kun's eyes showed a trace of anger and fear. Angrily, he lived in seclusion here, and someone appeared again. Moreover, looking at each other's appearance, it seems that they are specially looking for themselves.

Apart from the police, I'm afraid there are only Xie Jun's family. After he ran away, Xie Jun didn't care. However, after Xie Jun was assassinated, his family began to look for themselves everywhere. Even, wanted notices were issued on television and the Internet. Because of this, Xie Jun, who had been hidden, was also found out until he was * to such a place now.

Looking at Liu Feng coldly, Xie Jun's eyes showed a burst of anger: "who are you? Why are you here?" although the voice was cold, Liu Feng could hear that Li Kun was afraid in his voice. Yes, Li Kun's strength is improving day by day under the influence of the mysterious jade pendant. He also has some feelings about the strength of others. I have met some people in the past. He can obviously feel that the other party is not as good as himself. It was because of this that he was able to escape the pursuit of those people. But Liufeng gave him a different feeling. Li Kun knew that the strength of the other party was much stronger than himself. However, even if the other side is strong, he is not ready to sit and die.

When Liufeng looked at himself, Li Kun suddenly shot. With the help of Pei's strength, Li Kun's strength at this time is much stronger than when he just escaped. Moreover, he can hide his body briefly. Yes, it's stealth. However, it is only a short time. Don't underestimate this short time. Relying on this favorable condition, Li Kun seriously injured Xie Jun at that time. Had it not been for Xie Jun's bodyguard's desperate rescue, I'm afraid his revenge would have been avenged.

Seeing Li Kun's figure suddenly disappear, Liufeng's eyes showed a trace of surprise. He knows that Li Kun has a mysterious jade pendant, and his strength has improved. However, he did not know the specific energy of the mysterious jade pendant. At this time, it seems that the special energy of the mysterious jade pendant can make people invisible. Don't underestimate this effect. In the duel between experts, the enemy is bright and I am dark, which is a great advantage. If you make good use of it, you can definitely kill each other easily.

However, Li Kun didn't get the jade pendant for long after all. Therefore, even with the help of stealth effect, his sneak attack was blocked by Liufeng. When Li Kun struck, Liu Feng felt a strong wind behind him, turned back and blocked Li Kun's attack. However, Liu Feng didn't come to provoke a new enemy. Even if he knows that with the strength of the other party, it is unlikely to cause harm to himself. After blocking Li Kun's attack, Liu Feng's body shook and came to one side.

Seeing that his most proud move was easily broken by the other party, Li Kun was shocked. He knows that his sneak attack will not necessarily cause much damage to Liufeng, but it should be useful? Facts have proved that he thinks more. In this world, some people's strength is beyond her reach. At least, it is beyond our reach now.

Because Liufeng didn't continue to attack, Li Kun probably understood that the other party was not hostile to him. Otherwise, as long as you attack yourself just now, I'm afraid you will suffer great harm. Even, they may die directly. However, even though Liu Feng was not hostile, Li Kun looked at each other nervously: "who are you? What's the matter with me?"

"Now you know it's not my opponent?" Liu Feng's face was not angry because of Li Kun's attack just now. He calmly looked at the other party, "who am I? You don't care. Coming to you wants you to join us." yes, Liu Feng wants to recruit the other party into Longtian. Although Li Kun's strength is not very strong now, if he trains for a period of time in Longtian, his strength must rise sharply. At that time, you can also increase your strength against the owner of the evil dragon pendant.

"Join you?" Li Kun was surprised when he heard Liu Feng's words. "Why should I join you? What do you do?"

"Why join us?" the corners of Liufeng's mouth showed a smile, "because I can help you revenge."

"Help me take revenge?" Liu Feng's words made Li Kun stay there. Revenge, the word, has been deeply combined with Li Kun's life. He wants revenge, but his strength is not enough now. Moreover, Xie Jun has rarely left the Xie family because of the previous two assassinations. Li Kun also made some investigations into the situation of the Xie family. He finally found that it was impossible to sneak into Xie's house and assassinate Xie Jun. It doesn't matter if you can succeed. It's a big deal. I just gave up my cheap life. But what if the assassination fails? Then I'm going to die. If I want to avenge my wife and children, I'm afraid no one will help me.

After a long silence, Li Kun raised his head and looked at Liu Feng: "why do you want to avenge me?"

"Why not," Liu Feng smiled calmly. "I just want you to join us. It's that simple."

Hearing the other party's words, Li Kun knew that the other party might already know that he had got the jade pendant to improve his strength. However, looking at each other's appearance, it seems that he doesn't want to rob. Thinking that he had only one goal to avenge his wife and children, Li Kun nodded without hesitation: "as long as you can help me avenge, my life is yours!"