Flying out of the valley, I saw groups of people gathered there hundreds of kilometers away in the night sky. At the speed of the sun moon god wheel, soon Suli reached the sky where these people gathered, put away the sun moon god wheel and slowly landed.

There were people flying in the sky from time to time, so Su Li's appearance did not attract people's attention.

Perhaps because of the late night and early morning, although there are a large number of people gathered in this plain area, most of them sit cross legged and enter meditation. Among these people, there is a huge Dharma array with a diameter of about 100 meters, with spells engraved on the ground and shining brilliantly.

From time to time, someone will enter it and disappear in this huge Dharma array.

Su Li saw a crystal screen standing beside the giant Dharma array with a diameter of 100 meters.

He immediately looked at the crystal screen.

Like the crystal screen on the first floor, it has the words on the second floor of the sacred tower, which is divided into general list and monthly list.

Both lists are full of names.

It seems that it won't take much time to complete the challenge of the second floor of the holy tower, so the challenge was reopened during the day. In the early morning and late night, many people cleared the customs, which was shown on the monthly ranking list.

Su Li was not interested in the monthly list and stared directly at the top of the general list.

"Name: dark Xingyu, race: dark Protoss, number of clearance Hunting: 2741."

At the top of the list is the dark star of the dark Protoss, which makes Su Li have a strange feeling about the dark star. Look at the number of customs clearance and hunting behind. The challenge of the second level should be hunting monsters.

"If you want to kill 2741 monsters, you can be at the top of the list? My stone tools are just suitable for large-scale group killing..."

Su Li felt confident in this level. Looking at the second place, it was the magic Xumi of the real demon family, with 2536 hunts. The third place was the Guangming king of the Guangming family, with 2497.

Looking down all the way, I found that Wang Yao of the primitive race came last, and the number of people killed in customs clearance was 1852.

Seeing that from time to time someone enters the huge Dharma array and disappears, I understand that the challenge of the second level should be to enter the Dharma array. I can only guess that it is related to hunting monsters, but I don't know the specific details.

Seeing a group of old people gathered there not far away, he came over.

"Do you know what the challenge of the second level is?"

Suli asked. The group of old people looked at him, and most of them were stunned.

"Are you new?" one of the 30-year-old men said.

"Yes, I'm a newcomer who has just entered the second floor."

Hearing Su Li's answer, these people didn't think much. They thought he was a newcomer who entered here a few days ago. It was estimated that he was hunting monsters or practicing. He just arrived here now. It's normal to ask about the challenge rules of this level.

People never thought that he came in today. After all, today's customs clearance challenge of the sacred tower has only come. It is less than 20 hours. No one can enter the second floor today.

As an old Terran, the withered and yellow man didn't embarrass Su Li, but sat there and pointed to the huge Dharma array in the distance: "When you enter there, you will be sent to the place of challenge. Everyone who challenges will come out independently. The challenge content is very simple, that is, kill ten holy puppets in one minute, and the entrance to the third floor will be opened. You can choose to enter the third floor. Naturally, you can also choose not to enter and leave the challenge."

Another short haired woman said, "how many levels do you have now? These ten holy puppets are very powerful. The strength of each puppet is equivalent to a boundary breaker with super intermediate combat power of level 13. If you want to kill them completely in one minute, you must have super intermediate combat power of level 14 or super advanced combat power of level 13."

"In order to be safe, it's best to reach level 14. Of course, if you want to rush the monthly ranking, you must pass the semi holy threshold."

Su Li was stunned and said, "what is the semi holy threshold?"

When these people were stunned, the short haired woman smiled: "No, you don't even know the semi holy threshold? It seems that your strength is not good. We're talking about the 15th time of breaking the boundary. The 10th time is called the great breaking boundary. This great breaking boundary has been very difficult, but this 15th time of breaking the boundary is more difficult than the great breaking boundary. It's more than ten times more difficult. We're used to calling the semi holy threshold, because after passing this level, it's basically half holy."

"On the second level, the limit is the level of cultivating to reach the semi holy threshold. It is also the top group of characters here. They stay here basically to impact the monthly ranking list."

"Thank you, I see." Su Li smiled and nodded his thanks to the short haired woman and the yellow man.

He understood that the challenge of the second level should be to kill as many holy puppets as possible in one minute. Even if you pass the level, you can enter the third level, but if you want to enter the monthly list or the general list, you must kill more holy puppets. "

"In one minute, after killing 1852 holy puppets, you can enter the 10th place in the general list. It doesn't seem difficult..."

Su Li pondered slightly. With his stone tools, he could harvest hundreds or even hundreds of monsters at random. Moreover, the strength of the holy puppet was equivalent to the super intermediate combat power of level 13. In his eyes, such strength was basically vulnerable.

"As long as there are enough monsters, even if I kill 200 at a time, with stone tools, I can kill 2000 in ten seconds..."

Su Li is a little excited. If this rule is really like what these people say, it will be easy for him to hit the first place in the general list of this level.

"Forget it, go and experience it first. Anyway, you can withdraw at any time."

Su Li always felt that it was not so simple. Maybe there were other restrictions. If he restricted the use of stone tools, the speed of hunting monsters would be much slower.

While pondering, he followed the crowd and approached the huge Dharma array.

Seeing that someone entered and disappeared from time to time, Su Li no longer hesitated and plundered in directly.

As soon as he entered the giant Dharma array, there was a flash of white light around him. Su Li found that he was transmitted into a huge space.

This space is like a huge room, but it is not a wall around, but a white light wall, about 10 meters high, about 20 meters long and wide. Behind him, there is a small transmission array with a diameter of only one meter. At the end, there are two small transmission arrays with the same diameter of about one meter, but both transmission arrays are dim.

In this huge space, there are ten motionless puppets, about two meters high. They look like wood carvings, with a faint sacred atmosphere. Su Li opened his third eye and caught them. Their name is sacred puppets, and their level is level 13. The combat effectiveness evaluation behind them is superior.

At the same moment, all kinds of messages appeared in his mind.

Sensing this message, Su Li understood that he could leave here and return to the second level through the small transmission array behind him.

As for the two transmission arrays at the end, they will not be opened until he kills the ten holy puppets in front of him. Through the transmission array on the left, he can enter the third floor of the holy tower.

As for the transmission array on the right, it is to enter another space, where there will be more holy puppets. Obviously, this is prepared for those who challenge the monthly list or even the general list. After all, the more holy puppets to be destroyed within the specified time of one minute, the greater the probability of being on the list.

When the mirage was opened, Su Li took the stone tool in his hand and entered the state of the great heavenly demon dragon. He wanted to challenge how many sacred puppets he could destroy in one minute.

The message in his mind prompted him whether to challenge, and Su Li made a definite reply.

Immediately, the timing began, and the ten motionless holy puppets in front of him suddenly seemed to come alive and rushed towards him in a fan.

Compared with the challenge of Tongtian giant bridge on the first floor, this second level has a certain risk.

If you are careless, you may also be killed by the holy puppet.

Almost in an instant, Su Li waved the stone tool in his right hand, not even for a second, and a divine light shot out to destroy the ten sacred puppets.

Holy puppets are not real creatures. Destroying them cannot obtain the source of spirit.

Su Li's body kept moving. He glanced at it with a whew, and then came twenty meters away and entered the transmission array on the right, which had turned from dim to luminous.

The transmission array on the left also shines at the same moment. Obviously, the entrance to the third level has been opened. Now Su Li can enter the third level at any time. However, if he enters now, it also means that he has given up the reward of the second level.

Su Li went to the right transmission array, did not stop, and immediately appeared again in a new giant space.

The length and width of this huge space has increased to 25 meters, and there are 20 sacred puppets in it.

At the end, there are two transmission arrays on the left and right. The one on the left enters the third floor, and the one on the right goes to the next giant space to continue hunting.

When Su Li opened his third eye to observe them, he found that their level had changed to level 14.

"I see. Their strength is expected to grow slowly. No wonder they only killed more than 2700 even at the top of the general list... I was too optimistic just now..."

Su Li's figure was like electricity, and the divine light waved out. He broke the twenty holy puppets again. He swept his body to the transmission array on the right and entered the third giant space.

The space is 30 meters long and wide and contains 50 sacred puppets.

The level of the fifty holy puppets has changed to level 15.

A bright divine light swept across, and the sound of puppet fragmentation sounded. Although this group of sacred puppets has reached level 15, they are still not Su Li's opponents.

In Su Li's speculation, the strength of these holy puppets should be equivalent to a group of level 15 border breakers with superior combat power.

Even breaking into three huge spaces, the number of puppets killed reached 80, and Su Li only took five seconds.

In the sixth second, he entered the fourth giant space, which had become a hundred sacred puppets.

The shape of the holy puppet has not changed. Su Li checked their data level, and it is still level 15. However, their strength has become super advanced. Compared with the previous level, their strength has become stronger.

Su Li was still a divine light shooting across. In the crisp sound of Bo Bo, at least 70 or 80 holy puppets were exploded, and the remaining 20 or 30 holy puppets were far away and avoided.

As soon as Su Li's figure swept up, the second divine light swept out, blasted the remaining twenty or thirty holy puppets, and then rushed to the transmission array on the right at the end.

On this floor, he wasted two seconds.

The fifth giant space has become even larger, with a length and width of 50 meters, and the number of sacred puppets in it has increased to 200.

Their level is still level 15, there is no change, but their strength has become stronger.

When Su Li appeared, they had been able to send out a low roar, such as rainbow lights, darting into the air and rushing towards him. Every sacred puppet was carrying a breath of terror.

This strength has reached the top combat power among the level 15 border breakers.

If you are a border breaker with such combat power, you already have the qualification to become a saint.

Su Li took a deep breath. He finally understood why he only needed to kill more than 1800 holy puppets to win the general list.

He has only killed one hundred and eighty, and the holy puppet he is facing has reached such a terrible level.

With a long roar, Su Li swept up and the energy rolled out from his head. The third talent launched it to integrate this energy into the stone tools to enhance the power of divine light, and then waved it out.

The strength of these holy puppets is much stronger than before. Their power, speed and response are terrible.

Su Li's first divine light swept out, but he was avoided by most of the sacred puppets. One blow only blew up 40 or 50. He immediately waved and cleaved out, and soon destroyed 120 or 30 sacred puppets. The remaining 70 or 80 sacred puppets have scattered around.

If you want to lead to the next giant space, you must destroy all these sacred puppets, and the transmission array on the right will be opened. Although you know it will waste valuable time, there is no way. Su Li can only rush towards these residual sacred puppets and wave stone tools to attack and destroy them.

As a result, these remnant holy puppets are running away and he is chasing them. In this way, it will waste a lot of time to destroy them completely.

Finally, all the remaining 70 or 80 holy puppets were destroyed by him. Only at this level, he wasted 12 seconds. When he entered the sixth giant space, the one minute of customs clearance challenge had spent 21 seconds. At this moment, the number of holy puppets he killed has increased to 388.

In the sixth giant space, there are more holy puppets, the number has reached 500, but the strength of these holy puppets has been comparable to the level 15 destroyers with superior peak combat power.

Suli said nothing, still holding the stone tool, rushed in.