
"Are you going to Zhenyu?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Shura and Gu Bulao both stood up, looked surprised and looked at Jiang Yun.

Originally, Jiang Yun didn't want to talk about his trip to Zhenyu.

However, he thought of going to the real domain this time. His life and death were uncertain. Even if everything went well, he didn't know when he would come back or whether he could return to the dream domain.

After all, the transmission power of the reversal array must only be one-way transmission.

You can only go from the dream domain to the real domain, not from the real domain to the dream domain.

Therefore, Jiang Yun decided to tell them. It's an explanation. Don't wait until they leave. They will think they were captured by three zuns.

"Yes, I have a way to go to the real world."

Jiang Yun nodded, but did not say that Liu Peng wanted to make himself go to the real domain by reversing renzun's array.

If master and Shura are worried about their own safety and don't want to go to Zhenyu, find Liu Peng first and stop Liu Peng, they won't be able to go.

Shura frowned and said, "do you know that if you go to the real domain now, you will be caught?"

"In addition, when you go to Zhenyu, is it to take the initiative to send yourself to sanzun, so as to exchange Xueqing for them, and let sanzun stop attacking Mengyu?"

Jiang Yun smiled and said, "where would I have such a naive idea!"

"Of course I want to save Xueqing and them, but I can't use this method."

"I went to Zhenyu not only to find a chance to save them, but also because my path of Taoism has reached the bottleneck."

"I think, I'm afraid I need to contact and understand the cultivation methods of Zhenyu, so that I can continue to break through."

Shura still frowned and said, "the real level emperors hidden in the four realms are all from the real realm. If you want to understand the cultivation methods of the real realm, you can directly find them."

"What's more, you have proved the power of the nine families. Don't you know enough about the cultivation methods of the real region?"

Jiang Yun shook his head with a smile and said, "that's different!"

"Others' is others' after all. We can refer to and learn from them, but it is far less than our own personal contact."

"In addition, Shura, don't forget that we are just creatures born in the dream. Even if there is no threat from the three zuns, we must find a way to jump out of the dream."

"Naturally, the only way is to go to the real world and see and experience what the real world is like."

Shura thought and said, "but you are a creature in the dream field!"

"When you enter the true realm, won't it disappear?"

As for the existence of mysterious people, Jiang Yun could not reveal that he would not disappear. He could only say, "I master the way of emptiness and reality, and it should not disappear."

"Well, Shura, you don't have to persuade me anymore. I've made up my mind."

Hearing what Jiang Yun said, Shura could only sigh and say, "you're right. I won't stop you."

"However, before you go to the real domain, you'd better find the Nine Emperors and nine families and learn about the real domain first."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I'll go, but it doesn't make much sense."

"It has been too long since they left the real domain."

"Over the years, the changes in the real domain must be earth shaking, not to mention vicissitudes."

Gu Bulao on one side suddenly said, "when are you going to go to Zhenyu?"

Jiang Yun replied, "it should be some time before I start after I solve the dream field as much as possible."

Gu Bu Lao smiled and said, "go if you want. I already said that heaven and earth are vast. My ancient not old disciple can go anywhere!"

"Moreover, you are the only one who is most suitable for going to Zhenyu."

Master didn't stop himself. Jiang Yun was not surprised, but the latter sentence made him a little puzzled and asked, "why?"

Gu Bu Lao explained with a smile: "if you are too weak, you will die in vain if you go to Zhenyu."

"Those with too strong strength, including the Nine Emperors, nine families and Shura, will be noticed by the three zuns almost immediately once they enter the true domain."

"Only you have good strength and excellent camouflage."

"Disguise?" Jiang Yun looked down at himself and said, "I can only change my face at most, but I may not be able to hide from some powerful people."

Gu Bu Lao shook his head and said, "the disguise I said is not a simple change."

"Your Shizu gave you the life blood of renzun, and you understand the rules of renzun."

"Later, I'll take you to meet your Shizu, cooperate with your Shizu's blood skill, and let him teach you how to disguise a friar in the adult domain."

"The three will not fight against each other's men. Even if you meet the men of the other two, you should be able to deal with them with your strength."

"So, if you go to Zhenyu, unless you see three zuns directly, no one should be able to find your true origin." Jiang Yun really didn't think about these. Now, after the master said so, he realized that he still had such an advantage“ So it seems that I should go to Zhenyu! " Gu Bu nodded and said, "well, you two talk. I have something to deal with. I'll leave first."“ Fourth, when you're finished, go to your Shizu. I'll wait for you there. " Jiang Yun didn't know what else master had to deal with and didn't ask. He sent Gu Bulao away with Shura. In the hall, only Shura and Jiang Yun were left. They looked at each other and smiled. Shura said, "why, you don't want to know what's going on with my Tathagata. Am I a nightmare beast?" Jiang Yun smiled and said, "when you want to say it, you will naturally tell me." Shura nodded and said, "I didn't want to tell you, but since you're going to the real domain, I'll talk to you!" Jiang Yun quickly pricked up his ears. He was really curious about the relationship between Shura and nightmare beast. Shura then said, "I'm not a nightmare beast, but I naturally have something to do with the nightmare beast. How to say, I can barely be regarded as a disciple of the nightmare beast!" Shura's words immediately stunned Jiang Yun and said, "are you the disciple of nightmare beast?" The Tathagata who created the bitter temple will be the disciple of the nightmare beast! Shura smiled and said, "it's not all right to say it's a disciple. At least I don't admit it."“ Simply put, the nightmare beast was originally an ordinary beast, living in the darkness outside the real world. "“ Even, it can be said to be confused, which you should understand. " Jiang Yun nodded. The nightmare beast was a demon. It was living in a muddle before it was born with complete wisdom“ But one day, the nightmare beast didn't know what was going on. He got something that should be regarded as inheritance and opened his mind! "“ This is the so-called Buddha Dharma! "“ You said before, "the Dharma is boundless, and you can't preach."“ Then you can think about it. The confused nightmare beast has obtained such profound Dharma. It's not easy to get to know. It's impossible to further practice and understand. "“ He can't ask others. He can only think about it by himself. "“ Until one day, sijingzang suddenly appeared near him. "“ Aware of the breath of living creatures and a large number of strong people in the four realms, the nightmare beast had an idea. Perhaps those living creatures and strong people could make him understand the Buddha Dharma. "“ Therefore, he quietly came to the place of Sijing Tibet and created a dream field based on Sijing Tibet! "“ At the beginning, there were no creatures in the dream field, but from the four realms, suddenly some creatures left and entered the dream field. "“ Do you know who these people are? " The light in Jiang Yun's eyes flashed and said, "ancient!"“ Yes, it is! " Shura nodded and said, "ancient, created some creatures."“ The nightmare beast learns through imitation, or maybe the ancient taught him how to create creatures. "“ Therefore, he gradually created some creatures with independent consciousness and independent thinking ability. "“ Next, the nightmare beast quietly sent the Dharma into the minds of the creatures he created, hoping that some of them can understand the meaning of the Dharma. "“ Among these creatures, I exist! " This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.