Although he didn't understand why long Xingyun said so, Wu Yiran obediently took the pillow next to him and blocked his head. Suddenly, just listening to the "wow", the glass on the left was finally broken by him. The broken glass flew to the rear like a bullet under the action of galloping. Several pieces of glass in the car didn't hurt Wu Yiran. Her pillow blocking her head saved her from the danger of disfigurement.

The people who caught up with them were not so lucky, and the broken glass stabbed them like bullets. Those unprotected killers are still wantonly releasing their tongues of fire, and the glass piece takes care of them first. At this speed, their clothes were cut without any obstruction. Just for a moment, several killers stretched out like hedgehogs were killed by broken glass. The glass that didn't hit the killer wasn't without merit. On the contrary, their contribution is not small. The broken glass on the window or tire has also become the fatal factor of those killers. The spent windows make the driving killer can't see the road at all. It's very dangerous on such a road. The tire was pierced so much by broken glass, which naturally broke. Unable to see the road, plus a slip, the fastest car "roared down the valley. It seems that the killer inside can't live.

However, under the calculation of longxingyun, two cars escaped the disaster. Seeing the cars that continued to close behind through the rearview mirror, longxingyun could only step on the accelerator to look for life on the way forward. Suddenly, a sharp turn appeared in front of longxingyun. At such a speed, there was a broken rear tire, which was impossible to pass there safely.

But to slow down means to abandon his life completely. Just a moment later, longxingyun made a choice. Without any deceleration, longxingyun killed the steering wheel in the opposite direction. He only heard the fierce friction of the tire on the ground, and longxingyun twisted the car, "Kang Lang" After a while, the right wheel of the car got stuck on the drainage line of the road change. A string of sparks generated by rapid friction drew an arc, and long Xingyun drove the car safely around the corner. But the car behind was not so lucky. The killer who was trying to catch up with the car in front had no chance to dodge. He rushed out of the mountain road at high speed, Down into the valley.

There was only one car left, and longxingyun's heart was relieved. The killers shrank when he was tossed by himself. Even shooting was not as arrogant as at the beginning. Longxingyun was angry when he thought of his previous attack. In this case, even if he had the best skills, if he was attacked as before, he would not be hurt at all There is a chance to escape. Having the opportunity to fight back, long Xingyun is not a compassionate person. When the car is slowing down due to wheel damage, he has come up with a way to defeat the killer.

Seeing the killer pulling closer and closer, less than two meters away, long Xingyun suddenly braked. "Boom" At once, there was no accident. The killer's car crashed into the car driven by long Xingyun. Under the impact of such a high speed, the rear of the front car needless to say, has completely collapsed. And the front of the killer's car has been deeply sunken. The robber sitting in the driver's seat was also forcibly squeezed into two sections by the powerful impact, and the internal organs and intestines in his abdomen flew in disorder. That bloody field Face, if a timid person sees it, I'm afraid he will be directly frightened.

The driver died and the remaining killers were dazed by the impact of the forward collision. For a moment, the machine gun to suppress long Xingyun stopped temporarily. Without hesitation, long Xingyun pushed open the door and came to the back of the car. Through the night, long Xingyun touched the side of the killer's car. Looking at the bloody driver, long Xingyun's eyes flashed red Light. The blood thirsty in his heart was strongly suppressed. A red light flashed in longxingyun's hand, and a blood red three edged thorn appeared in his hand.

Just then, the killer in the car also pushed open the door and stumbled out. Before he could see the situation around him, he suddenly had a pain in his throat, so he covered his neck and leaned back. His mouth opened and closed like a fish lacking water, but he soon had no breathing. For the remaining killers, long Xingyun was not soft at all. One person at a time, several people There was a blood hole in the temple. As for life, the king of hell had taken it long ago.

After solving all this, long Xingyun returned to the car. The driver had no breath because he was shot in the chest and the rapid driving during this period. In the back, Wu Yiran, who didn't get up, just fainted in addition to the scratch on his right arm. Long Xingyun was relieved to learn that Wu Yiran was all right.

At this time, he took out his mobile phone and briefly told Wu Shengxiong about the development of the matter. Wu Shengxiong was relieved to learn that his daughter was OK. Not long ago, the sound of the engine roared in front of him. Before the car stopped steadily, he saw a man jump out of the car and rush straight to longxingyun. It was Wu Shengxiong!

Although he heard that his daughter was all right, the big stone in Wu Shengxiong's heart didn't fall until he really saw it. As for the driver who had already died, a sadness flashed in Wu Shengxiong's eyes. After all, he was an old driver of the Wu family and was loyal to the Wu family. Wu Shengxiong had already treated them as friends. Seeing his old friend die in front of him, Wu Shengxiong should be sad Yes. After a brief explanation of the matters to be handled, the people went to the hotel already reserved. However, they are no longer in the mood to celebrate. After all, who is still happy when such a thing happened?

Obviously, this was the assassination of Wu Yixin, and it was the craziest one. His mouth was bitter. Wu Shengxiong also had a headache for his daughter's safety. After all, he can't always be with his daughter like this. Even tigers sometimes nap. If Wu Shengxiong makes a sneak attack while he is relaxed, even Wu Shengxiong can't protect him.

Just as Wu Shengxiong was frowning, long Xingyun said, "Lord Wu, are you worried about Wu Yixin's safety?"

"Well," Wu Shengxiong didn't deny it, and longxingyun's brain is more alive. Perhaps, speaking out, longxingyun still has a solution, "it's not a matter to go on like this. As long as they have a killing heart for xiner, xiner won't be safe for a while. Do you want xiner to stay at home all his life?"

"No, I don't want it," Wu Yixin said without the slightest consent. "If you stay at home like a canary, you'd better let me die. Moreover, even at home, you can't guarantee that the killers will give up. Instead, you'd better live happily for a few years." after all, it's a child of a big family. Although you don't know anything at ordinary times, but, Some upbringing is still there, and the knowledge obtained from family or friends will also affect a person.

"Yes," long Xingyun had thought of what Wu Yixin said. "If you live like this for a lifetime, you might as well come out and fight for your future. Moreover, who said it must be dangerous outside?"

Hearing long Xingyun's words, Wu Shengxiong's eyes suddenly lit up. He jumped to longxingyun and grabbed longxingyun's shoulders: "you mean you've thought of a solution, haven't you?"

"That's natural," long Xingyun nodded and continued, "after these attacks, even if it is something, it must be that Wu Yixin's life is not so easy to take. If you want to earn 50 million, you don't even have life, what else do you want to earn?"

"That's right." Wu Shengxiong also agrees with long Xingyun's words, "but there are always some outlaws. They will always stare at Xin'er. If there is a little mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Long Xingyun was not surprised that Wu Shengxiong could see this step. This is the owner of the Wu family. If you can't even think of this, the development prospects of the Wu family are worrying. Looking at the people staring at him, long Xingyun also said the solution he thought of: "Why do these killers do this? In the final analysis, it's for money. They think the $50 million is easy to earn, so they want to kill Wu Yixin one after another. However, if there is a higher price to release the task to protect Wu Yixin, or to release the task to kill the killers who take the task, I'm afraid those killers will be unable to protect themselves Well. In that case, who will think about how to complete the task? "

Wu Shengxiong's eyes brightened when long Xingyun said this. Yes, according to long Xingyun, those killers are really tired of running. Moreover, killers know more about killers when they receive orders. Peers are enemies. Since they have received the task, there must be his enemies who don't want him to complete the task. And publishing the task said by long Xingyun is even more confusing A good way.

"There is another advantage of releasing new tasks, that is, killing each other. The result of killing each other is that the strength of the black list is inadvertently weakened. The leader of the black list is not a fool. He can't see the result of this kind of thing. There are only two possibilities: give up the task or raise the level of the task and ask the task publisher to increase funds, otherwise it will be If so, the $50 million will be confiscated by the black list. In the years since the establishment of the black list, giving up the task has never happened at all. Occasionally, people who improve the character level also happen. Although it is difficult, it is better than smashing their own signboard. " Wu Shengxiong's face showed a trace of joy when he spoke out his thoughts at one breath. In this way, Wu Yixin's matter can be regarded as a perfect solution.