Tan HongRi, Ling Yun, Xu Tianyu and Cui Tao, who had just rushed close, suddenly suffered the energy impact raised by the dark light column. They were worse than Mo liudao. They directly roared and flew out in the back, with blood gushing from their mouths.

The hall became a mess, and a large number of chairs were shattered, unable to escape the area shrouded by the dark pillar of light, and immediately broke into pieces.

The three base officers standing on the second floor, those forgotten Terrans and the dead on the third floor, all stared at this moment and looked shocked.

No one thought that the change was so amazing. The energy rising into the sky was appalling. The clouds in the sky changed their color and became as dark as ink.

Su Li saw the opportunity quickly. First, he took Jiang shuijue and Xu Xuehui and fled. Then, he heard a terrible noise and saw a dark light column breaking the top of the auction house, rising into the sky, rendering the clouds above black in an instant.

This change is soul stirring.

Mo liudao was so shocked by the terrorist force that he knocked open the wall of the building and fell out heavily. Then he looked up and saw many panicked newcomers such as Su Li. His mouth was full of blood and shouted, "get out of here quickly -"

He knew that it was about to become a terrible battlefield. Feeling the terrible dark energy fluctuation, he had vaguely understood what was going on.

The dark military training ground, the power of the dark corner, was attached and hidden in Lu Xiaojie's body. It was dormant until today, the dark broken knife appeared, and it finally started.

This dark corner is the dark force falling from the high-level struggle. How can they be enemies no matter how strong their guides are?

Just in the central area of the dark light column, even super strong people such as guides or inspectors will fly ash and smoke out once they are hit.

Mo liudao was lucky that he was just at the edge of the energy raised by the dark light column, so he was blown out by the energy.

Although he was badly hurt, this injury didn't matter to him. Even if he was torn apart, he could recover in an instant as long as he didn't die on the spot.

When the healing treasure in the body was launched, Mo liudao immediately recovered from the heavy damage he had suffered and breathed out a breath. Just after the dark light column hit, he was seriously killed and injured. I don't know how many people died in a short time.

The whole auction house building was shaking and shaking. The nearby base residents were evacuating. Everyone knew that something big had happened.

This dark pillar of light, which has been shaking the whole base for a long time, has an incredible power.

In the building of the auction house, lights rose up and kept hitting the dark light column.

Whether it's the high-level undead, the forgotten Terran, or the three officers from the base, they all shot at the moment.

Su Li, with Jiang shuijue and Xu Xuehui, retreated far away and watched the wall of the auction house collapse with cracks.

Almost all of the auction houses that are still in the auction house are super strong. How powerful they are when they shoot together.

Su Li saw a lot of light released from the broken wall of the auction house. These lights have different colors, including fiery red light representing the power of fire, blue lightning walking on the surface of the building, such as thunder snakes, translucent hurricanes sweeping, and Water Dragons shuttling back and forth.

In the roar, the most magnificent auction house building in the area collapsed.

You know, the construction quality of this auction house building is different from that of ordinary urban buildings. Its firmness and flexibility are far beyond imagination. Even ordinary shells are difficult to destroy it, but at the moment, it can't withstand these terrible energy explosions. It falls down like tofu and finally collapses completely.

Su Li, with his two women, had fled a kilometer away. Looking back at the rear, he saw that with the complete collapse of the auction house, the dark pillar of light was converging and disappearing, but there was a huge dark array on the ground of the collapsed ruins of the auction house.

The dark Dharma array seemed to be branded on the ground, and complex and difficult spells floated on the surface. Su Li looked at it, but he felt familiar, and suddenly remembered that this was the spell array engraved on the dark Dharma stone?

Thinking of this, Su Li suddenly understood that all this today is related to the dark military training ground?

He thought that Lu Xiaojie had also entered the dark military training ground with them that day, and thought of the dark heart he had obtained and wanted to occupy his body. Thanks to his third talent and stone tools, he broke the dark heart, absorbed all its energy for his own use, and became the nourishment of the third talent.

"Can it be said that after entering the dark military training ground that day, some dark creature quietly occupied Lu Xiaojie's body? Until today, I don't know why, maybe it was premeditated, or it took a fancy to the dark broken knife and suddenly broke out. Now there is a spell similar to black magic stone. What is it to summon..."

Su Li understood that the function of the dark magic stone was actually equivalent to the transmission array. After the dark light column converged, the spell array of the dark magic stone was branded below. Then he heard a terrible roar. Then, black matter expanded outward from the spell array, accompanied by a sharp and terrible roar. Soon, A dark creature jumped out of it.

Su Li has always opened the "peeping Rune pattern". He can see at a glance that it is a dark military division. It is a rare beast general in the dark forces that has evolved to level 20, the dark military division.

For Su Li, once rare animals represented death and fear, but now rare animals will be seen in his eyes, but they are nothing.

The rare beast at the same level is only equivalent to the top of the "inferior" combat power among the strong human beings, and can't even reach the "medium" combat power.

As soon as several level 20 dark military divisions climbed out, they heard a bang and burst again, but the dignified supervisor shot.

At the moment, the supervisor is covered in a set of golden armor, with bright golden luster flowing through his body. With a huge golden blade in his right hand, he is like a golden God of war, majestic and unpredictable.

Su Li opened the "third eye" and captured the information of the supervisor from a distance.

"Name: Crazy warrior, level: level 20, talent: brain exploration, psychic eye, treasure: Gold scroll, weapon: gold · gold sky knife, combat effectiveness evaluation: first class."

Sensing this information, Su Li was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the supervisor had dual talents, but to his surprise, he had dual talents, and his combat effectiveness evaluation was only superior.

Of course, Su Li knows that if he wants to break through the "superior" and obtain the "superior" evaluation, he is indispensable in all aspects, such as talent, treasure, equipment and combat consciousness. All of them need to reach the top level.

Although the supervisor has dual talents, he still can't reach the "super" level. Obviously, there are still deficiencies in some aspects.

Of course, as a dual talent, his combat power is definitely the top among the "superior".

With the move of the supervisor, some guides and inspectors, including several forgotten Terrans, fought together to erase the dark spell array.

Su Li thought of the dark broken knife that was said to have been stained with divine blood.

Just after this scuffle, the dark broken knife didn't know where it flew.

At this time, a dark tentacle appeared, in which the dark broken knife was rolled. It was obvious that the dark light column had just blasted Mo liudao, and the dark broken knife was still taken by the dark tentacle.

At the moment, the dark tentacle rolled the dark broken knife and suddenly split out in the air.

With a "clank" sound, the supervisor, who was covered with gold armor, hit the dark broken knife head-on with the golden sky knife in his hand, and burst into a golden light, and his mouth gave an earth shaking rage.

In the body, the golden light sources exploded endlessly.

The guides and inspectors who felt his power couldn't help stopping.

"Worthy of being a supervisor!" Ling Yun couldn't help sighing.

"Although the strength of Lord Zhu Gaozhi is not to break the environment, among the strong men of level 20, I'm afraid it's difficult for anyone to be stronger than him." Xu Tianyu also nodded slightly.

Tan HongRi took a breath and said, "the first of the best is not a false name."

Although Zhu Gaozhi, the supervisor, is the "superior" combat effectiveness evaluation of level 20, almost everyone in the base recognized that he is the first strong in the "superior" combat effectiveness of level 20. Although he failed to get the "superior" evaluation, he is infinitely close to the "superior".

Cui Tao said: "it's said that Lord Zhu can break the territory at any time, but he doesn't want to. He wants to sharpen himself to reach 'superior' combat power before breaking the territory. Look, it's fast."

Seeing Zhu Gaozhi carrying the dark broken knife, which is known as an ancient relic, with the golden sky knife, everyone stopped.

They are in awe of the supervisors among the nine officers of the base, not only because Zhu Gaozhi is one of the supervisors and can supervise them, but also because of Zhu Gaozhi's strength.

No one dares to offend the legendary existence of breaking the territory at any time like him.

Unless the other party is a character who can break the environment, such as Mo liudao or Xu Tianyu.

In contrast, the tax officials and finance officials, who are also nine officers, although one is responsible for collecting money and the other is responsible for managing money, have huge money, but these guides and inspectors do not pay special attention to it.

After all, there are only three guides and one inspector leader in a province. They are equally powerful. They are directly responsible to the executive officer and really don't pay much attention to the tax officer and the financial officer.

Zhu Gaozhi just blocked the dark broken knife, and a dark tentacle suddenly appeared below.

The tentacle came too quickly. With a whew, it hit Zhu Gaozhi hard in an instant.

Zhu Gaozhi hums and rolls in the air, flying 100 meters away.

Closely following the dark Dharma array below, dark tentacles appeared one after another, and a giant struggled to climb out.

Ling Yun, Xu Tianyu, Cui Tao, Tan HongRi and others shot one after another. Mo liudao recovered and even played magic powers towards the dark tentacles.

Behind Tan HongRi, a small sun rises. The strong light of the sun seems to tear the darkness in front of him. This is the strongest power he holds, the Solar Divine power.

Xu Tianyu is in a broken state. In just one day, his strength has risen by less than half. With the speed of light moving and the treasure Prajna, a dark tentacle pulled out enters the area controlled by Prajna and sinks suddenly. It seems that he has suddenly borne the heavy pressure of hundreds of millions of pounds. This dark tentacle began to break inch by inch.

Lingyun launched the talent arhat golden body and summoned the god Buddha to come. The treasure and talent were combined. A golden Buddha palm engraved with patterns fell from the sky and pressed down heavily with terrible power.

Su Li and many other newcomers gathered a kilometer away and watched the battle of the auction house from a distance. Su Li opened the "third eye" and soon captured the information of the fat Cui Tao.

"Name: gun shield man, talent: Food heaven, treasure: heart of blending, weapon: fire · flame divine gun, combat effectiveness evaluation at the same level: first class."

Su Li caught the information and felt a move. The fat man's talent is interesting. What's the food heaven? Is it because of this talent that he likes to eat so much and is so fat?

Then he caught the information of the monster with dark tentacles.

"Name: dark disseminator. It is the embodiment and apostle of darkness. It can spread the doctrine of darkness to every corner of the world. After accepting the doctrine of darkness, it will be assimilated by darkness and become a dark creature."

The first reaction to this message is that the dark communicator is no small matter.

The dark disseminator with a large number of dark tentacles finally struggled out of the dark Dharma array.

It looks like there is no fixed form. There are dark tentacles above it, and below it is like a flowing black liquid, constantly flowing and wriggling.

Those dark tentacles are crazy to pull out in all directions and fight against so many super strong people around with their own strength. It is conceivable that what level has the strength of the dark disseminator reached?

Although the dark tentacles have been cut off or destroyed by people, new dark tentacles have been born from the black liquid under it. It seems endless.

After the dark disseminator appeared, the dark Dharma array poured out dark creatures again.

The dark creature appeared this time, with a body up to four to five meters high, dark all over, covered with thick dark armor, holding a battle axe in his hand. As soon as he appeared, he opened his mouth and made an earth shaking roar.

Su Li opened the "peep symbol pattern" from a distance and immediately caught its message.

This dark creature covered with thick dark armor, named dark commander, is a level 20 King beast, and it is also the top existence in the monarch.

Monarchs at the same level can match the "superior" combat power at the same level, and the top monarch is equivalent to the top power in the "superior".