"This dry tree is really weird!"

After escaping for a few breaths, Xie Daozi suddenly opened his mouth and looked at the continuous ripples around him and Jiang Yun.

Now it is Xie Daozi who is running away with Jiang Yun in turn.

Although Xie Daozi had already exerted his full strength, the distance he ran out was not too far.

Because, every time he took a step, he could feel the huge resistance from the gaps in all directions.

Naturally, it is not difficult for Xie Daozi to find that those resistances come from the ripples around him that seem to be chasing the two of them.

These ripples seem to have no power, but in the process of spreading, they can continuously shrink the space.

It's like shrinking to an inch.

If Xie Daozi was originally able to take a thousand feet in one step, under the influence of Ripples, he can only take a thousand feet at most.

In this way, it is impossible for the two of them to escape.

The distance between the one and three people behind them is also getting closer and closer.

Dao Rang explained: "If the stem and branch god tree is regarded as a monk, then it masters the power of time and space!"

"This ripple can affect the space, so in front of it, you basically can't escape."

Jiang Yun told Dao Rang's explanation to Xie Daozi, and then continued to ask: "Is there no way for the predecessors to fight against the ripples of the god tree?"

"No!" Dao Rang said simply: "Before our origins, it was almost impossible for us to do it directly with each other."

"If we can do it, then why should we ask you monks for help."

Jiang Yun continued: "The god tree can stop us, but seniors can't stop Xiajiayi and them?"

Jiang Yun is now unwilling to fight against the Lord of Heavenly Stem and others.

Because although there is Xie Daozi to help, but Xie Daozi has not fully recovered his strength, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the Lord of Heavenly Stem and others.

Even if he really wants to fight, Jiang Yun hopes to at least wait until he successfully breaks through the situation, then he may be able to fight against them.

"No way!" Dao Rang sighed and said, "As I said, half of my power is used to help Xie Daozi repair the Tao's heart, and the other half is just used to help you and I cover up the breath."

For Dao Rang's answer, Jiang Yun frowned slightly, always feeling that the other party's attitude seemed to be indifferent to the ambush of the Heavenly God Tree on himself and others.

You must know that when he was in the realm of the righteous path, Dao Rang seemed extremely nervous when he was so different from the aura of the god tree, so he quickly hid himself.

But now, Daorang is not only no longer nervous, but also feels a bit like he hopes that he can fight the Lord of Heavenly Stem and others.

This naturally puzzled Jiang Yun.

If you are caught by the Lord of Heavenly Stem and others, is it possible that Daorang can still escape on his own?

"Jiang Yun, you can't escape this time!"

At this moment, Di Zun's voice came from behind, interrupting Jiang Yun's thinking.

Now the distance between the three of Earth Zun and Jiang Yun has been shortened to a hundred feet, and it is really only one step away!

Hearing Di Zun speak, Xie Daozi's eyes showed a decisive look and said: "Brother, I think that the person who is breaking through, it should take some time before he can really break through."

"So, instead of wasting our energy to escape, we might as well take the opportunity to fight these people first."

"If you can solve one, there will be one less threat later, what do you think?"

Jiang Yun also knew that it was impossible to escape, so he nodded and said, "Okay, but my strength is limited, I can only entangle one person at most, and the other two will trouble my brother!"

"Hahaha!" Xie Daozi laughed and said: "I didn't need you to take action, but since you can still entangle one, then I will be more relaxed."

"Let's go, you entangle one. After I solve the two, I will help you. We will solve it quickly!"

When the words fell, Xie Daozi had already taken the lead in turning around and facing Jiayi and the others.

Jiang Yun followed closely.

And the respect of the earth and the respect of people did not look at Huan, but when he saw that Xie Daozi was not escaping and fighting back at this moment, he invariably slowed down the speed.

These two are not stupid.

Although they don't know Xie Daozi, but the other party can take Jiang Yun to escape, it is not difficult for them to guess the strength of the other party, at least much stronger than Jiang Yun.

As soon as A saw Di Zun Ren Zun's retreat, it didn't matter, he just snorted and greeted him.

Xie Daozi's attack method is still the same way of killing evil and not invading, condensing countless heads with the evil path pattern, swarming towards Jia Yi and Ren Zun.

Jiang Yun split his brows, and Huang Quan appeared with the Inextinguishable Tree, and surrounded the Earth Zun.

Di Zun stood still, but the gap beneath him turned into a vast muddy swamp, and under the surging of countless mud, it was easy to completely flood the yellow spring.

The countless dead bones in it were instantly crushed into nothingness, and even the Inextinguishable Tree persisted for a few breaths before being submerged in the soil.

The Earth Venerable said with a smug look on his face: "Jiang Yun, isn't your strength improving very quickly!"

"I haven't seen you for so long, how come there is no progress!"

Although Jiang Yun has absorbed the Dao perception of the righteous world, his strength has not improved, and it is still only equivalent to the primary level of the source.

If it is in the realm of the righteous path, Jiang Yun can also borrow the power of monks such as the realm of the righteous path and Shen Muzi, but within the gap outside this realm, he cannot borrow any power.

The Earth Venerable's strength is already close to the middle level of the source, so it is not surprising that Jiang Yun's attack was broken by the opponent.

However, to say that Jiang Yun must not be the opponent of Di Zun, Jiang Yun does not think so.

As soon as he saw Jiang Yun's body, a mass of light waterfalls gushed out quickly, skyrocketing, and directly pulled the Earth Venerable into his own Dao world.


Jiang Yun's eyebrows were split open, and the three origin Dao bodies had stepped out, and the three Dao powers were released without hesitation.

Although Earth Venerable's strength is close to the middle level of the source, he is not a Taoist.

With his three origins, Jiang Yun did not say that he could defeat the Earth Venerable, but if he just wanted to entangle him and delay for a while, there would be no problem.

Even, with the action of the three origin Dao bodies, Jiang Yun's deity did not join the battle, but hid far away, and took out the sundial needle and sundial face of the sundial of the Great Wilderness from his arms!

Just now, Dao Rang said that the sacred tree of stems and branches has the power of time and space, reminding Jiang Yun that this great barren time sundial can also make people travel through time and space!

If he can figure out how to use the sundial of the Great Wilderness, then no matter how bad it is, Jiang Yun can at least take Xie Daozi to escape into other time and space first.

This process will definitely be dangerous, but Jiang Yun believes that since he was able to do it in the last reincarnation, he should also be able to do it.

What's more, his current strength is much stronger than his last reincarnation.

Seeing Jiang Yun taking out the Great Wilderness Sundial, Dao Rang couldn't help but said, "What are you doing!"

Jiang Yun didn't hide his purpose either, telling the truth. Daorang hurriedly stopped and said: "You are crazy, travel through time and space, how can it be so simple, you die in time and space, it is a small matter, but once the power of time and space spreads, it may spread to any time and space, even let any

Time and space collapsed directly, and all living beings disappeared. "

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I have naturally considered the consequences, and I also know the importance."

"Unless there is a certain degree of certainty, otherwise, I will not easily use the sundial of the Great Wilderness."

"That doesn't work either!" Dao Rang stopped again: "Even if there is a one-in-a-million chance of failure, you can't use the sundial of the Great Wilderness, hurry up and put it away."

Dao Rang's opposition to his use of the Great Wilderness Sundial was so violent, which was somewhat beyond Jiang Yun's expectations.

Dao Rang continued: "Aren't you just worried that you two are not their opponents, the Lord of Heavenly Stem, and might be caught by the Heavenly Stem Tree?"

"Don't worry, I'll show you a clear way to ensure that you can escape smoothly."

Jiang Yun asked: "What is the clear way?" Dao Rang said word by word: "The chaotic place you devoured by the Dao world!"

This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.