Chapter 1757

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥
"Mr. Zhang, do you have any suggestions on the investment plan of Longteng group?" Jiang Yuyuan looks at him with a smile, as if she is really asking him for advice.


Zhang Daye was stunned and said, "Mr. Jiang, how do you plan to invest in Longteng group? It's hard for an outsider to talk nonsense."

"How can it be? Village head Zhang is really modest. Anyway, you are the village head of Dahu village. You know Dahu village better than us. We also want to ask for your opinions." Jiang Yuyuan still said with a smile.

In fact, for her, this is a rare learning opportunity.

Huo Mingwei once told her that although Zhang Ye doesn't know how to run a company or even how to run a company, his strategic vision can't be compared with that of anyone else. No one can see further than him about the development direction of a company.

Today, Jiang Yuyuan has been the first member of the investment department of Longteng group. It can be said that she is in power in Longteng group. It is no exaggeration to say that she is a working emperor.

But Jiang Yuyuan is not satisfied. She hopes to really integrate into the core layer of Longteng group. One day, she can even command the huge financial empire for Zhang Jia. She doesn't care how much money she makes or how much benefit she will have because of her power. She just wants to stand at the top of Longteng group and have a look at the different scenery.

Now, however, the person who created the financial empire is right in front of her. If she doesn't seize the opportunity to learn, she will be an idiot.

When Zhang Daye saw that she asked herself to talk about it again, he thought Jiang Yuyuan really wanted to plan her investment well, so he laughed. Anyway, it's no secret. Now he told them, that's to save some time for him.

"Well, since Jiang always wants to know, I'll give you my opinion."

After pondering for a moment, he said slowly:

"in fact, Dahu village has a superior geographical location, with its back against the mountain and its face facing the water. The surrounding mountains are like a pair of huge arms, holding the bright moon in the middle into his arms. In geomantic omen, there is a term called moon sweeping potential, which is an excellent place for geomantic omen. If someone found this place in ancient times, he would understand what it is It's an excellent burial place. Although it's impossible for an emperor to lie in, it's more than enough for a prince, a nobleman and a dignitary minister. "

"This..." Jiang Yuyuan was a little surprised. She thought Zhang Daye would say something about the strategic vision of investment, but she didn't expect him to say something about the feudal superstitious theory of tombs. She really didn't know how to express it.

Zhang Daye immediately found the embarrassment on Jiang Yuyuan's face and said with a smile, "Mr. Jiang, you probably haven't guessed the meaning of what I said."

"Mr. Zhang, I really don't understand." Jiang Yuyuan said with a bitter smile.

"In fact, this is very important."

With a slight smile, Zhang Daye continued:

"what can be handed down in China's five thousand year long civilization be underestimated? The theory of geomantic omen seems absurd, but that's because science can't quantify it. The ancients paid attention to the combination of heaven, earth and man, which is the principle of harmony between heaven, earth and man. The so-called geomantic omen refers to the theory of geomantic omen. If Longteng group wants to invest 2 billion yuan, how can we not consider this geographical advantage? "

"This..." Jiang Yuyuan was speechless and could only nod her head frequently.

"Well, Mr. Jiang, I think you must want to know how to invest the two billion yuan. In fact, after you understand the three principles of heaven, earth and man, things will become simple." Zhang Daye said with a smile.

"Oh? Mr. Zhang, how do you say that? " Jiang Yuyuan's eyes brightened and her spirit raised.

"Dahu village is a treasure land, but it has not been developed because of the inconvenient transportation. Therefore, Longteng group came to eat the first bite of cake, which is just the so-called time."

"It is." Jiang Yuyuan nodded.

"With dense forests and rich products, it is not only an excellent tourist area, but also can develop many green by-products. As long as Longteng group can grasp the opportunity, it will occupy all the land."

"Yes, yes."

"However, once the news of Longteng group's investment in Dahu village is publicized, all parties will be moved by the news, and a large amount of money will enter the surrounding area of Dahu village, and the amount will be more than 35 billion? So much capital has joined the big gear of the whole regional development, slowly promoting the economy of the whole region, so as to make the investment of Longteng group even higher, which is to occupy all the people. "

"The timing, the location, the people and the Longteng group are all occupied. Can you still make a loss in this investment?" Zhang Daye said with a smile.


Jiang Yuyuan finally took a breath and understood what Zhang Daye was saying to her.

Strategic vision!

This is why Huo Mingwei said Zhang Ye had a strong strategic vision.

These people are still thinking about how to invest the two billion yuan in their hands, and Zhang Daye has already begun to consider the reaction of all parties once the news of Longteng group's investment in Dahu village is disclosed.

And from his tone, it's not hard to tell that this is definitely not a matter of three to five years, but involves a huge industrial chain of ten or even twenty years.Just relying on a 2 billion investment idea, he can consider so many things, so far away things. What a terrible strategic vision.

"Mr. Zhang, what you said is really my inspiration. Now I want to dig you into Longteng group." Jiang Yuyuan laughs and makes a joke with Zhang Daye.

Dig Zhang Daye into Longteng group?

You're kidding.

The whole Longteng group was created by others. OK.

It's like someone said to father Ma, "Hello, I'd like to invite you to work as a project manager in a certain treasure.".

But anyway, the meal was very enjoyable and didn't go away until more than nine o'clock in the evening.

After returning to the hotel where she stayed, Jiang Yuyuan immediately gathered all the people to start the night fight and analyze the specific issues of the investment in Dahu village. She was full of confidence in the investment just after a meal.

However, Zhang Daye is no longer in charge of all this. He is the customizer of the plan, not the executor. For him, it is the most correct way to leave professional things to professional people.

Zhang Daye and Zhang Tianya had a tacit chat for a while, and then they went back to their hotel.

However, when he turned on his mobile phone, he found that there were seven or eight missed calls and four or five short messages, all of which were sent by Lin Mengqi.

What happened to Mengqi?

Is she in a hurry?

Zhang Daye was a little flustered and quickly opened the SMS.

"Asshole, where have you been?"

"Call me back quickly, you idiot. Are you looking for your woman again?"

"Ah, what are you doing, you big fool? Don't you know people are thinking of you?"
