The long-term consumption of ground berries can strengthen the body, while the role of Lingyuan fruit is to eliminate mental fatigue. Long term consumption can nourish the soul and strengthen the spiritual power.

This makes Su Li very happy. After all, his third talent is related to spirit. If he uses it for a long time or overload, he is prone to mental fatigue, which will even be damaged. If he has this Lingyuan fruit, he can eliminate mental fatigue, and if he eats it for a long time, he can nourish strong mental strength.

With enough energy supply, the Lingyuan tree grew very fast, half a meter high in just a few days.

According to the previous experience of ground pulp fruit trees, it is estimated that mature Lingyuan fruit will be produced in less than half a month.

After busy, Su Li is ready to rest. Unexpectedly, Xu Xuehui comes to him.

"Girl?" Su Li was surprised to see Xu Xuehui. Before, naluo zhanjian was supported by everyone, like the stars supporting the moon. Only Xu Xuehui was absent. Until now, she appeared to look for him.

"Luo zhanjian... Not him."

When Xu Xuehui saw Su Li, she suddenly said something inexplicable, but Su Li was moved and immediately understood that in addition to herself, Xu Xuehui also saw Luo zhanjian's problem.

"I know." Su Li nodded slightly.

This time it was Xu Xuehui's turn to be stunned. It was obvious that Su Li had known the secret.

She didn't dare tell anyone the secret. Until now, she came quietly to Su Li and was going to tell him in private.

"However, don't say it casually, otherwise he's afraid of danger." Su Li had a slight worry on his face, and he didn't know what Luo zhanjian had lost.

Xu Xuehui nodded, um, and whispered, "I'll just tell you."

Su Li pondered slightly and said, "can you see what occupies his body?"

Xu Xuehui gestured with her hands and said, "it's a huge... Tree."

"Tree?" Su Li was stunned and thought that Luo zhanjian's current set of monarch equipment was wooden. Just when he performed the circular array, a large number of ivy plants also appeared. Is the green light mass occupying his body related to the tree?

"Girl, can you make it clear what kind of tree it is?"

Xu Xuehui thought for a moment and then said, "a withered... Dying tree is full of wormholes. The tree is eaten away by insects, and its roots are rotten... It's dying..."

In Xu Xuehui's description, a withered ancient tree in the sky came to Su Li's mind. Although the tree has gone through a long time, it is now completely eaten by insects, its roots are rotten and will die.

Even, he could vaguely hear the earth like cry from the tree.

This ancient tree is dying.

In Su Li's mind, he thought of the green light he had sensed before. The energy contained in it was like an endless ocean, but the breath of life could be cut off at any time.

Isn't this feeling very similar to the withered and dying tree described by Xu Xuehui?

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly lightning appeared outside the window. Su Li looked out through the window and found that lightning appeared from time to time in the dark distant sky.

Then there was the rumble of thunder.

"It's thundering. I'm afraid it's not going to rain tonight." Su Li felt that the weather was very dull before. Now there are lightning and thunder in the sky. Nine times out of ten, it's going to rain tonight.

Xu Xuehui also grabbed the window and looked out.

"Girl, go back and have a rest. Remember what I said and keep it a secret."

After seeing Xu Xuehui off, Jiang shuijue came in. Just now, because Xu Xuehui wanted to talk to Su Li alone, Jiang shuijue had to avoid and leave the room temporarily.

Although she was curious about what Xu Xuehui said to Su Li, Jiang shuijue was very sensible and refrained from asking. After all, since Xu Xuehui was only willing to talk to Su Li alone, she naturally didn't want to let her know about it.

"The sky outside is a little scary, with lightning and thunder. I'm afraid the rain will not be small tonight."

Jiang shuijue looked at Su Li with some worry and dissatisfaction in his eyes. He said, "you haven't told me where you've been these two days? How can you leave without saying goodbye?"

Su Li whispered, "I want to make a breakthrough early, so I've been looking for a monster's nest outside these two days, which makes you worried."

Looking at Jiang shuijue, Su Li apologized. She must be worried about herself these two days.

"By the way, you have followed Luo zhanjian to look for ancient relics these two days. Have you got any big harvest?"

Jiang shuijue shook his head with a smile and said, "I didn't get much. Brother Ding is very powerful. Now he has awakened his talent and has been blowing in front of us for a long time."

Su Li thought of Ding Longyun's character and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. If he didn't boast, it wouldn't be him.

After turning his hand over, he took out a communication crystal obtained during the killing of the 20 chaotic guards and handed it to Jiang shuijue, saying: "This is a kind of communication crystal. Take it. It's a little like the mobile phone we used before, but it can't talk in real time like the mobile phone. It's a little delayed. With this, it's convenient to contact. Even if I'm not with you, you can contact me through it."

Jiang shuijue happily took over the communication crystal and immediately began to integrate into his body.

Su Li has a total of five communication crystals, which have been set in advance, so Jiang shuijue integrates the communication crystal into his body and can use it immediately.

Out of curiosity, she tried to use the crystal and fed it a few times.

Su Li immediately felt a message in his mind, prompting him to receive a message.

When his left hand turned over, the crystal he fused appeared, and then Jiang shuijue's voice came out.

"Great." Jiang shuijue listened to his voice and smiled excitedly.

Speaking of this, another thunder sounded. Su Li put away the crystal and came to the corridor outside. Looking up, he saw that lightning appeared from time to time in the night sky, tearing the dark sky. The thunder sounded very scary.

With lightning and thunder, soon, it rained heavily, and the whole Shoude city was immediately shrouded in heavy rain.

Many people are not asleep. They are watching the heavy rain outside at the moment.

It seems to be the first heavy rain after coming to Shoude city.

It rained heavily, but the lightning and thunder in the sky did not disappear or decrease, but became more and more intense.

This situation has attracted a lot of attention.

"There's something wrong with the thunder and lightning." Su Li also frowned.

Jiang shuijue was close to him. He felt that Su Li was around him. He seemed speechless. Hearing what he said, he casually said, "what's wrong?"

Suli murmured, "it's too fierce..."

At the edge of the corridor, Gong Xiao suddenly came over, and then Ding Longyun and Xu Haihai also appeared.

Obviously, the violent and abnormal lightning made everyone unbearable.

"Brother Su, there's something wrong with the situation tonight." Xu Haihai said, followed by Zhou Li behind him.

Su Li gave a sound and looked up at the sky under the rainy night. He saw that the lightning was flashing in the dark sky. Gradually, the lightning seemed to tear open the dark sky and show a huge dark crack. Vaguely, Su Li seemed to see a fuzzy shadow from the dark crack.

This scene seemed familiar. He thought of the dark forces invading the base that day. When they left the base, they also saw a crack in the sky. From the crack, they seemed to see two fuzzy shadows fighting. Although the crack only appeared for a moment, it still gave people a very shocking feeling.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, lightning and thunder, heavy rain, at the end of the sky, the space crack appeared again.

Moreover, the sky crack this time did not disappear in a moment like the last time. Although the crack this time disappeared at the same moment, it soon reappeared. Moreover, looking at the place where the sky crack appeared, it showed a strange feeling of slowly approaching Shoude city.

Not only Su Li noticed, but also Jiang shuijue, Gong Xiao and others. At the moment, Ding Longyun couldn't help shouting: "have you noticed that the cracks in the sky seem to be getting closer and closer to us? Do you have such a feeling?"

Xu Haihai's face was very dignified and said, "yes, this situation is very wrong."

At the moment, many people in Shoude city were awakened and were watching the strange scene suddenly appeared in the sky.

Not only in the North District, but also in the other three districts, Wang Tianxian, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong and Yu Chengcheng, all looked up and watched the change in the sky. Everyone looked very dignified and had a faint feeling that there was a disaster, but no one could tell what kind of disaster it was.

At the moment, at the junction of the north and west districts of Shoude City, there is a building near the bank. On the first floor of the building, there is a living room, in which there is darkness. At the moment, Luo zhanjian is sitting in the darkness.

Before, on the roof, he and Su Li tested each other's depth. Su Li's third talent suddenly started and hit the green light in his body. They were each injured. Su Li's head bled. Luo zhanjian also suffered a loss. After leaving a word, he immediately jumped off the roof.

However, he did not leave Shoude City, but returned to his place of residence.

After returning to Shoude City, Luo zhanjian did not live with the people, but chose a place close to the junction of the north and west districts on the shore. It was cold here. His reason was that he didn't like to be disturbed when sleeping.

At the moment, in front of him, stood a man.

With the help of lightning from time to time outside, we can vaguely see the man's appearance. It is Li Zhengyuan, the inspector in charge of this area of Shoude city.

Lu Xue's attack on Su Li was his report to tan HongRi. At the moment, Li Zhengyuan, a dignified inspector, stood in front of Luo zhanjian with a respectful look. Even in front of his immediate boss Tan HongRi, he would not be so.

The whole base can make him have such an expression, about only the nine Supreme officers of the base, but now he shows such an expression to Luo zhanjian.

Luo zhanjian didn't seem to see Li Zhengyuan standing in front of him with a respectful face. Instead, he coughed gently. He had just fought with Su Li. He was injured. Now, the injury is recovering, but the recovery speed of the injury is a little slow.

"It's a good trip to Shoude city. I really found him... Nine times out of ten, he's not wrong..."

Luo zhanjian narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked his chest gently, and his face showed a trace of meditation: "this son has some special power, which is very rare. After hurting me, the recovery speed of the injury is so slow..."

"Sir, are you all right?" Li Zhengyuan looked at Luo zhanjian coughing gently, with a worried look on his face, and was busy asking respectfully.

Although the room was dark, the lightning outside was getting denser and denser. The light from the lightning reflected Luo zhanjian's face, bright and dark.

"I'm fine. You all go."

Li Zhengyuan was stunned and said, "my lord..."

Before he could speak again, Luo zhanjian slowly stood up, stared at the night sky outside, and murmured, "when I came here from the base, I still couldn't hide and act against the sky. This is my robbery. You can't help. Go back!"

After Luo zhanjian finished, he suddenly disappeared here and rushed into the pouring rain. His figure ran straight towards the North District. His goal was the area where Su Li was now.

"Su Li, you don't want to die... At least until I'm completely."

Luo zhanjian's whole body is covered with Lingyuan equipment, releasing a strong grass green brilliance. In the night, even the pouring rain can't hide this dazzling brilliance.

Above the void, the lightning became more and more huge, and the crack of the void continued to approach the sky over Shoude city. Finally, there was a huge dark crack that appeared less than four or five hundred meters above Shoude city.

More than 30000 people in Shoude city were completely awakened. Looking up at this terrible scene, they were shocked.

In this huge crack, people saw the dark energy surging. It poured down along the crack, just like a dark waterfall hanging down. In an instant, the whole Shoude city was divided into two.

"Boom" was a loud and earth shaking sound. Where the dark waterfall fell, buildings collapsed in an instant. The people in the building had no time to react. As soon as the building took off, the ash went out.

With this blow, at least thousands of lives were lost. Almost all the living people were crazy under the shock and fear. Then the first reaction was to rush out of the building desperately, ignore the pouring rain outside, and run away madly. They only hated that their parents had two legs less and fled far away from the dark waterfall.

Zurizheng gathered with Jiang shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun and others. When they saw the power of the dark waterfall falling in the distance, they all took a breath.

Where the dark waterfall fell, it split along the junction of the north and West. Then Suli saw a grass-green human light and shadow coming towards them at a high speed.