Chapter 245

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥
People are wailing in their hearts, but in the face of such a cruel fact, they can only accept it. After all, what else can they do except continue to bear it?

Another family?

Are you kidding? After eating the delicious food of Weixiang, who can eat the food made by other chefs.

The diners went back to their seats dejected, but it was very strange that no one ordered new dishes. Instead, they naturally chose the delicious food they were used to on the menu.

But just now the new diner thought about it and said to Feng Yan, "swallow, I'll have a roast eggplant."

"All right." Feng Yan nodded with a smile, recorded the menu and turned back to the kitchen.

At this time, because of Geng Le's relationship in the kitchen, Zhang Ye has relaxed a lot. After all, this boy has a solid foundation. After Zhang Ye's guidance, most of the dishes in the local cuisine can be pre processed.

"Ono, a guest just ordered a new dish. It's braised eggplant." Feng Yan said with a smile.


It's eggplant.

Zhang Ye stands up with a smile and starts the challenge of new dishes with high morale.

Although he has never cooked this stewed eggplant by himself, he has never eaten less before, and he has thought about the main points of making this dish before.

The real way to cook eggplant is to highlight a word "quick", especially the word "hard". The fried eggplant can not be soaked by the soup when it is put on the table. If it becomes soft, it will fail.

In addition, the deployment of seasoning is also very particular. The acidity and sweetness must be appropriate, but not too rich, otherwise it will affect the flavor of eggplant itself.

However, Zhang Ye is not worried about these points at all. With his solid cooking skills and the secret seasoning inherited from the master of refining heaven, this is definitely not a problem.

Under Zhang Ye's sharp knife, the two round eggplants were cut into diamond shaped squares, and each eggplant was about the same size, showing his extremely accurate calculation power.

At this time, the oil in the frying pan is gradually getting hot, and a stream of green smoke comes out slightly. Obviously, it has reached the temperature of 70% to 80%.

It's too late!

The diamond shaped eggplant block was immediately poured into the oil pan by Zhang Ye, and the oil star splashed everywhere.

As he kept waving the colander in the pot, the eggplant pieces were gradually fried into golden color in the boiling oil, and a wisp of fragrance came out from the pot.

Geng Le looked at Zhang Ye's skilful movements, and he was surprised.

YeGe, is this really the first time to cook eggplant?

He didn't believe it, because in his eyes, Zhang Ye's every action was flawless and perfect.

But a question lingered in Geng Le's mind and finally came out:

"brother ye, don't you need to use slow fire to fry eggplant, why do you keep the oil temperature so high?"

Zhang Ye did not look back, turning the eggplant of his whole body seems to exude a confident light, calm voice came.

"Because for eggplant, controlling the temperature is the most difficult point. We should not only make the eggplant tender but also make sure it doesn't paste. In order to achieve these two points, we must ask the chef to ensure two very important points, the extremely high oil temperature and the temperature of the eggplant itself."

"Ah? I've never thought about that before. " Geng le was surprised.

"Later, you will gradually understand that the higher the oil temperature is, the more thoroughly the eggplant will be fried. Otherwise, if the oil temperature is lowered, the eggplant will be permeated with a greasy taste. However, the same problem is that the oil temperature is too high, which will make the eggplant surface paste. Therefore, the chef needs to continuously remove the eggplant from the oil, cool it down for a second, and then put it in, so as to ensure that the eggplant will not be fried And fried the eggplant until it was perfect. " Zhang Ye explained patiently, but the action in his hand didn't stop at all. He fished the eggplant out of the pot again and again, stopped for a second, and then quickly fell into the pot.

"So it is. Brother ye, you are so powerful. I can't master this technique now." Geng Le worshipped.

Zhang Ye calmly smile, and did not care about the compliment, but will have been fried to golden eggplant very quickly Sheng into the plate, standby.

After the difficulty of frying eggplant, the rest is much easier.

Zhang Ye poured the boiling oil out of the pot, but he didn't seem to want to reuse it at all. He left a little clear oil behind. Then he put in the scallion and garlic, and poured in the secret seasoning mixed with sweet flour sauce.

It's too late!

With the boiling out of the pot of water, thick sauce fragrance, Zhang Ye's hand quickly picked up the eggplant next to pour in.

Stir fry, stir fry, the red flame again and again in the pot around, the whole stove made a boom sound.

When the sauce was almost dry, Zhang Ye poured in the water mixed with starch. He hooked up the sauce and quickly put it on the plate.

In the scattered seats in the front hall of Weixiang, the diners were chatting with each other as usual. The most discussed issue was still the taste dispute between the chicken party and the meat party. However, some people were discussing the new dish that Zhang Ye finished immediately, namely, braised eggplant.Many of them are too familiar to be cooked, and they look at the new diner who ordered the eggplant with an old look.

New diners like Zhang Ye's skills, but after all, they have not come for a long time. They don't know that Zhang Ye is actually a chef who is seriously partial to his specialty.

Apart from the dishes on the menu, almost all of Zhang Ye's dishes are brand new, which is also the reason why the regulars refuse to order new dishes.

It's not that they don't trust Zhang Ye, but why do they make mice for others when they can enjoy the supreme delicacy that he has honed?

What's more, I have a mouse today.

The new diner is a 30-year-old young man who belongs to the middle-level management of an enterprise. His income is relatively stable, so he has the strength to taste in Weixiang for several days in a row.

In addition, there is a special significance of the eggplant he ordered today, that is to find a really delicious eggplant for his girlfriend, which is his girlfriend's favorite dish.

He hopes to propose to his girlfriend when she has the most delicious roasted eggplant, which he has planned for a long time.

However, when Feng Yan put this plate of roasted eggplant in front of Guo Feng, he was stunned, and then it took a second to confirm that the roasted eggplant in front of him was what he was looking for.

In the clean white plate, the oily and fragrant roasted eggplant emits the steaming heat, and the strong soy sauce aroma mixed with the faint oil fragrance, just like a small hand, gets into his nose.

The red sauce is poured on the eggplant pieces with some charred edges, which is like a touch of dark fertile soil in the north, while the tomatoes and green peppers dotted on the top half of the life show strong vitality.

The pungent fragrance is just like the voice of the sea demon, which hooks out all the greedy insects of Guo Feng.

"Is it really just a roast eggplant?" He looked at it as if he were staring at a work of art.


The rest of the diners watched eagerly, their Adam's apple wriggling.