The bald man with dark skin and the woman with blond hair, white skin and blue eyes came from the western region of the five regions.

The bald man's name is McCullough and the blonde's name is Ellie.

The last man with a tiger back and a bear waist is kazasky, from the northern region.

All four of them have successfully broken through this month and obtained the qualification to enter the holy tower. Today, they will enter the holy tower together with Suli.

From time to time, people landed on the island. Su Li saw an old man in colorful feather clothes falling not far away with nine figures.

"Saint -" the old man saw Yuntang and immediately moved away, looking very happy.

"Tian Lao." Yuntang took Su Li's five people, walked over and said with a smile, "this is Tian Lao of Tian Ren family. You've come to see Tian Lao."

Su Li's five people saluted Tianlao. Tianlao laughed and said, "this is the Yuntang saint of the old Terran. You have also seen the saint."

The nine Terrans who followed him saluted Yuntang. They were still more respectful to Yuntang. After all, it was holy, but they looked at Su Li's eyes with disdain.

Now the old Terrans have little potential. It's not news. They are looked down upon by ordinary big families along with Suli.

"Are these five newcomers you sent this month? Yes, yes, you should be closer to each other. When you arrive at the sacred tower, you should remember to take care of them..." Tianlao smiled and told the nine people around him.

The nine strong people of Tianren clan bow down to the old man together.

Yuntang frowned slightly and walked towards the huge tower with Su Li.

At the moment, many people have gathered by the huge tower.

Not only did people from the ten ethnic groups come, but there were also many strange races that Suli met for the first time.

Among the races other than the ten races, apart from one lvlinbu race he has seen, there are other small races such as Tianhu and Moying, which are just vassals of the ten races.

In these small families, there is no God. Basically, there are only one or two saints and three or four saints.

At the moment, although the saint of his family brought them, there were few people, basically only one or two.

Including the lvlinbu, there are only three people this time.

The leader of the green forest cloth family is also a saint. When he saw Yuntang, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, but he hid it again.

Su Li saw the largest number of proto people. In addition to the first proto saint, there were nearly 30 strong people who had reached the great destruction.

In a short time, the number of the ten ethnic groups gathered here, together with the small vassal groups, has reached two or three hundred.

Yuntang turned his hand, took out five crystals and gave them to Su Li's five people, one for each.

"This is the passage crystal to enter the sacred tower. Without it, you can't enter. Remember to enter the tower later and hold them tightly."

Everyone nodded to understand.

Su Li heard the saints of all ethnic groups and was telling the newcomers of his family who were going to enter the sacred tower all kinds of precautions.

"In the holy tower, there are not only our top ten Terrans and their vassal races, but also many races, such as darkness, abyss, ice continent and so on... Especially the dark races, who are mortal enemies of our Terrans. As long as they encounter them, they will never die."

"Remember, it's better to start first and then suffer. You can't be soft hearted when you see these dark races."

Yuntang was also guiding Su Li and others. Su Li knew at this time that it was not only their ten families and vassal families that had entered the sacred tower, but also a large number of other races from the dark and even the abyss.

Su Li heard that Tianlao not far away was loudly teaching the nine Tianren strongmen of his family.

"Each layer of the sacred tower has a reward mechanism. As long as the customs clearance time can rush into the top ten and be listed on the list, you will get the reward of the sacred tower. This reward is very important and related to the sacred. The higher the ranking, the better the reward, and the greater the assurance of achieving the sacred in the future."

Su Li's heart moved slightly when he heard this, and then heard one of the Tianren men ask, "my Lord, how is the customs clearance time calculated? It starts from entering, and then ends after leaving?"

"That's not true. Each floor of the holy tower is divided into edge area and challenge area. The entrance to the next floor is in the central area of the challenge area. The time is calculated from entering the challenge area, then entering the central area and ending through the entrance to the next floor."

"As for the reward, there are two lists. One is the general list ranking, which is the General List Ranking of all those who have entered the holy tower over the years. You don't have to think about it. It's impossible. Now you have to compete for the monthly list."

When Tianlao said this, he gave a little pause and said, "today every month, the entrance of each major god holy tower will be opened, and new people of all ethnic groups will enter. Among these people, there will also be a new list. You can also get a reward if you try to rush into this new list."

These people were excited at this.

There is no confidence in the general list. For the same batch of newcomers, they feel that they still have hope to rush.

Yuntang told Su Li five people. Of course, her eyes almost fell on Su Li, full of expectation.

Finally, the opening time of the sacred tower came. People saw the 100 meter high tower and began to shine. The entrance door of the tower opened slowly, and the large array of circular runes around it was shining and rotating slowly.

"Open it, go in, don't humiliate us Tianren!" Tianlao encouraged the nine Tianren strongmen.

"We dragon people are the strongest." more than a dozen strong people who broke the environment of the dragon people shouted in unison, looking murderous and confident, and walked towards the sacred tower.

One after another, the strong people of all ethnic groups entered one after another. The five Suli people followed the strong people of the nine Tianren families and walked in along the entrance of the 100 meter high tower.

Inside the tower is a very magnificent space, which is also engraved with a circular spell array, which is shining at the moment.

The crowd entered the shining spell array and disappeared one by one.

Suli, holding the passage crystal of the holy tower in his right hand, walked into the front holy tower Rune transmission array with Li Yue, McCullough, Ellie and kazaski.

Su Li only felt that he was covered by an energy cage, and the passage crystal clenched in his hand was glowing and melting, and suddenly turned into a rainbow.

The passage crystal disappeared, and its rainbow wrapped him up and rushed to the top of the tower.

Su Li only felt a buzz in his mind. The scenery in front of him had changed and had left the internal space of the 100 meter high tower and appeared on a very empty land.

This land has plains, hills, rivers and huge rocks, and undulating mountains in the distance.

As soon as he entered, Su Li saw a large number of people around him. At a glance, there were at least thousands of people, almost all races.

These people, in groups, sit cross legged on the ground, lie on the rocks, meditate, or chat. Of course, more people are looking at them.

"There are new people again."

"I don't know if there are any powerful characters in this group."

"Don't worry, the people who come in this time period are basically mediocre. Don't report too much hope."

"This batch of people is so small."

The people around them looked at them as if they were looking at some strange animal, chatting and talking to each other.

There are two or three hundred newcomers of the ten major families and vassal families who have been transmitted here. At the moment, everyone is standing in a large array engraved with giant runes on the ground.

Of the two or three hundred people, many showed their weapons and equipment, looked cautious, and even prepared to fight and fight cruelly as soon as they entered.

The objects of fighting and fighting are either the strong of other races or all kinds of monsters.

However, no one would have thought that what they saw would be a strange scene in front of them. Their two or three hundred people would be surrounded by thousands of people like watching monkeys in the zoo.

Two or three hundred people, including Su Li, were stupid. As a result, they all froze there for a short time and didn't know how to react.

"Long Tao?" suddenly, a voice rang out among the people around.

Then a man stood up and walked towards Suli.

This is a strongman of the dragon people.

Among the two or three hundred newcomers who have just entered, one of the dragon people also said with a surprised look: "mentor? Are you here?"

He hurried out with surprise and surprise on his face.

The mentor in front of him is similar to the leader of the old Terran. He once guided long Tao and entered the holy tower a year earlier than him.

Long Tao didn't expect that he entered the holy tower one year later than his tutor. Now he even met him on the first floor of the holy tower.

After a year, the tutor still stays on the first floor?

Long Tao was surprised and surprised. The tutor of the dragon people waved and more than a dozen new people of the dragon people with long Tao hurriedly followed him.

Acquaintances from all ethnic groups came to meet each other.

Soon an old Terran woman came over.

The woman was very pale and had gray hair. When Ellie saw her, she was surprised: "Mapel?"

Ellie, too, didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here with an incredible look on her face.

"Come here and talk." Mapel nodded to Ellie and led them to a hill on one side.

Su Li looked at this scene, and some Zhang Er King Kong couldn't touch his head. He didn't talk to Li Yue, McCullough and cazaskie, and followed Mapel with Ellie.

Ellie was busy introducing the pale skinned Mapel with gray hair.

"She is my best sister, but she is much better than me. She broke into the holy tower six months ago. It's Mapel. You came here six months ago. Why are you still here now?"

In her imagination, Mapel was half a year earlier than herself, and now she wouldn't be on this floor.

Mapel looked at her and said, "there are a lot of people here who have stayed on the first floor for many years. I'm only half a year, and I'm still a newcomer."

She was stunned when she said this to everyone.

When he got to the hill, Su Li saw that around the hill, there were many old Terran people, men and women, mostly sitting on the ground and lazily lying on the top of the hill. Everyone was looking up at them.

"There are new people again..." the man who was lying lazily on the top of the hill slowly sat up, looked down at the five Suli people, and a rune appeared on his forehead. He was peeping at the information of the five people.

"Only five people came this month." another man in his forties smiled and said to Mapel, "do you know?"

Mapel nodded at him and said, "yes, Ellie is my best sister."

While talking, he said to Ellie and Suli: "this one sitting on the hill is our leader, called Duan Luochen. Later, he will also be your leader. Just call him leader."

Suli looked up at Duan Luochen sitting on the hill. He was a young man in his twenties. Although he looked lazy, there was a sharp light in his eyes. Although hundreds of old people gathered around the hill, in Suli's induction, Duan Luochen should be the most powerful of these people.

Luo Chen's eyes also fell on Su Li's face, because among the five newcomers, there was only Su Li's information, which he could not see.

Ellie trusted Mapel very much. Since she let herself call the leader, she called the leader.

But Li Yue, McCullough and kazasky stood there with their mouths closed.

Those who can enter here are at least the strong ones of the big destroyers. They are arrogant and won't easily convince the public.

The most important thing is that according to their knowledge, the first floor of the holy tower is generally level 10 or level 11 big destroyers. There is only one reason why this group of people have been here for so long.

These hostages don't have enough money to get into the second floor.

Seeing that only Ellie called her leader, Duan Luochen smiled, which seemed to have been expected by him.

Which group of newcomers just entered here is not like this?

"What's your name?" Duan Luochen suddenly looked at Su Li and asked.

These five newcomers, only Su Li's information can't be seen. He is a little curious about Su Li.

Zurich was about to answer when a sharp scream came not far away.

Everyone was attracted and looked over there.

It was a newcomer of the Moying clan who had just entered. In front of him stood a woman of the Tianren clan. The woman was wearing a feather coat. Although she had been here for a long time, the feather coat still seemed a little dust-free.

She held a snow-white sword in her right hand. The sword split off and directly split the newcomer of the ink Eagle family.

Blood splashed all over the ground. The newcomer of the ink Eagle family, the level 10 destroyer, had no resistance and was killed at one blow. His wide open eagle eyes were full of horror and despair before he died.

All kinds of healing and immortality treasures he owned failed. The wound of his split body was shrouded in snow-white light. It was this snow-white light that invalidated his healing treasures.