Just in case, it was me. It was clear that the reason why she opposed going to the tailor was not because of her health, but because of their schedule.

‘You look tired.’

It didn’t mean that the process of measuring and matching clothes was annoying. (T/N: She’s being sarcastic.)

But God, it’s irritating enough.

In the eyes of Sienna, who was stuck tagging along, the gift of clothes did not come from pure goodwill.

“If you take off your clothes that don’t suit the grand public, the restrictions on your appearances in private events will be removed.”

If you are not a shame to be seen by others, various troubles would be awaiting for Sienna.

“I’m going to get a bunch of pretty clothes for you. You’re looking forward to it, aren’t you?”


Sienna crawled into the bed.

“I-I don’t think I’m feeling well, as you said. Please let me rest a little more…”

“Young Lady?!”

Instead of answering, Sienna flipped under the blanket. Mrs. Deborah tried persuading her from flipping over to the side of the small bed.

“No, you can’t! The Grand Duke called the tailor himself!”

Really? Sienna was surprised and disappointed.

She wanted to take the medicine off herself, who had been sickened from attending the important dinner table and had a horrifyingly heroic struggle.

Unfortunately, Michael and the Grand Duke are much better than I thought. It looked like she had to have a strong stomach.

‘I can’t believe I’ve been so mean and unresponsive.’

Why on earth did they hate her so much in the past? Because her talent is terrible?

“Come on, wake up!”

Unable to overcome Mrs. Deborah’s touch, Sienna stopped thinking and stood in front of the dress room mirror.

“It’s an honor to see you, miss. Now, would you like to come over here?”

Led by a tailor, Sienna stood on the main platform of the Tuleraint Room.

“What beautiful green eyes. Her hair is bright, so it’ll look like a nice gold in the sun.”

To be exact, it’s just grayish brown hair. And compared to Loreina’s fresh green eyes, Sienna’s was just a dark green with gray mixed in.

“Your skin is white, and you have a milky white texture too, so you look good in lemon or apricot or pink. Oh, my God.”

“Unexpectedly, you look good in red.”

“That’s what I’m saying. She’s a lucky lady. It’s not easy to match any color.”


The maid shrugged her shoulders with a proud look. But the tailor tilted her head.

‘That’s weird. What a dull look on her face.’

Usually, if a tailor came to you like this and gave you a lot of praise, no matter how self-contained a child is, they would always end up excited. But Sienna didn’t look too happy, let alone excited.

An expression that was dull, and looked like it was going to collapse if you touched it. Instead of a child, it almost seemed like she aged a decade more.

‘No, no of course not.’

She, who had been dealing with the aristocrats for a long time, knew well. What she had seen, heard, and felt in such a place should not be floating around. She even had to be careful about his own thoughts.

While the tailor was being careful with his words, Sienna stood on a small platform and glanced at herself in the mirror.

Loreina, who was standing on this beautiful platform, came to mind. Throughout her life, she enjoyed such wealth, and was so skilled and lovely.

However, it was not Loreina, but her, who stood on the golden platform and had herself reflected in the three-sided mirror.

A child who is still wearing shabby and rough clothes. A pale and thin complexion that seemed to be fresh from the orphanage.

…I felt like I was imitating Loreina on such a subject.

‘There are going to be a lot of misconceptions.’

The world had been going a little strange now, but Sienna was still Sienna.

If you live unnoticed, the world that was already moving will regain its original story.

By that time, Sienna planned to enter the academy quietly, maintain an ambiguous grade at around three percent of the total rankings, and then at the end join the regular army, where the full salary is adequate.

The more she thought about it, the more it was a perfect life plan. If her dreams of her humble life were just this much, no one would be willing to try and disturb her.

Just when Sienna was satisfied with the conclusion.

“Are you there?”

With a neat knock, a young servant appeared. He was holding a huge bouquet of flowers that overflowed in one arm.

“Oh, my God, what’s going on?”

“Don’t you see it, Mrs. Shue? It’s a bouquet.”

The man grinned and held out the bouquet of flowers to Sienna.


Sienna unexpectedly received a bouquet of flowers. Instead of being distant, she was excited instead.

The unusually red sunset-like color was enough to distract the eyes. The petals were gathered together to form a round bloom, which itself was very colorful.

It was only pretty as each and every one was chosen perfectly. A beautiful bouquet of flowers without any injury or damage…



It was very heavy.

On behalf of the weak Sienna, Mrs. Deborah instead gave her the card which was inside the bouquet of flowers.

“You have a card.”

Sienna received a card from Mrs. Deborah. It was written in a familiar handwriting.

– I pray for your recovery, Ashiel.


“The Young Master must have cared.”

“Oh, my God, it’s romantic… I’m sure he just spent at least one gold coin for one of these gifts.”

It looks like I’ve received at least 50 gold coins. I would have appreciated it if I had just gotten the coins directly.

Enter the military academy and commission.

However, it would not cost me any living expenses, so I just needed money, even if it was not urgent right now.

‘A flower that is not in kind, but less valuable every minute.’

Above all, it was a gift from Ashiel.

‘Huh? Wait.’

At that moment, there was a thought that passed through Sienna’s head.

“Hey, it can’t be that way. You’re having a dream that doesn’t fit you at all, so there’s no way you have the chance to be stuck near my brother.”


Suddenly, at this very strange time, I noticed why Michael hated her back then. It seemed that Michael had a ridiculous misunderstanding that she dreamed of marrying Ashiel.

‘Oh, my God, that doesn’t make any sense.’

Sienna, who became as detached as she possibly can to the world, was lost for a moment. How broad was his imagination to think of her in that way?

‘Is it possible that Loreina…?’

It wasn’t without impossibility. Loreina stole Sienna’s mana and secretly manipulated her actions with subtle ways of speaking.

It wasn’t strange that she used other kinds of tricks in the middle.


Since I was fooled by Loreina, I don’t think it’s possible to be close to her from now on and throw it to the back of my mind.

Rather, my head cooled down much more than before.

‘If you’ve been deceived once, you can be deceived again.’

There is one more reason for Sienna to get out of Nacht’s shadow.

First of all, what’s urgent now was the handling of this bouquet. Maybe it’s the source of trouble that can lead to useless misunderstandings.


“Please say thank you for the gift to His Highness. And…”

Fortunately, there were many people around today. The people who joined to assist the tailor, a maid and the Head Maid.

“I think it’s too pretty and there are too many flowers for me to just have by myself.”

“Oh, you want to share?”

This was important. She could have given the impression that she would rudely refuse the gift given by the young master.

“In the orphanage where I was, when I got a good present, it was always divided… Can’t we do that?”

“No way. Being generous is a virtue that one should have as a superior. It’s nice that you know even if I don’t teach you.”

Mrs. Deborah spread the bouquet of flowers on the table, praising Sienna for such a minor things.

Confrontation could lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and hostility from Michael, so it was almost like a curse in Sienna’s eyes.

As she began to break up the bouquet, Sienna quickly stepped in.

“I’ll do it.”

Sienna divided the number of scarlet flowers into bundles according to the number of people. (PR to QC: no such thing as dog hali flowers lol so I just put scarlet since it can’t be confirmed what exactly it is.

QC: Kekeke welp. Scarlet it is.)

“Thank you so much, My Lady.”

“Thank you!”

The maids were shocked, and could not hide their smiles and gratitude.

Flowers were a luxury. Anyone could have wild flowers grown on the street, but the common people had to go through a lot of hard labor to get these flowers that bloomed beautifully from the care of human hands.

There was no reason to refuse, as such pretty items could decorate rooms, or decorate hats or clothes, or drying them well for incense, or making colors made of pressed paint.

Anna, the tailor, also happily received the bouquet from Sienna.

‘I don’t know, but this type of flower probably wouldn’t be sold unless it was a noble with a certain level of status… Huh?”

Anna looked around. Everybody, up to the attendant who was assisting Mrs. Deborah, was given a bouquet of flowers. Except Sienna.

“Oh my goodness, but there’s nothing left for you.”

“I just need one thing.”


“I also got a card.”

It was a neat answer with no need to dig into it strangely. The maid just laughed happily at the young lady’s generosity.

“I got a very precious gift out of nowhere. I’ll have to pay him back… Benny, would you please open that trunk?”